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1、应 Ky tbok4 ui14Unit 1Actie eading (1)Looking fr ajob afe university? Frst, gtoffthe ofReaing d understandngDaling it unamiir wods3 tc the word ine ox wit ter definiions1o make progres by movin to thee stagein a eris of ctions o even(oced)2 th css o cang from onesiuatin, form or sateto noher(transiti

2、on)3 neeliginvoed wtomoe or somethingn los mtional wy (detaced)4referringto something whi ill hpn n (upcmin)5 to e ittingstill na osiion that s ntuprigh (lump)6 retur to a prevous sta or ayofehaing (rvert)7 to say wat hapeed (recnt)4olete tepaagp with the corre formofthe wrsin Activit 3。It inteay to

3、mae (1) trantn fom absy unesitytudento a uepod young dult(2) slupe oa bar sooor hal atching a nlss telisio sho, onerig if and ow thereerisgoing o(3) prceed ay pplewove experincda ng period of natty liethis, whe(4) recntingho th fet ttheime,ref tothe samesra pchoogicaefetAsthe ays pas,tey gin to fel

4、(5) dched r ny senseo resure to o a loo fo a ob, nd tend to regad() ucoming interviews as if the er not ery important。Tpicaly,bak a home fer tre orforyeas away,they () rvettoolhabits,satseeng oldfriends, a, i many cases, bome depndgai on hr paents。 Relac the drld ods wh h rrect formof e wordi thebox

5、。Y a ned to keotherchnes。 Iwen to mixedabity seory schol ust outieLondon。 (omprehnsiv)2 I gtsppd by pocmanwho ake tose m iving licece。 (cop)3aveyouseenthis bifu from h a vew of Oxfod? (aeril)4 Isabl ightlyer bagshe wale donte coridr twards the ffice。 (clutched)5 Yu sold speak t Toby; an suppoter off

6、leble workin hours. (advoate)6 hurt y ladly a couplof monhs go,andt stillastg better copely。(hee)6 Answe te queion aut thwords。1 I a eaendjob one wih(a) ecting pscts, o (b) no uture?2 I tricky proble (a) difilt, or (b) easy o sov?3 an actvt saps all your nr, o yu fee (a) tird,or ()more actie thnusua

7、l? Doe psh prson ry to (a) persuade yu t o ometin don ntto,or(b) helpyou bylistenin tohatyou hv tosay?5 I oufee apathy, douwat() hagete word, or (b)say a homeando nohng?7 Answr thequstisoutthe phrase。1 Is forkout (a) frml,r (b) anforma wao sayng topy for somhing?2 If ouae tesame boa asanoher peon, a

8、reyu(a) mkig he sam jorney tgeher, r (b)inh sae fultor unpesan siution?3 I youfel yhav come fu circle, oyo(a) el yu are back whereyou tared, o (b) feela seef atsfacton because hecolted somethi?4 If soeonetes a soft line, do teea with aperson(a)n akin and sympatheic wa, or () azywawithotinga deision?

9、5 you strike th ight not aboutomethng, areyxprssing youse (a) wel,or ()badl?6 If ou d sometng yallmens, you () tr your best too it, o (b) n cre abut it? I y nudgesomeon back ito tsddle,re youecouragng temto () take rssibiliyagain,or(b) take t ay? If you talk hrou a prolem with smeone, doyou(a) exami

10、ne aefl ad ssitivey,or (b) eero iquicy dth cange he sbject?ive ading ()I yoask mDeli tunfamiiar words4 Mat the wod inth boxwiththeir dfinion。1 funn or etrtainig (amuin)2sfr emphsizing th shigood has hppen, specallycau f good luck (fouately)3 n amotof money t a peon, busiss r otybow,usuallfrm a an (l

11、oan)4 otake an amounor umber fm a total(dedct)5 the mosexcing, impessive,r ineestingpart f a evet (hghight)6 o show tat youundersandsmnes prbls (sympthi)7neeinga lotof time, bilty,adneg (dandin)Complete theoversonwith he correct fom of the wrds inActiity 4. Aftr threyers at uversit, Im nw qite heil

12、b.BI(1) sympathi withyu, I knowwha its lke tohv financal poblems。 Bt(2)forttelyI didntned to tk out a sdet () la we I as at universty, becase Ihad a artmjo What dd you do?B Iword in restaurantat eekends。A Ta mus hae bee ry (4) demading。BYs,itws。I had o t t rihblance etweenrk nd udy。 B t herpopewhworkedtr ere godfuobe wih, o i was qit(5) amsing too。 The ()hihlh fthe weeed waslwys Saturday nght w


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