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1、新视野大学英语一级期末考试试卷(A)装 订 线姓名: 学院: 专业; 学号: 任课教师:考生注意:本试卷满分100分,考试时间120分钟得 分.Listening comprehension (20%)评卷人(试卷一)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Choose the correct answers to the qu

2、estions。 Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once.1。 A。 He typed a letter.B。 He studied with a computer.C. He wrote a composition。D。 He did some research work2。 A。 The weather is not good.B. They like watching TV.C。 They want to read some books.D。 They arent allowed to go out。

3、.3. A。 Carry the suitcases for her。B. Send her to her room.C. Clean Room 302.D. Help her repair the suitcases.4. A。 In the officeB. In the post-office.C. On the street.D. In a department store.5. A。 7:10 B. 7:30 C. 7:20 D. 6:506. A。 It is very good.B。 It doesnt go well with her dress.C. It is too la

4、rge.D。 He likes the style of it.7. A。 He doesnt care the hot weather。B。 The woman shouldnt open the window。C. The woman neednt have asked him.D. He would like the woman to open the window.8。 A。 She went to Atlanta。B. She went to a conference.C。 She went to a hospital.D。 She stayed home。9. A。 The par

5、k is nearby.B. He doesnt know the park.C. There is no parking here。D. The woman can park her car here.10. A. A speech on television。B。 An article in the newspaper.C. A meeting with the president。D. A telephone conversation。Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages。 At the

6、end of each passage, you will hear some questions。 Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only twice. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices。 Passage One Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard。11。 A。 She had a pretty daugh

7、ter。 B. She had a clean and tidy house. C. Her house is cleaner than others. D。 There was no mouse in her house.12. A。 There was a mouse in her house. B。 her house was dirty. C. Her neighbors saw the mouse。D. She told a lie to other people。13. A。 The mouse finally escaped。 B. The mouse was caught. C

8、. The daughter was smart。 D. Mrs。 Williams was somewhat stupid。Passage TwoQuestions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard。14。 A。 Give a dog much fat food。 B. Tie it to some place。 C. Feed it with small bones. D。 Let it run around every day.15。 A。 They like to look after it. B. They h

9、ave it as a lovely friend. C。 They need a dog to do exercises. D. They need a dog to protect them。16。 A。 The Best Food for Dogs B。 Dog, a Pet for Children C. How to Take Care of a Dog D. Keep Your Dog StrongPassage ThreeQuestions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard。17. A. A piece o

10、f news。 B。 An advertisement。 C. A short story。 D。 A picture of a car.18。 A. A pump. B. A girl。 C。 A lamp。 D。 An extra.19. A。 Because the lamp was in the advertisement but not included in the price。 B. Because there was a girl in the advertisement. C. Because the price was too high。 D。 Because the sh

11、opkeeper didnt want to sell the bicycle to him。 20. A。 There is no lamp on the bicycle in the advertisement B. There is a pump on the bicycle. C. There is not a girl on the bicycle。 D. There is also a girl in the advertisement, but we dont supply one with the bicycle either。得 分评卷人. Vocabulary and St

12、ructure (20)Directions: Choose the best one to complete each sentence.21. The method he used turned out to be _ in improving the students English.A. effective B。 able C. capable D。 explicit22. They had to examine the dead tiger before they had a _ answer as to who killed it. A。 positive B。 senior C.

13、 virtual D. vital23. By the side of the new teaching hall _, built in the 1930s.A. there stands a library B。 stands a libraryC。 a library stands D. does a library stand24. What a _ smell! Open the window and air the room。A。 disgusting B。 pleasing C. powerful D。 disturbing25。 She was putting on her j

14、eans _ me to hand her the sweater。A. while asked B. asked C. asking D。 while asking26。 I got a little _ when I learned that the appointment with the general manager was changed to another time。A. concerned B. distracted C。 upset D. awful27。 Our neighbor said that if we made more noise he would _ us to the police。 A. inform of B. complain about C. report to D. care for28. Nobody knows _ how many people are to be blame for the coal-mine accident, so the government is trying to find out the whole truth about the accident.A. i


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