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1、公共管理专业英语课程教学大纲一、公共管理专业英语课程说明(一)课程代码:03130013(二)课程英文名称:English of Public Management & Administration (三)开课对象:公共事业管理本科专业(四)课程性质:本课程是针对公共管理与公共行政专业高年级学生所开设的专业基础课程。其目的是通过对公共管理与公共行政原版经典教材的阅读、分析、比较和研究,一方面提高学生阅读原汁原味英文专业书籍的能力、培养英语思考的思维方式;另一方面,使学生加深对公共管理与公共行政基本概念、术语、原理和典范的深层次的理解,从而掌握国外公共管理与公共行政的发展脉络,把握最新的国际信息


3、共企业、公共政策与政策分析、战略管理、金融管理、人事和绩效管理、电子化政府等内容。通过教学的各个环节使学生达到各章中所提的基本要求。(七)学时数、学分数及学时数具体分配学时数: 72学时学分数: 3 学分学时数具体分配:教 学 内 容讲授实验/实践合 计1 An Era of Change662 The Traditional Model of Administration883 Public Management994 The Role of Governmengt885 Public Enterprise666 Public Policy and Policy Analysis997 St

4、rategic Management778 Personnel and Performance Manangement559 Financial Manangement6610 E-goverment88 合 计7272(八)教学方式本课程主要采取学生课外预习、教师课堂讲授方式,适当结合多媒体教学,穿插案例教学,部分章节学生课外自学。(九)考核方式和成绩记载说明本课程为考试科目。学生在平时教学中应积极思考、参与课堂讨论、认真预习、做好笔记,完成老师布置的课内外作业。本课程平时成绩与期末成绩比例为4:6。二、讲授大纲与各章的基本要求Chapter One:An Era of Change教学要点

5、:1. The emergence of a new approach2. Administration and management3. Imperatives of change教学时数:6学时教学内容:4. Introduction5. A new paradigm6. The emergence of a new approach7. Administration and management8. Imperatives of change9. Conclusion考核要点:1 The emergence of a new approach(领会)2 Administration an

6、d management(识记)3 Imperatives of change(了解)Chapter Two:The Traditional Model of Public Administration教学要点:1. Early administration2. The reforms of the nineteenth century3. Webers theory of bureaucracy4. Wilson and political control5. Taylor and management6Problems with the traditional model教学时数:8学时教

7、学内容:1 Introduction2 Early administration3 The reforms of the nineteenth century4 Webers theory of bureaucracy5 Wilson and political control6 Taylor and management7 Problems with the traditional model8 Conclusion考核要点:1Early administration(了解)2The reforms of the nineteenth century(了解)3Webers theory of

8、 bureaucracy(识记)4Wilson and political control(识记)5Taylor and management(识记)6Problems with the traditional model(领会)Chapter Three:Public Management教学要点:1. The meaning of management2. Functions of general management3. The beginnings of a management approach4. The public management reforms5. The manage

9、rial programme6. Theoretical bases of management7. Criticisms of manageriallism教学时数:9学时教学内容:1 Introduction2The meaning of management3. Functions of general management4. The beginnings of a management approach5. The public management reforms6. The managerial programme7. Theoretical bases of managemen

10、t8. Criticisms of manageriallism9. Conclusion考核要点:1The meaning of management2Functions of general management3The beginnings of a management approach4The public management reforms5The managerial programme6Theoretical bases of management7Criticisms of manageriallismChapter Four:The Role of Government教

11、学要点:1. The need for a public sector2. Market failure as the basis for public policy3. Instruments of government4. Phases of government intervention5. Basic functions of government6. The size of government debate教学时数:8学时教学内容:1 Introduction2 The need for a public sector3 Market failure as the basis fo

12、r public policy4 Instruments of government5 Phases of government intervention6 Basic functions of government7 The size of government debate8 Conclusion考核要点:1 The need for a public sector(了解)2 Market failure as the basis for public policy(领会)3 Instruments of government(领会)4 Phases of government inter

13、vention(领会)5 Basic functions of government(识记)6 The size of government debate(领会)Chapter Five:Public Enterprise教学要点:1. Kinds of public enterprise2. The privatization debate3. Control and accountability教学时数:6学时教学内容:1 Introduction2 Reasons for establishing public enterprise3 Kinds of public enterprise

14、4 The privatization debate5 Control and accountability6 Conclusion: the future of public enterprise考核要点:1Kinds of public enterprise(识记)2The privatization debate(领会)3Control and accountability(领会)Chapter Six:Public Policy and Policy Analysis教学要点:1. Public policy, administration and management2. Polic

15、y analysis3. Empirical methods4. Policy process models5. Limitations of the policy analysis approach教学时数:9学时教学内容:1 Introduction2Public policy, administration and management3Policy analysis4Empirical methods5Policy process models6. Limitations of the policy analysis approach7. Responses to criticism8. Political public


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