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1、UK/China Water Resources Demand Management Assistance Project中英合作水资源需求治理工程WRDMAP Glossary of Terms : Chinese and English术语汇编中英比照初版Water Resources Demand Management Assistance Project水资源需求治理救济工程WRDMAP Glossary of Terms : Chinese and English术语汇编中英比照“Acquire new knowledge whilst thinking over the old,

2、and you maybecome a teacher of others.”Confucius“温故而知,可以为师矣”孔子Preface前 言本术语表是水资源需求治理工程术语表的初级版本,是在水资源需求治理工程中汇编而成,该工程是由英国国际进展部出资、水利部负责实施的双边合作工程。在水行业进展工程初期就开头编写术语表,随后在水资源需求治理救济工程WRDMAP启动之前进一步对术语表进展了修订和更。WRDMAP工程打算将目前版本的术语表印刷成册,尽管专家们指出它还存在诸多缺乏之处。在工程起始阶段对术语表尽可能地进展了修正。WRDMAP工程打算在2022年底重印制术语表,在其次版中将纳入来自相关各

3、方的修改意见和建议。This draft/preliminary version of the Water Resources Demand Management Project Glossary has been assembled under the Water Resources Demand Management Project funded by DFID and carried out by MWR. The Glossary was started during the earlier Water Sector Development Project and was subseq

4、uently further developed during the period prior to the commencement of WRDMAP. It has been decided to print this version despite the fact that WRDMAP experts have identified many shortcomings in the document. These have been corrected to the extent possible during the Inception Phase of the Project

5、. However, it is intended to reprint an improved second edition at the end of 2022 incorporating comments and modifications, suggestions received.本术语表的编写目的是为工程人员供给水资源治理方面的常用术语、短语以及技术、机构缩略语,以便促进工程中方人员与国际专家之间的相互理解和沟通沟通。在因学科、机构或地理区域的不同而经常导致术语的翻译消灭很大差异的状况下,本术语表将尤其有助于口、笔译人员在翻译工作中使用更加统一的中英术语。The purpose o

6、f this document is to provide in English and Chinese commonly used water resources management terms and phrases and technical and agency abbreviations for the benefit of facilitating better understanding and communication amongst and between Chinese counterparts and international personnel working o

7、n the Project. This document is intended to be particularly useful in assisting interpreters and translators in carrying out their important role by using more uniform terminology in both languages where often terms can be interpreted or translated very differently depending upon discipline, agency,

8、 or geographic area. 本术语表不是开创性的,不是不行更改的,也不是一本水资源治理术语词典。赐予“定义”的目的是依据词典编纂惯例为常用术语或短语供给一种“描述性”的解释。本术语表并不是依据传统词典的“规定性”解释方式准确定义的。为此,对于一些术语和短语,对其在其他学科、机构或地理区域可能常见的用法或者替换词进展了解释。同时,还应当指出的是不是全部的英文术语都依据字母挨次排列,为了便利起见,有的术语排列在近似词或者与主题相关的词后面。This document is neither the seminal nor definitive glossary nor dictiona

9、ry of water management terms and phrases. The objective of the “definition” is to provide a “descriptive” explanation of the term or phrase based on lexicographical practice of current usage. It is not a glossary of precise definitions based on traditional dictionary practice of “prescriptive” expla

10、nation. For this reason, with some terms and phases, there is an explanation of its application or alternative words that may be commonly encountered in other disciplines, agencies or geographic areas. It should also be noted that not all entries are in alphabetical order but sometimes more convenie

11、ntly located next to similar words or subject matter issues.虽然本术语表的现有内容在很多方面都需要“打量”,勿庸置疑,还可以将更多的词语和短语添加到术语表中,并对所供给的定义进展修改。假设您对术语表有任何的意见和建议,包括添加和删除术语、修改定义、解释和译文、调整格式和版面等等,请通过电子邮件发送给WRDMAP工程的治理助理王玥女士。There are undoubtedly many more terms and phrases that can be added and/or variations to the definitio

12、ns provided whilst the existing contents needs attention in many areas. It is requested that any reader who may have comments or contributions to the contents adding, deleting or correcting definitions and explanations, translations, or format, please send your comments to the WRDMAP Project Managem

13、ent Assistant Wang Yue . Advisory Team Leader, ATL, Beijing, January 2022.询问专家组长ATL2022年1月于北京English 英文Definition 定义pin- yin 拼音Chinese 中文Definition 定义abstractRemove or withdraw water from any source, either temporarily or permanentlyqu shui取水临时性或永久性地将水从任何水源移走。abstraction feePayment to a government a

14、gency, e.g. water resource department, for the right to abstract waterqu shui fei取水费为取水的权利向政府部门例如水利部门交纳的费用。discharge feePayment to a government agency, e.g. environment department, for the right to discharge wastewaterpai wu fei排污费为排放污水的权利向政府部门例如环境部门交纳的费用。feePayment to government or a government age

15、ncy for the right to use water, e.g. abstract water or discharge wastewater, or for the costs of issue and administration of permits or licensesFei费为用水例如取水或者排放污水的权利或者用水许可证或执照的发放和治理本钱向政府或者政府部门交纳的费用。chargePrice of water supply or wastewater discharge payable to the government agency or other company providing the serviceshou fei,shui fei水费,收费 应当向政府机构或者其它供给效劳的公司支付的供水或者污水排放价格。abstraction licenseThe authorization granted by a water agency or other regulatory authority to allow the abstraction of water from a water sourcequ shui xu ke取水许可由水利机构或者其它治理部门所



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