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1、精品文档精品文档2)3)4)5)6)7)8)9)For only one of them is v That is one of the mShe endeavoursHe tooled (驾驶,操纵)differences力图) to keep things nskillfullyus and our enemies (敌人) . in her apartment (公寓) .有技巧的) along the p .pursuit (追求) , he says. me.betweenThis album (专辑)is pure (纯粹的) She hit at me, but I didnt

2、let her tThe nurse will not a the boy run until his leg is better. our praise (表扬) and thanks.absorbs( 吸收 ) water.They d10 ) Dry s、 语法 1写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词。(1) lend (4)ri ng (7)begi n (10)refuse 2. 选择题( 2*15 )( 1 ) Yesterday I the cinema with my friends.A. going to B. go to C. went in D. went to(2) The

3、girl a book in the garden, while a boy ran to her. A. was reading B. is reading C. reads D.(3) He until it stopped raining.A. leave B. left C. don(4) She eats breakfast every morning.A. didB. never C. never not D. nevers(2)send(5)spoil(8)is2*10)(3)bear(6)steal(9)gois going to read t leave D. didn t

4、leave新概念2Lesson1-10能力测试(满分:125分)姓名:分数:一、 单 词1. 根据中文意思和音标写出对应的单词。(2*10 )(1) ,k aiv?se?i谈话(2) Qt?剧场,戏院( 3)b?zn?s事,生意(4) ant姑,姨,婶,舅母(5) p?s(t)k a?d明信片(6) miu?z?ml博物馆(7)we?t?服务员(男)(8) f?m商行,公司(9)p?d?n鸽子( 10) beg ?乞丐2. 根据句子的意思填写适当的单词,单词首字母已给出。(所填单词均为 1-10 课内容1*10 )( 1 ) The d turned up some new clues(线索)

5、 to the case(案件) .(5) They just to New York.A. are, going B. have, gone C. will, go D. had, gone(6) Jane goes to school bicycle.A. inB. ofC. byD. at(7) My clock always work.A. do not B. does not C. did not D. dod(8) - cold the weather is !- Yes, I m frozen.A. What is B. What C. How is D. How(9) When

6、 I was 10 years old, my grandfather taught me English.A. a lot B. lotC. a little D. little(10) Ann is a kind girl so she has friends.A. a great much ofB. a great number ofC. the much ofD. the little of(11) Tom is in Australia. How long there.A.is heB. was he C. has he been D. has he(12) If it is rai

7、ning today, we will visit the museum day.A. other B. the other C. others D. another(13) - does Jim visit you?- Twice a month.A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. How seldom(14) If he , don t wake him up.A. still sleepsB. is still sleepingC. still had been sleepingD. will be sleeping still(15) Eve

8、ry year the football team of my class enters the Best SchoolFootball Competition.A. toB. forC.atD.in3. 连词组句, 并在连好的句子上方标出句子中的主语、 谓语、 宾语、状语、标语等句子成分。 (2*5 )主 谓 直接宾语 间接宾语 状语例: I sent a letter to my brother last Sunday.(1 ) to, last, the, Great Wall, went, we, week(2) Ted, found, Thailand, very, his, tri

9、p, to, interesting(3) my, I, when, doing, homework, was, my, was, mother, cooking(4) have, does, she, not, friends, any, is, too, because, shy, she(5) never, I, she, refuse, never, thought, should三、 文章1. 阅读下面的短文,回答下列问题。 ( 2*5 )Ted lives in a big city .Today hes very happy .its the first day of schoo

10、l .Ted to go back to school. He wants to see his friends. He is going to meet his new teachers.Ted gets up early in the morning .He washes and puts on his newclothes .Look !He is having breakfast with his parents .Now ,he is ready for school.He goes to school by bike .He meets his are talking about

11、something .Then the bell ( to his or her classroom.friends outside the school gate .They 铃声 )rings .( 铃响 )Everyone runs( )1 、 Where does Ted live!A、He lives in a small house . B、He lives in a big city .C、 He lives on a farm.( )2 、 Does Ted want to go back to school?A、 No,he doesnt B 、Yes ,he wants .

12、 C、Yes ,he does .( )3 、 Who does he want to see ?A、His friends B、His brother C 、His father( )4 、 Who is he having breakfast with?、 His parents.A、 His father B、His brother C( )5 、 How does Ted go to schoolA、 He goes to school by busB、 He goes to school by bike .2. 默写 Lesson 6C 、 He goes to school on foot .(步行 )Percy Buttons ( 首句话已给出 ) 。( 10*1 )I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street.2. 作文:用 67 句话描述一次你回老家的经历。 (15*1 )要求:(1) 叙述调理尽量清晰连贯。(2) 以段落的形式描写(3) 全文需要用过去时进行叙述(4) 作文中必须有一句直接引语和一句间接引语5)字迹清晰,卷面工整


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