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1、建筑施工承插型套扣式钢管脚手架安全技术规程Technical specification for safety of nested steel tubular scaffold in construction 2014- 03 - 31发布2014- 06- 01实施广东省住房和城乡建设厅发布DBJ 15-98-2014备案号 J 12622-2014广东省标准 hen house. Roads to the hen house divided into material and dung road. Windows sheds the Windows it is best to instal

2、l barbed wire, to prevent animal suffering. Chicken Coop chicken coop should have the basic conditions of the conditions of rearing laying hens, prepared chicken, only in two ways: one is the use of available free House made chicken coop, another is building a new chicken coop. Is the use of old hou

3、ses, or build a new chicken coop, several basic conditions must be prepared as follows: 1. ventilation rural families raise chickens. Generally use Windows sheds, the formation of air temperature difference between inside and outside using natural wind and sheds, ventilate. Therefore, the best chick

4、en coop facing the South. and front and rear Windows and skylights or hood. Windows and hood to can open can shut, to according to different season of need for air of regulation j with temperatures changes, with open window how many to Regulation temperature: hot weather, open all Windows, formed co

5、nvection air, reduced temperatures, drove cloud gas; cold winter, close all Windows, to conducive to insulation j Please note: in winter do dont suddenly tuck moxibustion gas, because chicken manure by produced of ammonia and chicken call out of carbon dioxide,. concentration high Shi will makes chi

6、cken poisoning. Poisoning for laying hens, chickens laying rate, increased mortality; . Birdhouse isolation to play chicken farms away from residential areas, livestock and poultry production venues and related facilities, markets, transport links; chicken facilities should make rational use of the

7、terrain, weather conditions, wind direction and前 言根据广东省住房和城乡建设厅粤建科函201288号文关于下达广东省标准建筑施工盘扣式钢管支架安全技术规程编制任务的通知的要求,规程编制组开展了广泛的调查分析,进行了专题试验研究,总结了建筑施工承插型套扣式钢管脚手架的工程应用实践经验,参考国内外相关规范、规程,并在广泛征求意见的基础上,制定了本规程。本规程的主要技术内容是:1 总则;2 术语和符号;3 构配件;4 荷载;5 设计计算;6 构造要求;7 施工;8 高大模板支撑系统;9 检查与验收;10 安全管理。本规程中以黑体字标志的条文为强制性条文


9、设工程质量监督总站本标准主要起草人员:蔡 健 梁苏珊 姜正荣 范乃参李素华 陈守辉 何炳泉 林尔挺苏亚武 张 文 石开荣 张仕铮彭艺刚 谢艺坚 骆 军 梁德荣本标准主要审查人员:赵玉章 郭正兴 高俊岳 李泽谦 徐其功 何汉林 陈 伟 肖 营 童华炜 姬德兴 韩前明目 次1 总则12 术语和符号22.1 术语22.2 符号23 构配件53.1 主要构配件规格要求53.2 主要构配件的材质及制作要求64 荷载74.1 荷载类型74.2 荷载标准值74.3 荷载效应组合85 设计计算105.1 一般规定105.2 立杆地基承载力计算105.3 模板支撑架计算115.4 双排脚手架计算126 构造要求

10、156.1 模板支撑架156.2 双排脚手架177 施工207.1 一般规定207.2 地基与基础207.3 搭设207.4 使用维护217.5 拆除218 高大模板支撑系统238.1 一般规定238.2 构造要点238.3 搭设与拆除要点238.4 施工组织与安全保证措施249 检查与验收259.1 地基与基础检查与验收259.2 构配件检查与验收259.3 脚手架检查与验收2510 安全管理27附录A 轴心受压构件的稳定系数28附录B 常用水平钢龙骨的截面形状及几何特性29附录C 承插型套扣式钢管脚手架施工验收记录30本规程用词说明32引用标准名录33附:条文说明34Contents1 G

11、eneral Provisions12 Terms and Symbols22.1 Terms22.2 Symbols23 Members and Accessories53.1 Specification Requirements for Main Members and Accessories53.2 Material and Manufactural Requirements for Main Members and Accessories64 Loads74.1 Loads Types74.2 Characteristic Value of Loads74.3 Combination

12、of Loads Effects85 Design and Calculation105.1 General105.2 Foundation Bearing Capacity Calculation of Standing Tube105.3 Formwork Support Calculation115.4 Double-row Scaffold Calculation126 Detailing Requirements156.1 Formwork Support156.2 Double-row Scaffold177 Construction207.1 General207.2 Subgr

13、ade and Foundation207.3 Installation207.4 Maintenance for Use217.5 Disassembly218 High Formwork Support System238.1 General238.2 Details of Configuration238.3 Details of Installation and Disassembly238.4 Construction Organization and Safety Assurance Measures249 Inspection and Acceptance259.1 Subgra

14、de and Foundation259.2 Members and Accessories259.3 Scaffold2510 Safety Management27Appendix A Stability Coefficients for Axial Compression Members28Appendix B Section Shapes and Geometric Characteristics of Common Horizontal Steel Keel29Appendix C Construction Acceptance Record Sheets for Nested St

15、eel Tubular Scaffold30Explanation of Wording in This Specification32List of Quoted Standards33Addition: Explanation of Provisions3451 总则1.0.1 为在承插型套扣式钢管脚手架的设计、施工与验收中,贯彻执行国家现行安全生产的法律、法规,确保施工人员安全,做到技术先进、经济合理、安全适用,制定本规程。1.0.2 本规程适用于建筑工程和市政工程中采用承插型套扣式钢管脚手架搭设的支撑架和脚手架的设计和施工。1.0.3 承插型套扣式钢管脚手架的设计、施工、验收和使用除应符合本规程外,尚应符合国家现行有关标准的规定。2 术语和符号



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