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《第10堂 否定结构.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《第10堂 否定结构.doc(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、LECTURE 10 否定结构本堂目标:学会识别7种不同的否定结构,熟悉几种容易引起误解的否定结构与否定形式,熟练掌握各种否定结构的意义,准确翻译含有否定结构的句子。基础预习 英语中的否定结构根据其表达方式的不同,可以分为以下几类:一、一般否定指否定谓语部分来实现对全句的否定,构成形式是在系动词、助动词或情态动词后加否定词not来实现的。【例】(98-完型)Specialists in history and economics, have shown two things: that the period from 1650 to 1750 was marked by great pover

2、ty, and that industrialization certainly did not worsen and may have actually improved the conditions for the majority of the populace. 【点睛】本句所包含的否定结构借助组动词did,在其后加not构成。【译文】历史学和经济学方面的专家已经证明了两件事:从1650年到1750年期间以极度贫困为特征,而工业化显然没有使这种状况恶化;事实上却可能改善了绝大多数平民百姓的生活条件。二、部分否定指否定词not和表示全体意义的代词(all,every,etc.)或副词配合

3、使用,表示“并非都是”之意。【例】(05-Text 3)But not all parts of the brain are equally involved; the limbic system (the “emotional brain”) is especially active, while the prefrontal cortex (the center of intellect and reasoning) is relatively quiet.【点睛】否定词not和表示全体意义的代词 all搭配使用,表示部分否定.【译文】但并不是我们大脑所有部分的活动都是均等的;边缘系统(“

4、感情大脑”)尤其活跃,而前额部分的脑皮层(理解和推理的中心部位)则相对安静。三、全部否定用no, none, nothing, nobody, nowhere, never, neither等否定词作主语或主语的定语,后面加否定式谓语构成,表示“一切都不是”。【例】(02-Text 4)Although it ruled that there is no constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide, the Court in effect supported the medical principle of “double effect

5、”, a centuries-old moral principle holding that an action having two effects a good one that is intended and a harmful one that is foreseen is permissible if the actor intends only the good effect.【点睛】句中there is no.为存在句的否定形式,表示全部否定。【译文】尽管裁定认为,宪法没有赋予医助自杀的权利,最高法院实际上却支持医疗的“双重效果”原则,这个已有好几百年历史的道德原则认为,某种行

6、为具有双重效果 希望达到的好效果和可以预见到的坏效果 只要行为者想要达到好的效果,就予以许可。四、半否定通过hardly, scarcely, barely, seldom, rarely, few, little等半否定词表示的否定结构。【例】(01-Passage 4)The mergers of telecom companies, such as WorldCom, hardly seem to bring higher prices for consumers or a reduction in the pace of technical progress. 【点睛】The merg

7、ers of telecom companies hardly seem to bring higher prices。其中的hardly表示半否定。【译文】像世界通讯这样的通讯公司的合并,似乎不太可能给消费者带来价格上扬,也不会导致技术发展步伐的放慢。五、继续否定前面已经有一个否定结构,后面又追加一个或数个否定结构,这种追加的否定结构叫继续否定结构。【例】(05-Text 4)He is not arguing, as many do, that we can no longer think straight because we do not talk proper.【点睛】He is n

8、ot arguing否定句式作句子的主干。that引导宾语从句,其中否定结构no longer是对前面否定词not的追加,即继续否定。【译文】和许多人不一样,他并不认为我们谈话不准确,就不能有条理地思考。六、双重否定在一个句子中出现两次否定,表示“没有就不”或“没有就没有”。【例】(04-Text 4)Without the ability to think critically, to defend their ideas and understand the ideas of others, they cannot fully participate in our democracy. 【

9、点睛】Without为条件状语从句,译为“如果没有”;情态动词can后加not构成否定,与前边的without 形成双重否定。【译文】如果没有能力进行批判性思维,维护自己的观点,并理解他人的观点,他们就不能充分地参与到我们的民主政治中来。七、排除否定在一个句子结构中,如果一部分被肯定,一部分被否定,那么这种否定结构就叫排除否定结构,常用词有except, but等。【例】(04-Text 4)Ravitchs latest book, Left Back: A Century of Failed School Reforms, traces the roots of anti-intellec

10、tualism in our schools, concluding they are anything but a counterbalance to the American distaste for intellectual pursuits.【点睛】句子主干为Ravitchs latest book traces the roots of anti-intellectualism。分词结构concluding作伴随状语,其中的but表示“除之外”,即排除否定。【译文】拉维奇最新出版的一本书落后:学校改革一个世纪的失败追溯了我们的学校里反知识主义的根源,得出结论说它们根本不能平衡美国人对

11、追求知识的厌恶。重点讲解一、容易引起误解的否定结构与否定形式1. no morethan与not morethan结构例示no morethan意为“两者都不”在意义上对比较的双方都给予否定;也可表示同一人或事物的两个方面择其一,意为“与其说倒不如说”。此外no morethan与notany more than意思相近。1)This book is no more interesting than that one.这本书和那本一样都没有趣。2)He is no more a teacher than a worker.说他是个教师,倒不如说他是个工人。3)He is not a poet

12、any more than I am a novelist.他不是个诗人,正如我不是小说家一样。not morethan意为“比不上”,在意义上对比较的双方都给予肯定。This book is not more interesting than that one.这本书不如那本有趣。(两本书都有趣)2. no more than与not more than结构例示no more than强调“少”,译作“只有,不过,仅仅”。He said no more than we had expected.他只是说了我们所预料的而已。not more than是客观叙述,意为“不超过”。He has n

13、ot more than five dollars on him.他身上带的钱不超过五美元。3. no less than,not less than与no less than结构例示no less than用法上等于as much as或as many as,意为“竟有之多,多达”。A poor man is no less (as many) a citizen than (as) a rich man.穷人和富人一样都是公民。not less than意为“不少于,至少”,是客观叙述There were no less than five thousand people at the m

14、eeting.到会的人和少于5000人。no lessthan前后均为肯定,意为“正如,恰好;和一样”等,常含有惊奇等色彩。No less an authority than Dr. James has spoken highly of the invention.连詹姆士这样的权威都高度评价这项发明。4. no (/little) better than与not better than结构例示no (/little) better than意为“和一样不,和差不多”,表示两者都不好。I found him no better than an idiot.我发现她简直是个愚人。not bett

15、er than意为“并不比好,还不如”。His pronunciation is not better than hers.他的发音并不比她的好。二、形式否定、意义肯定的结构结构例示cannot.too 意为“无论怎样也不过分”。We can hardly praise his achievement too much.对他的成就我们无论怎样赞扬也不过分。no(nobody)but 意为“只有才”。There is no man but has his faults.人皆有过。no other than 意为“正是,仅仅是”。This is no other than the book we want to buy.这正是我们要买的书。more often than not 意为“常常,往往”。John is a fairly good swimmer. He wins more often than not.约翰是个游泳健将,他常常在比赛中获奖。三、形式肯定、意义否定的结构句子形式上看不到否定词,但含有一些特定的词组来表示否定意义,如preventfrom,rather than,tooto,fail等。结构例示more than o



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