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1、考研复试英语自我介绍20年考研复试英语自我介绍范例5篇 在考研复试的综合面试环节,部分高校要求考生做自我介绍,以下是小编搜集整理的22年考研复试英语自我介绍范例,欢迎阅读,供大家参考和借鉴!202X年考研复试英语自我介绍范例一 Good morning, eeryoe! Iam glad tobe hee fo hsintrview. Frs, l nroduce yself t you.My nmei Li Min. I was bor o April 23, 191. I am aoca person Iamgraaing fo Uiversy this Ju I or hineliter

2、ature I ope I ould et te opportunity ofinis my ostgrauae cursesin Peking Unirsit which I ave esiredfr a gti.Ihv the conidene beaueIhae ch bility! I a grlwho is erven, outgoigd creaive. Atthe stm,thnkI muckinmind and carefu in everti. I am oki forward tmyostgrate studie ad life. willson prove tha yur

3、 decisinof chosig eis th isest hankyoufor ivng esucha alul opportunty!2X年考研复试英语自我介绍范例二 Godmrning/ternoo, ear ces 。 am vry gla t b he for our nteriew. nam i _I am _ years old. I come rom _, ery beautiful cit. My undergduate period will b accomplisein _univy iJuly,2X. An now, I amrying mbest fo obtain

4、ing a ey to _nerity. eneral peaing, Im ahar-workinstuden. I will try my estto fsh t mater ow dificult i is. When I s phomre, Ifoundebdesgn eryintres, s I leared it ery hard. o wea ahomeae for myslf, I staydwith my personal comptrfohlf aon, and I am the firs on y co own i hopae. Ftmo, prson wih great

5、peserce. Duig the day prearng fthefst examinaton, insist nrunning vry day,o mattr wathe eah was k. An justownig toths,I coulconentrt n ystd an sceedd inthe end.el, iny paretme, I lik aketball, tennis and hinese cs.Also, gish i y foite I ften gtoEgishcornertoacte my oal Englshn eveyThursday, ad write

6、 cmsiions to imprve my writenablity. But I know ngish is not gonough, I wilcnnustuding.Ok, tats ll, tnk yofor ou attetion.02X年考研复试英语自我介绍范例三 Good orning: My name i XX, yu naso calmeEso,has such an enlsh nameju becase eproucitin o it islike my chinesenae. I gadated fro tisuisiy last ear, nd majo in op

7、u science,I liked compe vermch, esecilyi multiedia tchology, an aed to ae someahimtnthis feld,b wnIfinishedmy schol, I realizd tt wht ha lerd ws enuh for is targt, I thogt iwold be gret f ca ntine my interestintha, s tht as why I choosto furhe my stdy with amasr dere Well,nmy spare ti,I lik soccr,pp

8、 mu, andstamp, beig a soccr fn, I ways show my love to Manheste nite an RanGgg i my favite. I aso ike Engisry muh, andhadpassed Band sixthisyer, bu o think sstilla lng wato udy, o wouldnt gie uyngish tudyng, a prove m oa ad stenngabiliy.So ats ll, tnk y. 02X年考研复试英语自我介绍范例四 repected Pofsr:Goo aftenon!

9、 Imgreathoored toeetyu ere.ow allow me to gv arief slf-inrocton: m ,2yearold, bornin ity,HeNan Pvin ear 196,Ieter University,ajorin n achinal Dsigi an Prducig. Dung those 4 yearssudy, orked d a as alw active in vaiou activities . I gae th first schorshp fo for tes an Ijoined the mmunistPatat the oll

10、eg.Aftry grduation n 0X,I woked inompny. got a oitin i theTehlgyDeartnt te fist a an I wasvolved in vl ner prjet, uch as th one for ollege tudent Recritment inHenan Povincend tonefor Cuer Cent in Mathmaics eparme inZhenghouUniversity.Owning to y hard wok ,I was rewardd the Bst Nwcmer Pizenthe r 202X

11、 The xt year, wsransferred itoth Princial Cutmer Depatment,respnile forthe vlopin and stregthning a goodlaionshipbtweenthe princpal ctomrsanm compny.Two major custoers,HeanProvcipal Deparmnt of ranoratnand HnanProincialepartmen Perse,re undr mywork. Hwevr,withime gong o,h mo I expeienced,theclear I

12、relized tha Im reallyieresed in e Etrprise Mnagemet.Iindany ntrpis hv th problem f an unatched magemt t its dveloping sed .I eager t ear moe abot mnagmet n I oe I cn studyurher n this UvrsiySo I resigeinAust , 2X anstrted te way tpursuin y studie. Afte ut halfyshad ork, Im inaly stanin beforeu noablepofesors now. Im reall excited . Thog ve sacficeduc on y wa o uuig suies, I beiee itswrthwhle. I eleekinghr willfnllybe repaied.Tank you ! 2X年考研


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