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1、Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.The First Period (Section A 1a-2d)姓名: 日期: 教师寄语:All the bright precious things fade so fast and they dont come back. 美好的事物总是转瞬即逝,一去不返【预习导学】1、学习目标1) 学习本课时的单词和短语。2) 能够用情态动词的被动语态描述是否允许。3) 学习情态动词被动语态的陈述句和否定句。2、 自学任务 Task 1根据音标自学本课时的新单词,特别注意单词

2、的词性、词义以及读音。单词词性词义单词词性词义licensesafetysmokepart-timepierceearringflashTask 2 仔细阅读课本P49-50,在书中查找这些短语并标记。11) be allowed to do sth. 被允许做什么2) be worried about 担心3) sixteen-year-olds 16岁的青少年4) have part-time jobs 做兼职工作5) get ones drivers license 获得驾照6) get ears pierced穿耳洞7) choose ones own clothes 选择自己的衣服8

3、) be serious enough 足够严肃9) at night 在晚上10) cut ones hair 剪头发11) stop doing sth 停止做什么12) seem to 似乎13) spend time with friends 花时间陪朋友14) be excited about 对-感到兴奋15) take photos 拍照16) No way. 没门;不行Task 3认真阅读课本P49-50,以青少年应该被允许做什么或不被允许做什么为话题,试着完成表格,可以试着自己想几个例子,注意表达方式。ThingsRulesSentencessmokeshouldI thin

4、k sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to smoke.should notSixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to smokeI dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to smoke.take photos in the museummay I think we may be allowed to take some photos in the museum.have part-time jobsget ones ears piercedchoose o

5、nes own clotheswork at nightwear earringsget to school lateTask 4 阅读课本P502d,试着回答下面问题。1) Whats the relationship between Sandy and Wu Lan? 2) Where are they going for the school trip this year? 3) How does Sandy feel about the trip? 4) What did Mr. Smith say about the rules in the museum? 5) What does

6、 Sandy think they should be allowed to do in the museum? 【课堂活动】Step 1 Watch a video.Picture talk and then watch a video about what you are allowed to do or not allowed to do.Step 2 Ask and answer. (PPT)Look at these pictures and say out what teenagers should do or not do?Step 3 Listening and speakin

7、g practice.Activity 1b1) Listen to the tape and find out the relationship of the two speakers.2) Listen to the tape for the second time to finish 1b.3) Listen to the tape for a third time and answer the following questions.a. Who is John? What do you know about John? b. What does the woman think abo

8、ut Johns drivers license? Why does she think so? c. What does Anna want to watch? d. How is Anna going there? e. What else is Anna going to do? f. Why does the woman want to go with Anna? What does Anna think about it? 4) Listen again and fill in the tapescripts.Section A, 1bAnna: Mom, can I go to t

9、he _ _ with John? He just _ his _ _.Mom: _! I dont think sixteen-year-olds should drive. They arent serious enough. Im worried about your .Anna: But Gabys at the shopping center and I want to watch.Mom: sixteen-year-olds get their ears pierced either. Theyre too young.Anna: I agree, but its fun to w

10、atch. Can I take the bus then?Mom: Well, OK.Anna: Great! I want to buy a new skirt, too.Mom: What ? Maybe I should go with you.Anna: Aww, mom. Im not a child. I think teenagers should be allowed to _ _ _ clothes.Mom: Well, I just want to _ _ you get something nice.Activity 2a, 2b1) Listen to the tap

11、e and finish 2a.2) Listen again and finish 2b.3) Listen and finish the tapescriptsSection A, 2a, 2bKathy: Hi, Molly. Wheres your brother Larry? I thought he was .Molly: Hi, Kathy. Im sorry. Larry cant join us . He is working late tonight.Kathy: Oh, Larrys working late again?|Molly: Yeah, he is.Kathy

12、: I seeI really dont think _ should be allowed to work at night. Young people need to sleep.Molly: Oh, I you. Teenage boys never get tired.Kathy: Well, maybe. But Larry shouldnt work every night.Molly: Thats true. He time to do homework.Kathy: And you know, Mollyhe should really .Molly: Oh, I dont know. Do you think its too long? Kathy: Yes, I do. It doesnt look clean. And I think he should stop _ that _


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