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1、关于英语语法教案模板3篇英语语法教案模板范文下面是我整理的关于英语语法教案模板3篇 英语语法教案模板范文,供大家赏析。关于英语语法教案模板1形式will/shall have been+现在分词用于第一人称,而 will have been+现在分词用于其他人称。用法正如将来完成时一样,它通常与一个以by开头的时间短语连用:By the end of this year hell have been acting for thirty years.到今年年底他当演员就满30年了。将来完成进行时与将来完成时的关系和现在完成进行时与现在完成时的关系一样。即在以下情况下可以用将来完成进行时而不用将来

2、完成时:1. 动作本身就是连续的:By the end of the month he will have been living/working/studying here for ten years.到了月底他在这里居住/工作/学习就满十年了。2. 一种经常进行的动作被表示为连续的动作:By the end of this month he will have been training horses/climbing mountains for twenty years.到了这个月底他驯马/登山就满20年了。但是如果提到所驯马匹或所攀登的山峰的数目,或用任何方式把动作分割为一次又一次的动

3、作,就必须用将来完成时:By the end of the month he will have trained 600 horses/climbed 50 mountains.到本月底,他驯服的马就有600匹/攀登的山峰就有50座了关于英语语法教案模板2一、 教学目标1、通过fast reading,学生能够通过找主旨句正确选择段落大意,并补全文章中的空缺内容。2、通过careful reading, 学生能够从文章中提取有效信息,正确回答问题,逐步提高阅读技巧和能力。3、能够运用be going to 句型谈论自己的新年决心。同时培养学生的目标意识与责任意识,使学生能够正确地下定决心并坚定

4、地执行。二、 教学重、难点1、Structures: Im going to2、Train the students reading skills.三、 教学过程Step1 Warming up and lead inEnjoy a songFree talk: 1) Whats the name of the song?2) What do you want to be when you grow up?3) How are you going to do that?Step2 Fast readingT show the reading tips to Ss.Ss find out the

5、 main ideas of each paragraph according to the topic sentences.Ss put the sentences AD in the correct place in the passage.T check the answers.Step3 Careful readingSs read para1 and answer question.Ss read para2 and fill in the box.Ss read para3 and fill in the chart.Step4Ss read the whole passage a

6、gain and try to retell according to the mind map.Step5 Group workSs discuss what they are going to do next year and how are they going to do it.Make a report.四、 Homeworkwrite a postcard to tell your teacher about your New Years Resolutions.关于英语语法教案模板3一、表义务,“必须”。例如:You must talk to them about their s

7、tudy. 你必须同他们谈谈关于他们学习的事。二、在否定结构中表不许。例如:You mustn't leave here. 你不能离开这儿。三、表推测,暗含有很大的可能性。例如:He must be ill. He looks so pale. 他肯定是病了。他的脸色那么苍白。注意:之前我们说过 may 也可以表猜测,但是 may 暗含的可能性较小,must 暗含的可能性较大。另外否定的猜测是用can't。例如:The baby can't be ill. He is so active. 那宝宝不大可能是病了。他那么活跃。四、表不可避免,“必然要,必定会”。例如:All men must die. 人总有一死。五、表主张,“坚持要,一定要”。例如:If you must go, at least wait till the rain stops. 如果你坚持要走,至少也要等雨停了再走。六、关于 must 的简短回答:-Must I clean the dining room at once? 我必须马上打扫膳厅吗?-Yes, you must. 是的。-No, you needn't. / No, you don't have to. 不必马上打扫。


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