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1、八年级英语上册主要句子1. 你通常在周末做什么?2. 我通常打排球3. 他们在周末做什么?4. 他们经常去看电影。5. 她在周末做什么?6. 她有时候看电视。7. 你多久购物一次?8. 我一月购物一次。9. 他多久看电视一次?10. 他一周看电视二次。11. 你每晚睡多少小时?12. 好的生活方式帮助我获得好的成绩。13. 她的生活方式与你的相同还是不同?Unit214. 我头痛15. 她胃痛16. 他牙痛17. 你(她、他)怎么了?18. 你喉咙痛吗?19. 你应当上床睡觉(躺下休息)20. 他不应当吃任何东西。21. 她应当去看牙医。22. 我应当去看牙医吗?23. 我感觉不舒服。24.

2、我希望你快点好。25. 平衡饮食是很重要的。Unit3.26. 你假期打算做什么?27. 她假期打算做什么?28. 她们假期打算做什么?29. 你打算什么时候去?30. 他们打算怎样去北京?31. 你们打算去哪里?32. 他打算和谁一起去?33. 她们打算在那儿呆多久?34. 我打算去拜访我的爷爷。35. 她打算去野营。36. 她们打算在家放松。37. 我打算在12号去儿。38. 他们打算做飞机去。39. 他打算和他的爸爸一起去爬山。40. 她们打算在那呆一周。41. 你是如何到学校的?42. 我骑车(做车、乘地铁)去学校。43. 她是怎样到学校的?44. 她步行到学校。45. 步行到学校用了

3、你多少时间?46. 步行到学校用了我半小时。47. 从你家到学校有多远?48. 从我家到学校有3公里远。49. 你住的地方离学校有多远?50. 我住在离学校10英里的地方。51. 你能在星期六的晚上来参加我的生日聚会吗?52. 当然,我愿意。53. 对不起,我不能来,我要上钢琴课。54. 我不得不去看医生。55. 今天是什么日子?56. 今天是十四号星期一。57. 谢谢你的邀请。Unit658. 他的头发比他弟弟的长。59. 她比她的姐姐镇静(更镇静、有点镇静)。60. Pedro 比Paul 更滑稽。61. Tom 比Sam 更健美。62. 在某些方面我们看起来一样,在某些方面我们看起来不同

4、。63. Liu Ying 和她的妹妹一样不擅长运动。64. 她比他好多说话。65. 她比我更有点外向。66. 我的朋友和我一样。我们都文静。67. 她比我更高一点。68. 我认为好朋友能让我发笑。69. 对我来说,好朋友要喜欢和我做一样的事情。70. 我喜欢有像我一样的好朋友。71. 我喜欢有和我不一样的好朋友。72. 我认为不同之处对友谊来说是不重要的。73. Holly的最好的朋友喜欢和她做一样的事。1. What do you usually do on weekends?2. I usually play volleyball on weekends.3. What do they

5、usually do on weekends?4. They often go to the movies 5. What does she do on weekends?6. She sometime watches TV.7. How often do you shop?8. I shop once a month .9. How often does he watch TV?10. He watches TV twice a week.11. How many hours do you sleep every night ?12. Good lifestyle helps me get

6、good grades .13. Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different ?14. I have a headache 15. She has a stomachache.16. He has a toothache17. Whats the matter with you ( her ,him )18. Does he have a sore throat ?19. You should go to bed.( lie down and rest )20. He shouldnt eat anything .21. She should

7、 see the dentist .22. Should I go to see a dentist?23. I am not feeling now 24. I hope you feel better soon.25. Its important to eat a balanced diet .26. What are you doing for vacation?27. What is she doing for vacation?28. What are they doing for vacation?29. When are you going ?30. How are they g

8、oing to Beijing ?31. Where are they going ?32. Who(m) is he going with ?33. How long are they staying there ?34. I am visiting my grandfather.35. She is going camping 36. She is relaxing at home.37. I am going there on 12th.38. They are going there by plane.39. He is climbing mountains with his fath

9、er.40. They are staying there for a week.41. How do you go to school?42. I ride my bike to school43. How does she get to school?44. She walks to school.She gets to school on foot.45. How long does it take you to walk to school?46. It take me half an hour to walk to school.47. How far is it from your

10、 home to school?48. It is 3 kilometers from my home to school.49. How far do you live from your school?50. I live 10 miles from school. 51. Can you come to my birthday party on Saturday evening ?52. Sure, Id love to .53. Sorry, I cant . I have a piano lesson.54. I have to go to a doctor.55. Whats to

11、day ?56. Its Monday, 14th.57. Thank you for your invitation.( Thank you for asking inviting me .)Unit658. He has longer hair than his brother. ( His hair is longer than his brothers )59.She is calmer than her sister.( much calmer a little calmer)60. Pedro is much funnier than Paul61. Tom is much more athletic than Tim.62In some ways, we look the same. In some ways, we look differences.63. Lui Ying isnt as good at the sports as her sister.64. She talks more than her .65. She is a little more outgoing than me .



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