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1、TED英文演讲:有选择困难症的人| 中英文演讲稿 |1.Think of a hard choice youll face in the near future.想想你在不久的将来会面临的艰难抉择。2.It might be between two careers - artist and accountant - or places to live - the city or the country - or even between two people to marry -这也许是在两份职业中做出一个选择, 艺术家还是会计师; 也许是选择居住的地方,城市还是乡村; 也许是在两个人中3.y

2、ou could marry Betty or you could marry Lolita.选择和谁结婚,Betty 或者是Lolita;4.Or it might be a choice about whether to have children, to have an ailing parent move in with you, to raise your child in a religion抑或思考是否要孩子; 是否让年老体衰的父母跟你一起住; 是否让你的孩子信奉5.that your partner lives by but leaves you cold.即便你会因自身不信奉

3、而被冷落;6.Or whether to donate your life savings to charity.又或者说,是否将毕生积储捐赠给慈善机构。7.Chances are, the hard choice you thought of was something big, something momentous, something that matters to you.有可能,你所思考的这些艰难抉择 都十分庞大,十分重要 你也十分重视。8.Hard choices seem to be occasions for agonizing, hand-wringing, the gna

4、shing of teeth.每当困难的选择出现, 他都会让你感到痛苦、绝望, 让你咬牙切齿。9.But I think weve misunderstood hard choices and the role they play in our lives.但我认为我们误解了艰难抉择的定义, 更误解了其在我们生活中扮演的角色。10.Understanding hard choices uncovers a hidden power each of us possesses.倘若能理解这些艰难决定, 我们每个人便会发掘出 一种隐藏的潜力。11.What makes a choice hard i

5、s the way the alternatives relate.一个抉择之所以难 是由于选项之间相互关联。12.In any easy choice, one alternative is better than the other.任何简单的抉择中, 总有一种选择比另一种要好。13.In a hard choice, one alternative is better in some ways, the other alternative is better in other ways, and neither is better than the other overall.可在艰难抉

6、择中, 一种选择在某些方面较好, 另一种选择在其他方面较好, 二者各有千秋让人无法定夺。14.You agonize over whether to stay in your current job in the city or uproot your life for more challenging work in the country because staying is better in some ways,你痛苦地纠结于 应该继续呆在这座城市里干这份工作, 还是改变一下你的生活方式 到乡村去接受更具挑战性的工作, 因为留下有留下的好处,15.moving is better in

7、 others, and neither is better than the other overall.离开也有好处, 两种选择各有千秋难以定夺。16.We shouldnt think that all hard choices are big.我们不应该认为所有的艰难抉择都很庞大。17.Lets say youre deciding what to have for breakfast.打个比方,你正决定吃什么早餐。18.You could have high fiber bran cereal or a chocolate donut.你可以吃高纤维全谷干麦片, 或者吃巧克力甜甜圈。

8、19.Suppose what matters in the choice is tastiness and healthfulness.假设在此抉择中的决定性因素20.The cereal is better for you, the donut tastes way better, but neither is better than the other overall, a hard choice.麦片对你身体好, 甜甜圈却好吃很多, 但两者都有自身优势, 这就是一个艰难抉择。21.Realizing that small choices can also be hard may mak

9、e big hard choices seem less intractable.如果意识到小的选择 也可能会变得困难, 那面对大的艰难抉择时我们可能就不会觉得那么棘手了。22.After all, we manage to figure out what to have for breakfast, so maybe we can figure out whether to stay in the city or uproot for the new job in the country.毕竟,我们总能决定早餐吃什么, 所以我们也许能够想明白, 究竟要留在市区, 还是到乡下接手新的工作。23

10、.We also shouldnt think that hard choices are hard because we are stupid.同时,我们也不应该觉得,选择之所以难 是因为自己很愚蠢。24.When I graduated from college, I couldnt decide between two careers, philosophy and law.在我刚大学毕业的时候, 我无法从两种职业中抉择, 哲学还是法律。25.I really loved philosophy.我真心喜欢哲学,26.There are amazing things you can lea

11、rn as a philosopher, and all from the comfort of an armchair.若能成为哲学家, 便能学到很多惊奇的东西, 而且舒舒服服地坐在椅子上就好。27.But I came from a modest immigrant family where my idea of luxury was having a pork tongue and jelly sandwich in my school lunchbox,可我出生自一个朴实简素的移民家庭, 我对奢侈的概念, 就是能在上学的午餐盒里 找到一块猪舌和一份果冻三明治。28.so the tho

12、ught of spending my whole life sitting around in armchairs just thinking, well, that struck me as the height of extravagance and frivolity.所以这种一辈子 仅坐在椅子上思考的想法, 其实,对我来说只是一种奢侈和轻浮的假象罢了。29.So I got out my yellow pad, I drew a line down the middle, and I tried my best to think of the reasons for and agai

13、nst each alternative.所以我拿出自己黄色笔记本, 在中间划了一条线, 然后竭尽所能地写出 每种选择的利与弊。30.I remember thinking to myself, if only I knew what my life in each career would be like.当时我就想: 如果能知道选择某种职业后 我的人生会变成怎样就好了。31.If only God or Netflix would send me a DVD of my two possible future careers, Id be set.如果上帝或者网飞公司能送我一张DVD 来向

14、我描述这两种充满可能性的职业生涯,那我就能做出选择了。32.Id compare them side by side, Id see that one was better, and the choice would be easy.我就能一一对比, 看看哪种更好, 这样一来抉择就简单多了。33.But I got no DVD, and because I couldnt figure out which was better, I did what many of us do in hard choices: I took the safest option.但我没有收到这种DVD, 而且

15、由于我实在想不出哪一种更优, 我就和大多数人一样: 选择了最安全的一项。34.Fear of being an unemployed philosopher led me to become a lawyer, and as I discovered, lawyering didnt quite fit.成为失业哲学家的恐惧, 驱使我成了一名律师。 可后来我发现, 当律师不大适合我,35.It wasnt who I was.这不是真正的我。36.So now Im a philosopher, and I study hard choices, and I can tell you that fear of the unknown, while a common motivational default所以我现在是名哲学家, 我钻研艰难抉择, 我可以告诉大家,对未知产生恐惧 是在进行困难抉择时的自然反应,37.in dealing with hard choices, rests on a misconception of them.而这种恐惧 来源于对艰难抉择的误解。



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