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1、 优秀英文诗歌朗读精选 【篇一】优秀英文诗歌朗读精选 The Darkling Thrush 暗处的鸫鸟 Thomas Hardy 托马斯哈代 I leant upon a coppice gate 我倚在以树丛做篱的门边, When Frost was spectre-gray, 寒霜像幽灵般发灰, And Winter”s dregs made desolate 冬的沉渣使那白日之眼 The weakening eye of day. 在苍白中更添憔悴。 The tangled bine-stems scored the sky 纠缠的藤蔓在天上划线, Like strings of br

2、oken lyres, 犹如断了的琴弦, And all mankind that haunted nigh 而出没四周的一切人类 Had sought their household fires. 都已退到家中火边。 The land”s sharp features seemed to be 陆地轮廓清楚,望去恰似 The Century”s corpse outleant, 斜卧着世纪的尸体, His crypt the cloudy canopy, 阴沉的天穹是他的墓室, The wind his death-lament. 风在为他哀悼哭泣。 The ancient pulse of

3、 germ and birth 自古以来萌芽生长的冲动 Was shrunken hard and dry, 已收缩得又干又硬, And every spirit upon earth 大地上每个灵魂与我一同 Seemed fervourless as I. 好像都已丢失热忱。 At once a voice arose among 突然间,头顶上有个声音 The bleak twigs overhead 在细枝萧瑟间升起, In a full-hearted evensong 一曲黄昏之歌满腔热忱 Of joy illimited; 唱出了无限欣喜, An aged thrush, frai

4、l, gaunt, and small, 这是一只鸫鸟,瘦弱、老衰, In blast-beruffled plume, 羽毛被阵风吹乱, Had chosen thus to fling his soul 却决心把它的心灵放开, Upon the growing gloom. 倾泻向浓浓的黑暗。 So little cause for carolings 远远近近,任你四处查找, Of such ecstatic sound 在地面的万物上 Was written on terrestrial things 值得欢唱的缘由是那么少, Afar or nigh around, 是什么使它欣喜若

5、狂? That I could think there trembled through 这使我觉得:它颤音的歌词, His happy good-night air 它欢快曲晚安曲调 Some blessed Hope, whereof he knew 含有某种幸福盼望为它所知 And I was unaware. 而不为我所晓。 【篇二】优秀英文诗歌朗读精选 To daffodils 咏黄水仙花 robert herrick 罗伯特哈里克 fair daffodils,we weep to see 美的黄水仙,凋谢的太快, you haste away so soon; 我们感觉着悲伤;

6、as yet the early-rising sun 连早晨出来的太阳 has not attain”d his noon. 都还没有上升到天盖。 stay, stay, 停下来,停下来, until the hasting day 等匆忙的日脚 has run 跑进 but to the even-song; 黄昏的木暮霭; and,having pray”d together, we 在那时共同祈祷着, will go with you along. 在回家的路上徘徊。 we have short time to stay, as you; 我们也只有短暂的停留, we have as

7、short a spring; 青春的易逝堪忧; as quick a growth to meet decay, 我们方生也就方死, as you,or anything. 和你们一样, we die, 一切都要罢休。 as your hours do,and dry 你们谢了, away 我们也要往了, like to the summer”s rain, 犹如夏雨之骤, or as the pearls of morning”s dew, 或如早上的露珠, ne”er to be found again. 永无痕迹可求。 【篇三】优秀英文诗歌朗读精选 For the Union Dead

8、 为联邦军阵亡将士而作 Relinquunt Ommia Servare Rem Publicam. 为共和国效力,他们奉献了一切 The old South Boston Aquarium stands 此刻,古老的南波士顿水族馆站立在 in a Sahara of snow now. Its broken windows are boarded. 雪的撒哈拉沙漠之中。它破败的窗子被木板封住。 The bronze weathervane cod has lost half its scales. 青铜风标上鳕鱼的鳞片已经剥落一半。 The airy tanks are dry. 空洞的鱼箱

9、那么枯燥。 Once my nose crawled like a snail on the glass; 我的鼻子曾经像蜗牛在玻璃上爬行; my hand tingled to burst the bubbles 手抖动着刺破泡沫, drifting from the noses of the crowded, compliant fish. 那些泡沫在拥挤而服从的鱼鼻子上漂移。 My hand draws back. I often sign still 我缩回手。我依旧经常为鱼和爬行动物的 for the dark downward and vegetating kingdom 漆黑、没

10、落而单调的王国 of the fish and reptile. One morning last March, 叹息。去年三月的一个早晨, I pressed against the new barbed and galvanized 我靠着波士顿公园带刺、 fence on the Boston Common. Behind their cage, 镀锌的新栅栏。在围栏后面, yellow dinosaur steamshovels were grunting 黄色恐龙般的蒸汽铲咕噜作响 as they cropped up tons of mush and grass 同时抛出成吨的烂泥

11、和青草 to gouge their underworld garage. 开凿它们的地下车库。 Parking spaces luxuriate like civic 在波士顿市中心,停车场像民用 sandpiles in the heart of Boston. 沙堆一般滋长。 a girdle of orange, Puritan-pumpkin colored girders 一条橙色的、清教徒南瓜色的桁梁 braces the tingling Statehouse, 支撑着抖动的议会大厦, shaking over the excavations, as it faces Colo

12、nel Shaw 议会大厦因开凿而摇摆,它面对着 and his bell-cheeked Negro infantry 圣戈登斯摇摆的内战浮雕上 on St. Gaudens” shaking Civil War relief, 肖上校和他的铜钟脸颊的黑人团, propped by a plank splint against the garage”s earthquake. 浮雕被一块木夹板撑着以顶住来自车库的地震。 Two months after marching through Boston, 通过波士顿后两个月, half of the regiment was dead; 黑人团员阵亡一半; at the dedication, 在致词仪式上, William James could almost hear the bronze Negroes breathe. 威廉詹姆斯几乎能听见青铜黑人在呼吸。 Their monument sticks like a fishbone 纪念碑如一根鱼刺 in the city”s throat. 扎在城市的喉咙。 Its Colonel is a lean 上校那么瘦削



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