探究式教学【教学设计】Unit 4 Section B(人教).docx

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1、Unit4 Dont eat in classSection B 绵阳南山中学双语学校 邱靖恩教学模式介绍探究式教学模式是指在教学过程中,要求学生在教师指导下,通过以“自主、探究、合作”为特征的学习方式对当前教学内容中的主要知识点进行自主学习、深入探究并进行小组合作交流,从而较好地达到课程标准中关于认知目标与情感目标要求的一种教学模式。其中认知目标涉及与学科相关知识、概念、原理与能力的掌握;情感目标则涉及思想感情与道德品质的培养。探究式课堂教学模式的教学环节:创设情境启发思考自主(或小组)探究协作交流总结提高Period 1设计思路说明【创设情境】1. 询问学生平时在家里有什么能做的、不能做的

2、和必须做的事情,让学生列清单。从学生的实际生活情境出发,引入今天的教学内容。2. 引入Jones的家庭规则,通过Jones的家庭教给学生一些常用的家庭规则的说法,也带领着学生复习了Dont 的用法。3. 让学生讨论:Do you have any other family rules? 让学生根据自己的实际情况进行口头交际。【启发思考】完成1a的练习:先让学生观察课文配图获取信息,让学生描述图片中男孩的活动;然后让学生在此基础上完成1a中的连线练习,把图文结合起来。【自主或小组探究】完成1b和1c的练习,主要训练学生的听力。1c的练习中还包括填写表格,既可以检测听力结果,又可以练习学生的书写能

3、力。【协作交流】学生以小组活动的形式完成任务,训练学生的团队合作能力,增强口头的表达和交流。包括让学生分小组讨论Dave家的规章制度,让学生做口头报告等等。【总结提高】包括语言点讲解和作业的布置两部分。语言点包括before+ time, leave, either, feel, follow等词的用法,作业第一个是完成书上的练习,第二个是开放式作业,让学生对自己家的规章制度列一个清单。教材分析本单元主要教会学生用英语谈论学校和家里的规章制度。读懂关于家庭规章的文章,并熟练运用 have to, must, can, cant 完成句子和文章。写出家里和学校里的规章制度,然后谈谈个人感受。培养

4、学生自主学习和主动用英语进行交际的意识。指导学生能够以书信的形式向别人描述自己身边的规章制度。教学目标【知识与能力目标】1. Learn how to read & write family rules.2. Learn to talk about the rules at school, at home and other places the Ss are familiar with. 3. Learn to use “I have to ”, “I can / cant ”, “Dont” to describe the rules of each place. 【过程与方法目标】Aut

5、o-visual instruction, situational teaching method.【情感态度价值观目标】1. Learn to be a polite student anywhere. 2. Let students know more about different rules and try to obey the rules. Being happy every day.教学重难点【教学重点】2. Learn to talk about the rules at school, at home and other places the Ss are familiar

6、with.3. Know how to use must, have to/ can/cant.【教学难点】The listening & talking practices.课前准备多媒体设备、电脑教学过程一、 创设情境1. 询问学生平时在家里有什么能做的、不能做的和必须做的事情,让学生列清单。Are there any rules at home? What can you do? What cant you do? And what do you have to do? Make a list.2. 引入Jones的家庭规则,教给学生一些常用的家庭规则的说法.Lets look at t

7、he rules of the Jones family.3. 让学生讨论:Do you have any other family rules?二、 启发思考Work on 1a1. Focus attention on the four pictures in 1a. Ask students to tell what they see in each picture by answering what the boy is dong in each picture.2. Ask students to match the pictures ah with the rules.3. Che

8、ck the answers. 三、 自主或小组探究1. Work on 1b(1) Point to the instruction in 1b. Let students listen to a conversation.(2) Check the answers: The rules should be numbered in this order(3) Play the recording the second time, students listen and pay attention to the rules.2. Work on 1cListen to the recordin

9、g again. Write when Dave has to follow the rules in the chart in 1b. Choose from the phrases in the box.四、 协作交流1. Students work in pairs and talk about the rules in Daves house. eg. Can Dave go out on school nights? No, he cant. 2. Report Daves rules. See who is the best?Eg. He cant go out on school

10、 nights. He cant see his friends on school days. He has to do his homework after school. He must practice the guitar before dinner. He cant watch TV in the evening. He has to help his mom make breakfast every morning. He must clean his room every Saturday.五、 总结提高1. Language points: before+ time, lea

11、ve, either, feel, follow等词的用法。2. Homework: Do the other exercises in this part.Make a list of your family rules.Period 2设计思路说明【创设情境】1. 询问学生他们家庭的规章制度,并让3到5个同学与大家分享,主要目的是复习前面学过的内容。2. 让学生讨论:Do you think the rules in your family are right? Why or why not? 让学生根据自己的实际情况进行口头交际,由此引入今天的学习内容。【启发思考】让学生讨论:你不开心的


13、建校园文化,制作英文校园制度海报,既能锻炼学生英语能力,也能提高学生动手能力。教学过程一、 创设情境1. Let some Ss tell their family rules. 3-5 Ss to talk in class.2. Ask Ss: Do you think the rules in your family are right? Why or why not?二、启发思考Discuss: 1. When you are unhappy about something, what do you like to do? Take a walk, watch TV, play gam

14、es, listen to music, talk with others2. When you are unhappy about something, who do you like to talk to?三、自主或小组探究1. Work on 2b(1) Check the words and phrases, make ones bed, be strict with sb, follow the rules, too many rules, in the kitchen(2) Fast reading and answer the questions: How does Molly

15、feel about the rules?Does Dr. Know think students have to follow the rules?(3) Read the letter and underline the rules for Molly.(4) Ask Ss to answer the questions:What can/cant Molly do?(5) Choose 3 Ss to read aloud the text in class. Try to read it fluently.2. Work on 2c.Read the letters again & complete the sentences with have to / must, can or cant. 1. Ask students to read the 5 sentences carefully, try to understand the meanings. 2. Ss discuss & try to find the answers. 3. Check the answers.3. Work on 3aComplete Zhao Peis letter t



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