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1、船/岸人员培训记录表、船/岸新聘/转岗人员岗前培训记录、公司对船长和管理级船员岗前培训记录表船/岸人员培训记录表Training record for ship/shore staff培训部门Department培训地点Place培训时间Date授课人员The person giving lesson授课内容 content参与人员 participant姓名name职务position姓名name职务position姓名name职务position总体培训效果 results优 ;良;一般;不合格. (在选择的成果中打“”)附注说明:Excellent;good ;medium;disqua

2、lification. (pls mark in )Ps:验证人确认Confirmation of checker验证时间date年月日备注Ps:1、本表适用于船/岸有支配的常规培训,或有新信息出台随时增加的特别培训。The table it is suitable for ordinary training, or haveing new information on the special training is to be increased at all times.2、船舶和公司培训,分别由船长和SMS办公室负责组织并验证培训效果,及相关记录的存档工作。The training of

3、 company and ship which should be charged by sms office and capt separately, to validate training effect and take charge to file.3、船舶和公司各部门的培训由本部门的部门长负责,并负责培训效果验证及相关记录的存档工作。The training of department in vsl and company should be charged by officer separatlely, to validate training effect and take ch

4、arge to file.船/岸新聘/转岗人员岗前培训记录The record of post training for new or transferred staff on ship/shore聘/转部门department培训地点place培训形式Type of training新聘 转岗employ transfer授课人员teacher 授课时间Date:授课内容The content被培训人签名trainee被培训者姓名name拟任职务position原任职务Former position适任证书certification被聘前单位或部门Formerdepartment培训效果se

5、sult评价:Evaluation:验证人确认Confirmation of checker验证时间Date:年月日备注1、本表适用于船/岸新聘(船长及管理级船员除外)和转岗人员的岗前培训。The table is used for post training of new-employed or transferred staff on board/shore.2、船舶部门长以下职务人员转岗培训,由部门长负责实施并验证培训效果,呈报船长批准,部门存档。The training of crew should be charged by officer. The result should be

6、 advised to cpat and reserved.3、船舶部门长转岗,由船长监交;船长交接由公司监交,船员部及相关部门验证、批准后生效,船员部存档。If officer transfer, capt should take charge for supervision. If the capt.transfer, companys superintendent would take charge for supervision.4、公司新聘/转岗人员,由部门经理和交班人员负责培训,并由部门长验证,总经理批准,SMS办公室存档。New-employed/transferred staf

7、f should be charged by manager and person whom turn over his duty. The dept. manager validate training effect, GM approve, SMS office take charge to file. 公司对船长和管理级船员岗前培训记录表The record of pre-job training for Capt. and manageriallevel crew船名ship:地点place:日期date:年月日部门dept培训内容content培训人姓名signature of pe

8、rson in charge安监部safety supervise dept机务部technical deptSMS办公室SMS office调度室dispatch office船员部crew dept参训人员attended person姓名name职务rank姓名name职务rank姓名name职务rank指定人员(核签)DPA sign:日期date: 年月日经总经理批准聘用后,上船前船员主管将船长、轮机长、大副、大管轮调到公司接受岗前培训;Crew supervisor take charge to convene Capt/CE/CO/2nd E for training in co

9、mpany aft approve by GM.如有船长或管理级船员岗前培训需求,船员部要提前三天通知相关部门,以便职能部门提前有针对性编写培训内容;其他职务船员的培训由船员部自行支配。If the Capt or managerial level crew pre-job training need, the crew dept shall inform related dept 3 days in advance, so functional dept early targeted training content written. Crew dept take charge for the other crews training.


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