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1、 07职称英语理工类AB级第9讲:完型填空阅读下面的短文,文中有15处空白,每处空白给出了4个选项,请依据短文的内容从4个选项中选择1个答案,并涂在答题卡相应的位置上。Squishy(易压扁的)Cellphones (大哥大) add a buzz(震惊声) to calls Vibrating rubber could be the next big thing in mobile communications. They allow people to communicate by squishing the phone to transmit _1_along with their sp

2、oken words. According to a research team at the MIT Medical Lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the idea will make _2_ more fun. Many mobile phones can already be made to vibrate _3_ ring when you do not want people to know you are getting a call. But these vibrations, _4_ by a motor spinning an eccent

3、ric weight inside the device, are too crude for subtle communication, says Angela Chang of the labs Tangible Media Group. “Theyre _5_ on or off,” she says. But when you grip Changs prototype latex cellphone, your fingers and thumb wrap around five _6_ speakers. They vibrate _7_ your skin around 250

4、times per second. Beneath these speakers sit pressure sensors, so you can transmit vibration as well as _8_ it. When you squeeze with a finger, a vibration signal is transmitted _9_ your callers corresponding finger. Its _10_ depends on how hard you squeeze. She says that within a few minutes of bei

5、ng given _11_ the phones, students were using the vibration feature to add emphasis to what they were saying or to interrupt the other speaker. Over time, people even began to transmit their _12_ kind of ad hoc “Morse code”, which they would repeat back to show they following what they other person

6、was saying. “It was pretty easy to communicate, though we didnt specifically pre-arrange _13_,” says David Milovich, one of the students who tried out the device, Change thins “vibralanguages” could _14_ for the same reason as texting: sometimes people want to communicate something _15_ everyone nea

7、rby knowing what they are saying. “And imagine actually being able to shake someones hand when you close a business seal,” she says. 答案及解析:1 文章标题分析:squishy(易压扁的)cellphones (大哥大) add a buzz(震惊声) to calls2直接看备选项(留意备选项的特点)和空格所在的搭配构造特点及/或句意。1. Avoices B. messages C. vibrations D. feelingsVibrating rubbe

8、r cellphones could be the next big thing in mobile communications. They (需要参照前句确认They的指代内容) allow people to communicate by squishing (压扁,按压) the phone to transmit _1_ (仅仅凭借transmit无法直接确认答案)along with their spoken words.C分析:该题考察上下文的句意承接/篇章用词。补充:along with prep. 和.一起一道, 随着; 除.以外(还)e.g. Along with the

9、letters there are answers written by people who are supposed to know how to solve such problems.与这些读者来信一起还登载对这些问题的答复,由那些被认为能够解决这些问题的人来撰写。Together with adv. 和, 加之2. Aphoning B. talking C. working D. textingAccording to a research team at the MIT Medical Lab in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the idea will

10、make _2_ more fun.A.线索:文章中心(squishy(易压扁的)cellphones (大哥大) add a buzz(震惊声) to calls/phone的近义词)3 Aas much as B. as well as C. in spite of D. instead ofMany mobile phones can already be made to vibrate _3_ ring when you do not want people to know you are getting a call.D. 线索:句意和备选项通常的使用特点。补充:e.g. I lov

11、e English as much as I do mathematicse.g. The editors as well as (= in addition to) the proofreaders (校对者) are working overtime.e.g. In spite of great efforts we failed to carry our plans through.( carry . through/完成 )e.g. If you cannot go, hell go instead of you.4.Abeing caused B. caused C. to be c

12、aused D.having causedBut these vibrations, _4_ by a motor spinning (turning /旋转) an eccentric (离心的) weight inside the device, are too crude(粗糙的) for subtle communications, says Angela Chang of the labs Tangible Media Group.B 分析:该题考察分词的语法意义。补充:Subtle adj.狡猾的, 敏感的, 微妙的, 精细的Synonyms: clever, cunning, delicate, fineThey are _5_ on or off, she says.


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