3、)1:potfi-p11OgSUMkUBBBUSBaaBBBBBSBaBBBBBBSBSB8BBBBIHUlUaaaaa100Xj(rootaasIcrdns*,安装完成以后,进入etcpostfix书目修改POSlCX主配置文件main.Cf,现在我们要修改配置文件了,主要修改七个地方第一和其次个是设置主机名和域名第一个须要修改的参数是Hiyhostname,指向真正的域名mydomain参数指向根域文件mac66bPros(clhoslnnc().Sayhostnancisucdasadefaultlucforn),othercon*gurationparaactcrs.-i* B)b t
4、rc - 71oil .Bichacl .coa trtuol . to use Syho%tac atnus the first Coaponcnl.4 Ssydosatn is used as o practers.dcu!l aluc for Rftny other conftguraliontchoclCOB79 。 SEXDIXG MAIL8! 8 Tbc ByorIKtn poranctcrEPCCmCS Ihc doaatn that Iocaa SaiI Appear% to coc fro. The default is to append Si3 *hich t fine
5、for m!1 stlc* If you run a domin号1 Bldyj第三个是设置本机寄出去的邮件所运用的域名或主机名myorigin 和 mydestination 都可以指向 my domain假如你的邮件服务器有ip和干脆域名ip 一样,就可以运用$mydomin,假如不一样最好运用Smyhostnamerootmasterdnszetcpostfl文件 维6 M)务标签鞘助时 *hich ts ftne for SBall sites. If you run a doaain with aulliplc 4 MKhlnC$ you should (1) ChftnaC tht
6、 to Sa)doaain and (2) set up a Mn-*tdc alia* dtabase that aliases CACh user Io1 b ucr*thal.users.Sftilbotl.S7 8*S s For the sake of consistency 、 SOrifin alo specifies the W) to recipient addresses that 91 between sender and recipient addrces. default doaain nae that is appended have no doBain part.
7、fortgin = Sayhoslnancrtgin Sa)doaatn=RECEIXG MMLparatcr specifies the network interfaceIaat1 systca receives eat 1 on. By default.Iall active interfaces on the chtr.r-.Ilh practcr also controls dcltvcr of nnt 1 to u*cr( tp.a1 J R J I I一 一J s The inet.interfaces .b s addresses that this 8 the softarc
8、 clat*% Scc also the prox)_interfaces paraactcr. for nctork 二注 2J Bl1设置postfix监听的接口,这里运用监听全部接口PoStfiX默认只监听本地地址,假如要与外界通信,就须要监听网K的全部IProotmasterdns:文件旧缰短6查看Q)终送标签带勖3仁二Receivixgmail“:8Tbetnel.inlcrfaccspAranclcrspecificsIbcnetworkinterface於addressesthatthist!syslcareceive*Mt1on.Bydefault,atbcsoftareela