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1、Model Test 1Part 1 writing Too Much Expenditure on FashionThe ever-changing fashion mirrors the advance of human civilization. And the desire for beauty and fashion is blameless. However, some college students dip into their purses in order to keep up with the Joneses. Some of them even cut down the

2、 expending for books and meals to satisfy their desire for fashionable dress.As far as I am concerned, college students should cherish ambitions rather than become slaves of fashion. Attention should be paid to the disadvantages of the blinded following of fashion. Firstly, the pursuit of fashion ha

3、s made many college students get lost. Some of them even fail to focus on their study. Besides, it is a costly hobby to follow the tide, which will impose financial stresses on their parents.All in all, we should adopt a more reasonable attitude towards the pursuit of fashion.Part Reading Comprehens

4、ion (Skimming and Scanning)(15 minutes) . 1. A 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. development staff 9. straightforward 10. adult students Part Listening ComprehensionSection A1115 DADCC 1620 ADBCD 2125 ADDBBSection B2630 BDCBC 3135 DBBDASection C36. feared 37. rank 38. including 39. developing40. priz

5、es 41. accomplishments 42. considered 43. manners44. This impression may be created when visitors notice young Americans asking questions and arguing with older people45. It is vital to remember that it is the persons ideas that are being questioned, not the individual himself46. so that the work of

6、 the business can progress in the most effective manner possiblePart Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)(25 minutes)Section A47. K 该空应填入一名词。由前一句和本句提到的“不能只根据学生的智力来给他们分等级。这(智力)只是他们全部的一部分”,可以判断personality (个性)最符合句意。48. A 该空所在句子意为“我们关心所有学生的全面发展,而不仅是他们的能力”。根据上文所述,该处的能力即“intellectual ability”,所以academ

7、ic (学术的,学院的,仅理论的)是最佳答案。49. O 根据下文所列举的种种学习活动,这里应填入various (各种各样的)。50. I 该空应填入一名词。在可选名词中,符合该句句意“给他们来学习合作”的只有opportunity (机会)。51. J 该空上下文的意思是“他们学习与别人合作。他们考试&大也学习如何处理问题”。这样,personal (个人的)最合适。52. D 该空应填入一不及物动词,而所在短语意思是“(学习)有效地”。在可选动词中,应用communicate (交流)。53. F 该空所在句意思是“学生们有时两个一组地学习或是完成的任务和作业”。因前面是“两个一组”,所

8、以与之并列的另一选择只能是individual (单独的,个别的)。54. B 该空应填入一形容词或分词,而所在句意为“学生们在的时候也接受正式的课堂教育”,因此在可选词中,appropriate (适当的,合适的)最贴切。55. H 与前文do their best (竭尽全力)相对应,该空应填入least (最小,最少)一词。56. C 该空所在句意为“我们鼓励学生们他们的目标”,只能填入attain (达到,实现)。attain ones goal/objective/ambition意为实现目的、目标、抱负。Section BPassage A57. A由题干中的the Partner

9、s in Health system定位到原文首段第四句he created a community based health care system called Zanmi Lasante, or Partners in Health。原文首段末尾说它不仅给大量穷人提供适当的可以支付得起的治疗,还越过医疗层面,想要解决让穷人得病或很难康复的社会原因。由此可推测此医疗系统与传统医院相比的独特之处在于It makes attempts to help the poor on a social level.(它试图在社会层面上帮助穷人),故A为正确答案。58. C 由题干中的the last s

10、entence of the second paragraph定位到原文第二段末句Or as his Haiti patients aptly put it, medicine without food is like washing ones hands and drying them in the dirt. 原文第二段强调了一个概念,即穷人的健康问题其实不是简单的医疗问题,还有人权问题。药物只能治愈穷人的疾病,没有食物,即没有消灭贫穷就像把手放在灰尘中晾干,手还会脏的,即还是会生病的。据此可以推知,C)Medicine is not a long term cure to their p

11、oor health(药物无法使他们长期保持健康)与文意相符,为正确答案。59. D 由题干中的The disadvantage of Dr. Farmers book定位到原文第三段首句Unfortunately, Dr. Farmers powerful message is often weakened by his books academic tone. 该句说明他的强有力的信息通常被他所写的书的学术口吻给减弱了,言下之意就是口气不够强,故D)口气不够强,很难引起他人的注意与文意相符,正确。60. C 由题干可以定位到原文第四段第三句Though well written, Mr.

12、Kidders book also makes for uncomfortable reading. 原文第四段最后两句说作者好像一直在寻求描写对象的同意,他非常苦恼地描述了他害怕让Farmer大夫失望的恐惧和用批评的字眼伤害大夫的痛苦以及对大夫的谅解所感到的欣慰。由此推测,他对大夫的情感使他不能独立地写作。故C)Mr. Kidder的感情妨碍了他写作的独立性正确。61. B 由题干中的from the last paragraph可以定位到末段。原文末段说这种亲密倒突出了Farmer大夫那令人钦佩而又令人愤怒的性格。Kidder先生写道,Farmer不是到这个世界上让任何人感到舒适的,由此推

13、知,他对社会的种种不平等,特别是结构型暴力非常愤怒,因此很可能曾严厉地批评过这个社会,因此才会让很多人感到不舒服,故B)正确。Passage B62. D由题干定位到首段首句Television is often viewed as an anti-intellectual medium. 从原文首段最后一句她们借助具有大众市场吸引力的电视来测试一个提出已久却没有被证实的假设可推知,研究人员只不过是利用电视作为宣传他们的测试的媒体。第2段首句说他们在BBC的节目上公布这个测试也进一步证明了提到电视只不过是为了引出宣传该测试的媒介。故D)介绍借以宣传测试的媒介为正确答案。63. C 由题干中的T

14、he experiment定位到第二段首句They set up their experiment in October 2007, by publicizing it on a BBC programme called Human Instincts. 原文第二段一直在叙述试验进行的方式,主要是两件事,一是给图片定1-5的等级,二是选择你最不愿意与之共用牙刷的人。C)为各种照片评级和进行一个选择是对文意的概括,为正确答案。64. D 由题干中的the result of the experiment定位到第三段首句The results showed that in all seven pa

15、irs. 由原文虱子比马蜂更令人恶心可以推知D)马蜂会比虱子让人感觉好些符合文意。65. B 由题干中的The results of the experiment make evolutionary sense可以定位到第四段第五句Both of these make evolutionary sense. 联系定位句下文年轻人比老年人更具有繁殖能力,所以应该更注意他们接触什么和吃些什么。而妇女通常是负有养育孩子的担子,所以也必须为了后代和自身的利益去恶心。可以推知人们恶心其实都是和后代的安全相联系的。故B)人们的恶心通常与孩子的安危相联系为正确答案。66. C 由题干定位到末段首句The results of the toothbrush study made similar sense. 联系原文可知,牙刷测试的结果也是为了证明人们认为陌生人更容易携带新的病菌。下文提到很明显,英国人对天气预报员比对老板感到亲近,由此推测C)公众人物通常比老板更受英国人欢迎正确。Part Translation87. the championship would have belonged to88. reducing their weight by89. greatly enriched English90. from th



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