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1、 出国旅行常用英语:购买纪念品我们去市场看看吧。A: Where do you think we should go?你觉得我们应当去哪儿呢?B:Let”s try the market.我们去市场看看吧。 Can yous how me this pair of jade earrings? 我能看看这对玉耳环吗?A: Can you show me this pair of jade earrings?我能看看这对玉耳环吗?B: Yes. They”re of excellent workmanship可以。它们的做工特别精良。workmanship n. 手艺,作工 Sir, we co

2、uld pack and ship these souvenirs for you 先生,我们可代客包装及托运。A: I don”t want to bring all these souvenirs during the rest of my trip.我不想一路带着这些纪念品。B: Sir, we could pack and ship these souvenirs for you.先生,我们可代客包装及托运。souvenir n. 纪念品 Here”s my card. Just ship to the address on it. 这是我的名片,寄往名片上的地址就行了。A:Could

3、 you please give me your address and telephone number?请把您的地址及联络电话告知我好吗?B: Here”s my card. Just ship to the address on it这是我的名片,寄往名片上的地址就行了。“名片”的其他说法:business card, name card。 Can you came down a bit? 能降点价吗?Can you give me a discount?能给我打个折吗?How about a discount?打个折怎么样?How about a 200h discount?打八折怎么

4、样?Do you have anything less expensive?有没有廉价一点的?Got anything cheaper.有没有廉价一点的?A:Twelve dollars! Can you come down a bit?12美元!能降点价吗?B:Eleven dollars! Ok? It”s of good quality.11美元!行了吧7质量很好的。这句话是用来还价的,特别有用。 I like it. How much is it? 我很喜爱。多少钱?How much?多少钱?How much do you charge?你要价多少?A: I like it. How much is it?我很喜爱。多少钱?B: 300 yuan, not including the box.300元,不包括盒子。


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