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1、 中长跑比赛的一些技巧胡海旭所有的技巧都要有强烈的信心,克服胆怯是首要的!控制住自己的就会控制住全部!一、 赛前注意:1.赛前30分钟喝一些高浓度的葡萄糖水(葡萄糖是单糖可迅速消化吸收直接作用于肌肉),不要喝其他饮料,口渴可喝白水,赛前30分钟之内不要吃任何食物。切记!2.比赛当天绝对不能吃巧克力等甜食,吃了比赛时嗓子会发粘。3.了解一下对手的情况。谁的水平高,谁的成绩好,做到心中有数。其次是自己做好充分准备。准备一套穿着舒适的运动服,切记运动鞋不能穿新的,易磨脚。二 、准备活动1.先慢跑微出汗就可以。2.做压腿、压腰、转体、抻肩等活动,将相关的关节、韧带、肌肉都活动开。3.做2、3个30米的

2、加速跑。以上内容在比赛前20分钟做完。以后的时间1.上跑道后做几次原地的纵跳,提高一下兴奋。2.这段时间要注意保持体温,不要使身体凉下来。三、 比赛时1.用嘴和鼻子同时呼吸,舌头顶上颚,让空气从舌头两侧通过,可以湿润空气,也避免凉空气直吹嗓子。2.全程均速,呼吸一定要均匀,可以的话守在2-3位,小心被围坐包厢,不够实力的话不要勉强跟跑.比赛开始后,起跑时有的人冲的非常猛,这样的人都得不了好成绩,不要乱跟。速度够的话脚跟不要着地,直接用脚前掌着地和蹬步.在最后400米发力,但要确保不要到最后100米就无以为继,冲刺时加快摆臂频率。四 其他事项1.上体姿势和摆臂动作上体保持稍前倾或正直的姿势。头自


4、中手应该半虚握着,不要把拳握得很紧也不要咬紧牙齿把脖子绷得很紧,那样只会分散你的力量分布,4.突破自身极限中长跑时,由于氧气的供应落后于身体的需要,跑到一定距离时,会出现胸部发闷,呼吸节奏被破坏,呼吸困难,四肢无力和难以再跑下去的感受。这种现象称之为极点”。这是中长跑中的正常现象。当,“极点”出现后,要以顽强的意志继续跑下去,同时加强呼吸,调整步速。这样,经过一段距离后,呼吸变得均匀,动作重又感到轻松,一切不适感觉消失,这就是所谓的第二次呼吸状态。How much running do I need to do?The American College of Sports Medicine P

5、osition Statement on Exercise that I mentioned earlier recommends that all healthy adults should do the following:1. Frequency of training: three to five days per week2. Intensity of training: 55/65%-90% of maximum heart rate (HRmax)3. Duration of training: 20-60 minutes of continuous or intermitten

6、t aerobic activity4. Mode of activity: any activity that uses large muscle groups, which can be maintained continuously, and is rhythmical and aerobic in nature (for example, walking-hiking, running-jogging, cycling-bicycling, cross-country skiing, aerobic dance/group exercise, rope skipping, rowing

7、, stair climbing, swimming, skating, and various endurance game activities or some combination thereof)Running and jogging are right there, and they count!What are proper running techniques?Beginner tipsSure, you could go out and just run, and theres no evidence to suggest that that wont work just f

8、ine. But if youre struggling with running, or something just doesnt feel right, then it might be worth paying attention to your form. The following tips for correct running form are adapted fromRunners World Magazineand Jeff Galloway. Ill start at the top and work down.Head: You should look forward

9、toward the horizon when you run. To do that, keep your head on top of your spine and do not bend forward or look down at your feet. Your head weighs at least 13 pounds, and you dont want it dragging you down with forward-head posture! The emphasis is on keeping your body erect, because youre fightin

10、g gravity when you lean forward (its okay if you look down at the ground at least 20 feet ahead of you since you wont lean forward to do that). Keep your face and jaw relaxed, too; its okay if they shake and bounce as you run.Shoulders: Keep them relaxed and loose. Shrugging, tightening, and creatin

11、g tension in your shoulders and neck will waste energy and deplete you quickly. Stay loose as a goose!Torso: As Jeff Galloway says, Your torsos only along for the ride. Track coaches describe the ideal posture as running tall, which means that you stretch yourself up to full height with no strain fr

12、om the torso. This will allow you to breathe maximally and put your body in the optimal biomechanical position for moving forward.Hips: Your hips are close to your center of gravity and will be in proper alignment if your torso and head are aligned. If you lean forward, your hips will tilt forward t

13、oo and that will strain your lower back.Legs: Sprinters lift their knees very high when they run, but for distance running, and even shorter distances, keep your knees low. It takes a lot of energy to lift your knees, and even running a mile will be tough if you do so. Instead, quicker ankle action

14、will help you increase your speed.Ankles: Your ankles are efficient levers that have the potential for great power when you run. Feel your calf muscles and ankles work as you push off on each step.Arms: Arms should remain close to the body and swing forward and back and not across your body to minim

15、ize torso rotation (the exception is Bill Rodgers who had memorably wide elbows when he ran). Your hands should not cross the midline of your body (imagine a line drawn right down the center of your chest). The swing should be held low, elbows bent at a 90-degree angle and relaxed. You should do mos

16、t of the work with your lower arms; the upper arms should not move very much.Hands: Cup your hands by gently touching your thumb to the top half of your index fingers. Its as if you are holding a small bird that you dont want to fly away but you dont want to squeeze too tight either.Some additional tipsBreathing tips: Lift your


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