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1、华南农业大学珠江学院英语国家概况课程测评设计系: 外国语系 年级专业:2013级商务英语1303班 学号: 姓名(手写签名): 提交日期: 2016年12月20日 成绩评定: A Guide to English-Speaking CountriesI The United Kongdom of Great Britain1.1Geography, People and Language1.1.1 Geography latitudes 49N and 61N and longitudes 8 W to 2E About 243000 square kilometers England,Sco

2、tland,Wales and Northern Ireland The longest river:Severn River The largest Lake in the British lsles:Lough Neagh The River Thames: the longest river in England and the second longest in the United Kingdoma historical landmark in the city of London. Climate: Temperate, with warm summers, cool winter

3、s and plentiful precipitation, Winter fog, Rainy days, Instability/ChangeabilityMajor Cities: London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom, the political, industrial,cultural and financial center of the country ,also is the one of the worlds leading banking and financial centers.(Big Ben,

4、 Westminster Abbey, The Palace of Westminster,Guildhall,Hyde Paris, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge, London Eye) Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.the city is administrative,financial,legal,medical and insurance center of Scotland,it has beautiful scenery and renowned architectureLandmarks Symbol

5、s of Edinburgh: Edinburgh castle, Palace of Holyrood. Cardiff is the capital city of Wales for 58 years ,is the youngest capital city in Europe.one of the most fashionable cities in the United Kingdom. Belfast is the largest city and the capital of northern Ireland ,is an important historic city.1.1

6、.2PeopleOverall population: about 63 millionImmigrants:Italians,Greeks,Australians,New Zealanders,etc.1.1.3 LanguageOld English(5th11th)Middle English(11th15th) Modern English(15th)Standard English 1.2 History1.2.1 The Founding of the NationRoman Britain and the Anglo-Saxons:Prehistoric Period(histo

7、ry undocumented)Celtic Britain(5th8th Century BC)The name of BritainBritonsRoman Britain(43 AD5 th Century)Julius Caesar invaded BritainThe Anglo-Saxon Invasion(5th8th Century)Germanic people &English&Roman ChristiantySt.Augustine:founded the Christianchurchin southern EnglandDanish Invasion(8th Cen

8、tury1066)Alfred the GreatThe Norman ConquestThe military conquest of England by WilliamFeudal Society: Great Charter Brith of Parliament Hundred Years War(1337-1453) The War of the Roses(1455-1485) 1.2.2 Transition to the Modern AgeReligious Reformation2 religious camps:Catholic and ProtestantImmedi

9、ate cause:Herry VIIIs divorceAct of Supremacy:Herry VIII“the only supreme head of the church of England”In essence, the Reformation was a political movement in a religious guise.Golden Age of English HistoryThe Civil WarThe civil war(1642-1651):the monarchy was abolishedThe Commonwealth(1649-1660)Pa

10、rliament had Charles II as king of England. This put an end to the Commonwealth.Restoration and the Glorious Revolution1661,Charles II:to restore the old social order1685,James II: to reestablish CatholicismBill of Rights:limiting the power of the monarch and guaranteeing the authority of Parliament

11、The Industrial RevolutionSeven Years War(1756-1763)The Industrial Revoltuion took place first in Britain for the following reasons:huge market1.2.3The Rise and Fall of the British EmpireFirst British Empire: 19th CenturySecond British Empire during the Victorian Age:Mid-and late-19th CenturyWorld Wa

12、r I:Most countries support the Allies Powers and Allies Powers won.The cost of the war for Britaini was great.World War II:Germany-launching a plan to conquer EuropeBritain-appeasementThe Fall of the Empire:Independence movementIndia,Pakistan,Burma,Malaya,and Egyt1.2.4 Britain since World War II1.3

13、Government and the Commonwealth1.3.1 ConstitutionBritish Constitution is made up of:Statutory Law/Common Law/Conventions1.3.2 GovernmentThe Legislature(Basic Structure of UK Central Government)Parliament(the law-making body of Britain& the parliament consists of the King or Queen, the House of Lords

14、, the House of Commons)Queen(Queen Elizabeth II is a “constitutional monarch”)The House of the Lords(the Upper House):The House of Commons:to pass laws,bills and acts of Parliament/to scrutinize,criticize and restrain the actions of the government/ to influence the future government policy)The Execu

15、tive: head of the governmentThe Cabinet:supreme decision-making body in the British government Privy Council (its main duty is to give advice)The Judiciary (two branches of law: Civil law & Criminal law)1.3.3 Political PartiesOverall IntroductionComparative Description on the two major partiesConservative PartyLabor PartyDevelopmentFrom Tories(a political group which appeared under King Charles II) ByUnionists,liberals,socialists and the Fabian So


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