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1、外研版小学英语四年级教案能运用句型What time do you 了解同学一天的作息时间,完成信息交流的任务。一起看看外研版小学英语四年级教案!欢迎查阅!外研版小学英语四年级教案1教学目标:1、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Whats the time,please Its 2、能运用句型What time do you 了解同学一天的作息时间,完成信息交流的任务。重点难点:1、了解辅音字母n和p在单词中读音2、能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型Whats the time Its 课前准备:录音机、磁带、图片、教具钟、数字卡片、表格教学过程:Step1 Warm up1、Greetings2、Si

2、ng a song ?This is the way 3、Free talk围绕本单元句型交谈。4、Say the number before .5、迅速记 号码。a.迅速说出自己家的 号码。b.认读老师出示的号码。Step 2 Review .师拿出教具钟,边拨边问:Whats the time,pleaseSs: Its 先由师生对话,转向生生对话,如男女生之间,小组之间,排与排之间。Step 3 C Ask and answer .1、出示挂图,生明确图意。2、Practice in pairs .生口头操练。3、指名到前面叙述。在学生答复完时间后,引导学生根据画面内容用Its time

3、 to 的句型作补充答复,进行自编对话。4、指导学生书写。Step4 D Work in groups .1.Review .a.生听口令做动作。get up have breakfast .go to school have lunch go home watch TVgo to bed .b.认读这些动词词组。2.填表,每小组发给一张表格。a.师示范第一栏:T: What time do you get up /go to school S: I get up /go to school at b.小组内完成。c.交流、反应。板书设计:Unit 7 Its lateWhats the ti

4、me ,please Its 练习设计:用What time do you 的句型了解家人一天的作息时间。外研版小学英语四年级教案2教学目标:1.按要求完成练习。2.能在情景中运用所学的句型和日常交际用语。3.能遵守学校的各项制度,热爱和尊重老师重点难点:1.能在情景中熟练所学的句型和日常交际用语2.能够认读并表演E局部对话。课前准备:教学挂图、光碟教学过程:A、Free talk1.Greetings2.Say a rhyme: Dont be late again.3. Listen and do :Close your books , please .Dont open your boo

5、ks . Greetings.Say a rhyme.Listen and do :B、Revision1.用祈使句进行会话练习。教师对其中一位同学说:“stand up这个学生用接力的形式对下一位同学发号2.小组分角色朗读。看图猜故事情节。表演。角色表演。小组分角色表演。教师采用多种教学办法,帮忙学生复习和稳固祈使句。体现在参与的过程中掌握、运用知识,提高学生的综合运用语言的能力。C、Presentation Read and act.让学生听录音理解意思。跟录音读对话。同座表演对话。Look and read.学生独立看图,朗读句子。 认读单词、句型。听录音感知图意。找单词中的共同因素。朗

6、读。说出含有相同因素的单词。齐读单词。D、Look and read补充一些祈使句No smoking. 禁止吸烟No parking.禁止停车。No entry 不准入内。No littering 不准乱扔垃圾 了解图意。读对话,理解图意。让学生仔细察看生活,留意生活中,知识的运用是无处不在的。课后再去收集一些祈使句用语和图片,并激励他们设计一些祈使句,或放在家里,或在公共场所等。E、Homework1.Listen to the tape two times .2.Copy the words of this unit外研版小学英语四年级教案3教学内容:Look and say & Ask

7、 and answer教学目标:1.Basic aims:a. Using verbs to describe actions. e.g. paint, readb. Using interrogatives to ask yes/no -questions to obtain simpleresponses. e.g. Can you swimc. Using modals to talk about ability. e.g. Yes, I can. / No, I cant.2 .Developing aims:a. Asking about ability.b. Do a survey

8、 in class.3.Education aims:Talking about ability to establish friendly relations with yourclassmates.教学准备:pictures, word cards, cassette player,教学过程:一、Warming-up1. Song2. Responding to simple instructions e.g. Sing a song. Draw a circle.Pre-task二、preparation1. Revision Invite individual students to

9、come2.Presentation to the board and choose a Picture Card and mime whether theycan do or cant do a particular action.The rest of the class say: He/She can/cant Invite individual students tostand up.Point to the pictures and ask: Can you And prompt them to use: Yes, I can. /No, I cant. to answer your

10、questions.三、While-task procedure(1) Introduce: paint1. Introduce: paint by miming a painting action, and then stick the Wordand Picture Cards on the board.2. Read the word with action.3. Ask individual students: Can you paint to elicit: Yes, I can./No, Icant,4. Ask and answer in pairs.(2)Introduce:

11、read1. Draw a picture on the board. Ask: What can she do to elicit: She canread.2. Read the word in different voices.3. Ask individual students: Can you read What can you read to elicit: Ican read English/a story.(3) Listen and say1. Play the cassette: Look and say. Students listen.2. Play the casse

12、tte again. The students follow in their books and, ingroups of four, practice the dialogue.3. Invite individuals to read the dialogue to the class.四、Post-task activities(1)Production1. Show a photo album. Tell students that it is your album. Encourage themto ask about your photograph using Can you 2

13、. Students work in pairs usingthe pictures in Ask and answer to find out what their partner can and cannotdo.3. Do a survey: Ask students to walk around the class and interview threeto five classmates. Students are to find their classmates who can or cannot do acertain thing. Invite individual students to report back to the class.(2)Assignment1. Complete Workbook page two.2. Write about your ability using I can外研版小学英语四年级教案相关文章: 外研社小学四年级英语教案范文 外研社小学四年级英语教案优秀范文 外研版小学儿童英语教案范文总汇 外研社英语四年级上册教案精选 小学四年级英语教案范文大全 精选小学四年级英语教案汇总大全 四年级人教版英语上册教案范文 四年级人教版英语上册教案优秀范文 小学英语教案最新精选范文 重庆大学出版社小学四年级上英语教案模板


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