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1、克井一中学生活动单 课题Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show ?(1)设计原则:学生有能力自学的知识教师引领学;不容易学懂的知识教师点拨学;拓展的知识师生共同学。学科英语姓名班级学习目标 1.让学生灵活运用表达看法的句型; 2.从学生日常的喜好出发,谈论喜欢和不喜欢的事物。 学习重点1.掌握四会单词:news plan hope educational等等。2让学生了解几种电视节目形式,并运用所学知识进行讨论。 活动步骤:一, 自主学习学习任务:任务1.做一个小调查,介绍自己平时喜欢看的电视节目; 任务2.自读Section A 1a列一个TV show

2、s清单:talk shows; soap shows;sports shows等等。 任务3. 初步掌握句型:Do you want to watch a game shows?二, 交流展示任务1.介绍自己爱好的电视节目,小组代表上台朗读,进行比赛,教师指导和纠错。任务2. 同学认读四会单词并进行简单对话展示,小组间进行比赛。任务3. 学生对基本句型有初步印象,教师指导。三, 拓展延伸1.talk shows 访谈节目; game shows 游戏节目; soap show 运动节目2. 四会单词:sitcom soap opera game show sports show3. What

3、do you want to watch ? What do you think of talk shows ? 精讲和练习。四, 反馈达标1Can you go to the mall with me this morning?_.Ill have to go to the doctor with my grandmother.ASureBOK CSorry DIt doesnt matter2Tinas father often goes fishing _ day.Awhole the Ball ofCthe all Dthe whole3Why not go out and take

4、a walk?Sorry,I have _ homework to do.Amuch too Btoo muchCmany too Dtoo many4How many _ do you have in the afternoon?Threemath,Chinese and music.Alessons BmatchesCtrains Dmeetings5Whats the date today?_.AIts Sunday BIts 5 oclockCIts about 5 hours DIts April,5th6Can you play tennis with us?Sorry. I ca

5、nt. I _ my house.Acleaning Bam cleaningCclean Dcleaned7Do you want to go to the cinema with me?Sorry,I am busy _ midnight.Ato BtillCfrom Dup 8“Have _ try!You are so close to the answer,”the teacher said to Jim.Athe other Bone anotherCother Danother9If youre free this evening,please _ and have dinner with us.Acome over Bcome toCget up Dcome from10Would you like to come to dinner this Sunday,Xiao Ming?_.AId love to,but I have lots of things to do BOh,no. Thatll be too tiredCIll stay at home DYes,please自我评价:小组评价:教师评价:


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