现代大学英语精读1 第六课课后参考答案

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1、更多精彩请加824135830 请告诉你的姓名&省份&文理&学校.谢谢更多精彩请加61955377 请告诉你的姓名&大学名称&专业.谢谢 【恒心】现代大学英语精读1 第六课课后参考答案整理校对:李炳璋(原名李东升)-全国唯一一位曾经连续三年命中过高考试题中理科和文科一些试题的人Vocabulary15 Fill in the blanks with correct forms of the appropriate words listed below.(137页)1 acceptance 2 occurrence 3 astonishing, unrecognizable4 appreciat

2、ive, expectation 5 identical, identify, identifications22. Give corresponding synonyms and antonyms for the following words.(138页)Synonyms1. meet (with)2. show, indicate, symbolize, represent3. stupid, dull, unwise4. old 5. examine, look closely6. arrive at, come to, go to7. repair8. remark, speech,

3、 comment9. consider, see, view, look upon, take10. speak about, chat, discuss11. require, need12. think carefully, consider, ponder over13. ridicule, mock14. surpriseAntonyms1. flat, gentle, gradual2. incomplete3. believe, trust4. unexpected5. seriously, formally6. relative, conditional, questionabl

4、e7. unknown8. ugliness9. later, in the future10. few11. small, tiny12. empty13. unconscious14. insignificance15. at last3 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the appropriate phrases and expressions listed below. Note that some of them may be used more than once.(138页)1. After all, regarded

5、as2. regarded as/ in a sense, consists of3. for ages, at once4. were astonished at, After all5. calls for, on their part/ in turn6. dawned on, in case, melt into7. reflect on, in relation to, calls for8. cut, in, on their part/ in turn, work out4. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or

6、adverbs.(139页)1 off/ out 2 off 3 out/through 4 through 5 to, through6 to 7 with 8 on 9 to 10 with5. Translate the following sentences into English using the words and expressions listed below.(140页)1. 当我们到达目的地时,我们发现这块地上已经没有任何建筑,只有一些石头散落在地上。没有人能认出这是一段可以追溯到千年以前的城墙。 When we reached our destination, we

7、found nothing standing on the ground except some rocks scattered here and there. Nobody would be able to recognize it as part of the city wall a thousand years ago.2. 今天,大多数人看问题都有了新的角度,他们不再认为主要是国内生产总值标志一个国家的幸福了。Today, most people have got a new perspective. They no longer accept the view that mainly

8、 GDP marks the happiness of a nation.3. 让我们同意对方有不同意见吧。我们起码在这一点上意见是一致的,我们同意不采取暴力,我们同意我们的分歧必须和平解决。Lets agree to disagree. We at least agree on one thing: We agree not to use force. We agree that we must settle our disputes peacefully.4. 桂林向来被我们称为最美的地方,我以前怀疑这种说法。现在我完全同意他们了。一切都美极了,尤其是那千姿百态的石峰。Guilin has

9、 always been regarded by our people as the most beautiful place in our country. I used to have my doubts, but now I totally agree with them. Everything is so beautiful, especially the rock formations in these different shapes.5. 我可以向你保证他是个非常随和的人。我从来没见过她发脾气。I can assure you. She is a very agreeable p

10、erson. I have never seen her lose her temper. 6.一位亲眼看见那个妇女被汽车轧过的年轻人同意出庭作证。我很欣赏他的勇气。A young man who saw the woman run over by the car has agreed to appear in court as witness. I admire his courage.7. 大学教育应该设法保证我们的大学生有进行批判性思维的能力。College education should see to it that our students are able to do criti

11、cal thinking.8. 你们在预习功课的时候,一定要尽量试试,看你是否提出重要的问题来,是否能作出有意义的评论。While you are preparing your lessons, you must try your best to see if you can raise some significant questions and give meaningful comments/criticism.9. 在对这个问题进行仔细思考以后,我认识到,我们必须保证学生不但能谋生,还能懂得怎样生活。Upon careful reflections on this issue, Ive

12、 come to realize that we must make sure that our students not only can make a living, but also know how to live.10.有一次我修好了一个漏气的自行车胎,爸爸拍拍我的肩膀,逗我说我是家里的天才,有当机械师的潜力。他的话引起了全家人的大笑。Once I fixed my bike tire which was leaking. My dad patted me on the shoulder and teased me saying that I am the family genius

13、 and have the makings of a good mechanic. What he said set the whole family laughing.7 Fill in the blanks with one of the appropriate phases listed below.(141页)1 At that time 2 at a time 3 for the time being, in time4 on time 5 during the time/ at the time, for a time/ for a long time6 all the time

14、7 at the same time, at a time8 By the time, for some time 9 at times/ all time10 For a long time/ During that time, all the timeGrammar3 Translate the following sentences using proper adverbial clauses.(144页)1. Take a warm jacket with you in case it should suddenly turn cold.2. Its not safe there, s

15、o stay in the hotel at night.3. The two girl spoke so softly that no one else could hear them.4. When you explain the danger of the drug to children, do it so that they can understand.5. The whole family worked hard so that they could send one of the children to college.6. In winter the school closes early so that the children can get home before dark.7. He was an only child, so he found it difficult to get along with his peers at school.8. The accident happened so long ago that I dont remember much about it.


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