【精校版】人教版新目标八年级上 Unit 8 同步练习资料包提高作业二

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【精校版】人教版新目标八年级上 Unit 8 同步练习资料包提高作业二_第1页
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1、人教版精品英语资料(精校版)Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?Practice 2作业导航学习祈使句,进行描述事情的经过,以及按照说明做事。 .看图完成对话A:How do you make fruit salad? B:First _ three bananas,three apples and a watermelon.Next _ the fruit in a bowl._ put in two _ of cinnamon and a cup of yogurt._ _ it all up.Do you know how to plan

2、t a tree? 用所给的词填空完成下列种树的步骤large,hole,deep,stick,sure,straight,tree,hole,putearth,pushdown,foot,keep,water1.Dig a_ for the tree.The hole should be _enough, but not too _.2.Knock a _ into the earth to keep the tree _.3.Put the _ in the _.Make _ that it is _.4._ the _ back into the _._ it _ hard with y

3、our _several times.5.Tie the _ to the top of the stick to _ it straight.6._ the tree well.补全对话What are you eating these days?Potatoes. 1 ( 还吃别的吗?)Meat,vegetables and salads(沙拉). 2 (你最喜欢哪种肉?)Steak(牛排), of course. But I like chick too. 3 (你很喜欢蔬菜沙拉吗?)So so.完形填空When you go to the seaside, maybe you will

4、 notice(注意) that the wind very often comes from the sea to the land in the 1 part of the day, but in the evening, the wind blows in the opposite direction(方向).Why does this happen?In the morning, when the sun 2 it begins to warm the land 3 the sea.The land 4 warm faster than the sea.So while the air

5、 above the sea is cool the air over the land 5 warmer.The air 6 the land rises and the cool air from the sea moves 7 the land.When evening comes, 8 the sea and the land become cool, but the land cools more 9 than the sea.The wind now changes 10 direction.1.A.big B.small C.early D.late2.A.rises B.ris

6、e C.to rise D.rose3.A.but B.and C.or D.also4.A.change B.keeps C.gets D.feels5.A.grows B.to grow C.growing D.grew6.A.on B.in C.into D.onto7.A.into B.in C.towardsD.on8.A.both B.neither C.either D.all9.A.slowly B.quickly C.fastest D.fast10.A.its B.it C.its D.itself.阅读理解(A) 看图阅读下面短文, 补充完整。It was Saturda

7、y.Han Mei neednt 1 to school.But 2 was busy with housework.After she got 3 , she first helped her mummy with the 4 .Then she went shopping with a 5 .In the market she 6 some meat, eggs, tomatoes and some other vegetables.Later in the afternoon she had to 7 the supper for the whole family.In the even

8、ing she sat at the 8 and did her 9 for one and half 10 .After she finished it, she went to bed.(B) Ice CreamMany years ago.People ate fruit with ice.Later, they began to eat cream with ice.This was called ice cream.At first, ice cream was just for rich people.It cost a lot of money.But people found

9、easier ways to make ice cream.Now it is for everyone.Ice cream is one of the beat-liked foods in the world.1.Long ago ice cream was just for _ people.A.rich B.fat C.silly2.This story tells about how ice cream _.A.is sold B.tastes C.has changed3.In the second part of the story, what does the word “ju

10、st” mean?A.fair B.only C.even4.Ice cream is for everyone now because_.A.everyone is richB.fruit tastes good with iceC.people found easier ways to make it5.You can guess from the story that ice cream is _.A.a cold food B.good for youC.made with lemons参考答案.cut up;put;Then;teaspoons;Finally;mix.1.hole;

11、large;deep 2.stick;straight 3.tree;hole;sure;straight 4.Put;earth;hole;Push;down;foot 5.tree;keep 6.Water.1.Anything else? 2.What kind of meat do you like best? 3.Do you like vegetables and salads much?.1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.C.A:1.go .she 3.up 4.washing 5.basket 6.bought/got 7.cook 8.desk/table 9.homework/lesson 10.hoursB:1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A


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