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1、 2022年12月英语六级阅读练习:太空探索If our solar system has a Hell. it”s Venus. The air ischoked with foul and corrosive sulfur. heaved fromancient volcanoes and feeding acid clouds above. Although the second planet is a step farther fromthe sunthan Mercury, a runaway greenhouse effectmakes it hotter indeed. It”s

2、 the hottest of the nineplants, a toasty 900 degrees Fahrenheit of baking rocky flats from equator to poles. All thisunder a crushing atmospheric pressure 90 times that of where you”re sitting now. From theearthly perspective, a dead end. It must be lifeless.“Venus has nothing,“ is the blunt word fr

3、om planetologist Kevin Zahnle of NASA AmesResearch Center in California”s Silicon Valley. “We”ve written it off. “Yet a small group of advanced life-forms on Earth begs to differ. and theorizes that bizarremicrobial ecosystems might have once populated Venus and. in fact. may be there still. Members

4、 of this loose band of researchers suggest that their colleagues have water too muchon the brain, and are, in a sense, H2O chauvinists(盲目的爱国者).“Astrobiologists are neglecting Venus due more io narrow thinking than actual knowledge of theenvironment,or environments. where life can thrive.“ says Dirk

5、Schulze-Makuch, ageobiologist at the University of Texas at El Paso who recently co-authored a Venus-boostingpaper in Astrobiology wich colleague Louis Irwin.The bias against life on Venus is partly rooted in our own biology. Human experience instructsthat liquidwater, preferably lot of it. is essen

6、tial for life. In search for extraterrestrial life, weobsess over small rivers in Mars” surface apparently carved by ancient gushes of water. anddelight in hints of permafrost (永久冻结带) just underneath its surface. (By comparison. Venusisn”t even that interesting to look at:A boring cue ball (台球的白色母球)

7、 for backyardastronomers, its clouds reflects 75% of visible light.) Attention and then funding follow thewater: Three more landers will depart for Mars this spring. and serious plans for sample-return missions hover in the midterm future.“If you have limited resources, you base exploration on what

8、you know.“ says Arizona StateUniversity planetary geologist Ronal Greeley. It”s like losing your keys on the way home alnight: The first place you look is under the streetlights not because they”re more likely to bethere. but because if they are. youllspot them. For astrobiologists. the streetlights

9、 are thespectral (光谱的) lines for water. and they”ve spotted that potential on Mars, Jupiter”s moonEuropa. even Neptune”s moon Triton. Not on the baking rocky flats of Venus.1. Venus is the hottest of all the nine planets inthe solar system because_.A) it is not so close to the sun as MercuryB) many

10、volcanoes spread the whole planetC) it is covered by a thick layer of cloudD) greenhouse effect is uncontrollable on it2. Some planetologists believed there had never been lives on Venusbecause_.A) they couldn”t find any trace of water on itB) they found Venus is too hot for any JivesC) Venus is cov

11、ered by dirty and poisonous cloudD) Venus is the second nearest planet to the sun3. It can be inferred from the passage that the small group of advanced lifeforms onEarth believed that_.A) life could exist in hot environmentB) life could exist without waterC) there are still lives on VenusD) There u

12、sed to be lives on Mars4. What do we learn from the passage about Venus and Mars?A) The atmospheric pressure of Venus is stronger than that of Mars.B) Venus attracts more attention and funding than Mars.C) Venus is closer to the sun than Mars.D) Venus looks more beautiful than Mars.5. The purpose of

13、 the co-authored paper by Dirk Schulze-Makuch and Louis Irwin wasto_.A) introduce their findings about VenusB) promote the exploration of VenusC) convince others that there used to be lives on VenusD) criticize omer scientists that they are narrow-minded1.金星是太阳系九大行星里面最热的,由于_。A)它不像水星一样离太阳这么近B)整个行星上有太


15、开头两句及末段;反面的依据如第3段中的那个讨论地球高级生命形式的小团体对认为Venus上没有生命的看法的驳斥;由此可见,此题答案应为A。3.从文章中可以推断,一个讨论地球高级生命形式的小团体认为_。A)生命是可以在很热的环境里存在的B)没有水也可以存在生命C)金星上现在还有生命D)火星上曾经存在过生命B第3段末句说明,这一个小团体的讨论人员认为那些宣称Venus上没有生命的科学家是H20 chauvinists 即他们太盲目认为水是生命存在的根本条件。)也就是说,这个团体信任生命的存在不肯定需要水,因此B为此题答案。A无原文依据,C、D将文中并不愿定的猜想(文中有might,may)转变为确定的事实,明显不符。4.从文章中我们知道了关于金星和火星的什么信息?A)金星的气压比火星高。B)金星讨论得到的关注和资金比火星要多。C)金星比火星更靠近太阳。D)金星比火星看上去更美丽。C从首段第3句可以知道水星是离太阳最近的行星,而金星只比它离太阳


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