超级用的英语俚语slang学习 2.doc

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1、超级有用的英语俚语学习 2If You Snooze, You Lose 如果你不注意, 就错过良机了2. B: Theres no cake left. Your brother ate the last piece. If you snooze, you lose! 蛋糕都没了。你弟弟(或哥哥)吃了最后一块。你没快点行动,机会(此指蛋糕)就没了啊! 3. Answer: yes, I have to say internet is developing by leaps and bounds. If you snooze, you lose. You cant really predict

2、 what is going to happen next minute. 回答:是啊,我得承认因特网的发展是突飞猛进的。一不留心就落后了。你都无法预测到下一分钟会发生什么事情。 Had a cow 很生气A: When I told my mom I would be home around 2 am, she had a cow! A: 我跟我妈说我会到半夜二点才回家, 她气死了。 B: Duh! B: 废话!(怎么会不生气?) 不知道为什么会用have a cow 来表示“很生气”。实际上, have kittens 也是同样的意思! 更多例句:1. Dont have a cow! 别

3、大惊小怪的! 2. Dont have a cow. 别发那麽大脾气嘛! 信用卡刷爆了怎么说? 1. Ive maxed out my credit card. 我的信用卡刷爆了. 2. Your card is maxed out. 你的卡刷爆了. Got you 骗到你了吧!A: My sister just now called and said shes moving in with us. A: 我姐姐刚刚打电话来, 说她要搬进来跟我们一块儿住。 B: What? B: 什么! A: Got you! A: 上当了吧! Get you 是 (骗、吓、捉弄.)到你了吧!的意思。油画班上

4、有一个同学有一次想捉弄我。趁我正要把画具收到柜子里时忽然把柜子的门关起来, 想趁机把我的手夹住。 结果我闪得快, 使他的恶计失败。我便哈哈的对他说:Haha. You didnt get me.。 Who do you like for 凭以往的经验,会 例句:Who do we like for this? 凭以往的经验,这会是谁干的?Who do you like for the best actress at tomorrows Oscars ? 凭以往的经验,你觉得明天的奥斯卡最佳女主角会是谁?Who do you like for the soccer game tomorrow n

5、ight, Brazil or Germany ? 凭以往的经验,你觉得明天晚上的足球赛是巴西赢还是德国赢?Ya right 意思是I dont believe you(我不相信你)表面上意思是同意对方的话,其实真正的意思是怀疑对方的话的真实性,不相信对方。如果有人对你说Ya right,他认为你在说谎。例句:Ya right you got perfect on the test, you didnt even study. 我才不信,你说你考试考的好,可你根本没学习。You know what, I just made first string on the soccer team. 你知

6、道吗,我进了球队首发阵容. Ya right, you cant even run a mile without losing your breath. 我才不信呢,你跑一里路就上气不接下气了. Heres the deal 你看这样好不好,你看这样行不行1,(情景1:如果你在跳蚤市场买东西,和老板杀价)Heres the deal:Ill give you half the money now and half the money when the DVDs are safely delivered. 老板你看这样行不行啊:我先付你一半钱,等DVD机完好无损的送到我那里,我再付给你另一半。

7、2,(情景2:在商场购物)These T-shirts are in bad condition.Heres the deal:Ill buy all of them for 30% off,okay? 这些衬衫有点毛病。你看这样行不行,如果你给我打七折,我全包了怎么样? Give it a go 试一试,试一把1, Im not so sure Ill be able to fix your skateboard,but lets give it a go and see if it works. 我不确定能把你的滑板修好,但试一试吧,也许能修好。 2,Well only have 20 m

8、inutes left to finish that report,but lets give it a go.Maybe we can finish in time. 我们只有20分钟写完这份报告。可不管怎么说先试一试,没准我们能按时交活呢。 Oh, oops 喔,糟糕,在犯了个小错误的时候说。Peter: Oh, oops! I just threw the newspaper away. Remember? The recycling truck comes on Fridays. Thats tonight. 彼得:喔,糟糕!我刚把报纸丢了,记得吗?资源回收车是星期五来。就是今天晚上。

9、Dwell on 本意是驻扎留守的意思,但在俚语中相当于stop thinking about,意思是不要再想某人某事。We shouldnt dwell on someones past. 我们不该总抓住一个人的过去不放。Get over “忘不了”,“无法从.阴影中走出来”The French soccer fans cant get over the World Cup 2002. 法国的球迷很难从2002年世界杯中的失利的阴影中走出来。The hellWhat the hell is going on? 究竟出了什么事?如果去掉the hell ,这个句子的意思是一样的,但有了the

10、hell ,整个句子的表达就会更生动,更加有血有肉。Play chicken俚语play chicken 中的chicken可不是动物,意思是一项危险的游戏或者考验勇气的测验,在其中与某某叫板,与某某对抗、比试。When you drive youd better not play chicken with bigger cars.你开车的时候最好避开大车。Dont be a baby “不要发牢骚不要抱怨”,“别太孩子气”。Hes such a baby.他总发牢骚。 Dont be a baby! Go talk to your boss!别跟我发牢骚,去跟你的老板讲。Keep my ed

11、ge = stay sharp 意思是某人保持最好的状态,俚语中常用哦。I have to speak English every day just in order to keep my edge.为了我英语一直好下去,我每天都练习口语。相反的,lose your edge 意思是不在状态,状态不好。David Beckham is a great soccer player but if he doesnt practice every day, hell lose his edge. 贝克汉姆是位伟大球员,如果他不每天练球的话他就会失去他的战斗力。Take your pick “随你挑”

12、We have enough money to buy any DVD player this store has so take your pick. 我们有足够的钱,所以我们可以任意挑一个DVD机。Ladies man 意思是有女人缘的男性My cousin always has 2 or more women interested in him. Hes a real ladies man! 我的表弟身边总是有若干个女性对他感兴趣所以他是个非常有女人缘的男性。My brother is a good looking guy and a smooth talker. Really hes

13、kind of a ladies man.我的哥哥长的不错而且也很会讲话,他挺有女人缘That was a bad line 表示向异性示爱的话说的不太好I didnt give her my phone number because she use the terrible lines. 我没有给那个姑娘我的电话,因为她不太招我待见。Im not good at meeting girls because I dont have any pick up lines.我不太会跟女孩子约会,因为我不太会讲那些花言巧语。Hone ones skills提高技能Owning my own compu

14、ter gives me the chance to hone my computer skills. 有了自己的电脑,我的电脑技能就会大幅度提高。Janes new job requires her to talk to lots of people. Shes really honing her peoples skills.因为简的工作每天都要与人打交道,所以她的谈话技能越来越棒.。Shes totally buying it 这是一句美国俚语,在这里buy=believe,是相信的意思。He said he could help me get a job at his company

15、but I dont buy it. He doesnt have that much influence.他说他能在他的公司帮我找到一份工作,我才不相信呢。他在公司没什么影响力的。She told me she loved me but I dont buy it. I saw her at dinner with her ex-boyfriend last night. 她说她爱我,但我不信,那天晚上我还看见她和她的前男友在一起吃饭。(责任编辑:American Slang Freak)Up to you什么意思? “由你来决定,由你说了算!”You can have any sweater you want . Its up to you. The colors up to you.你想穿什么毛衣,你自己定,颜色由你来选。I dont know. Its up to you.



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