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1、五年级第二学期牛津教材5B教学要求为了使本学期牛津英语教学工作的顺利进行, 我们五年级备课中心组成员在上学期的教学实践和考查情况的基础上,经过认真研讨, 对本学期5B牛津教材作出了如下要求,供教师们参阅. 我们先将每个Module列出了有关人文教育方面的内容。然后再将各Unit划分为三大要求。一是主要内容(包括词汇,句式,语法);二是教学建议(包括重要的语法点,及有关背诵,熟读,听懂的内容);三是参考词汇,供教师们选择使用。凡是所列出的单词,词组都要求四会,(以前出现过的单词仍作为四会);其余凡是书本上出现过的单词都要求三会。此外,要求熟读部分的内容包含听懂(即学生能根据熟读部分的录音理解意思

2、);More Oral Practice部分都要求学生能听,读,演或写;音标部分的要求是能让学生判断单词中字母的发音差异;能整体认读简单的单词的音标并写出该单词。Module 1 of 5B人文教育: 用自己的感官亲身感受周围的事物.Unit 1 Use your eyes!一、 主要内容1 重点词汇:四会: inside, outside, behind, beside, in front of, glasses, closestrawberry, cherry, plum , flat三会:shadow, block, go down, rise, durian2. 重点句式: Where

3、 is it? Its outside the flat.Where are they? They are inside the box.3 语法: 1)where is 与where are单复数比较及介词的运用。2)can的否定句 I cant see my glasses.3)代词one, ones 的用法。二、 教学建议背诵:P3页 Look and say P5页 Say and act熟读: P2页Look and read P4页 Make a shadow和Look and say三、 参考词汇介词:between, above, near, under, over, on t

4、he top of etc.水果:guava蕃石榴, mango芒果, pomegranate石榴, kiwi-fruit猕猴桃, persimmon柿子, longan龙眼, carambola 杨桃etc.Unit 2 Use your ears!一、主要内容1重点词汇: 四会: bell, quiet, careful, loud, lady, both, bean, empty三会: asleep, awake, hammer, screwdriver, musical instrument, shaker, string, shake2. 重点句式: Do you want both

5、 ?3. 语法: 1)掌握both 的用法。2)理解both 与all 的区别二、教学建议背诵:P8页 Look and read P10页 Play a game熟读: P7页Read and say P9页 Make a musical instrument三、参考词汇1注意形容词的构成法:如 care-careful beauty-beautifulwake-awake sleep-asleeprain-rainy sun-sunny2乐器: guitar 吉他, piano 钢琴, trumpet 小号, accordion手风琴, harp竖琴, recorder 笛子,saxoph

6、one萨克斯管,cello大提琴, flute 长笛,etc.Unit 3 Use your hands!一、 主要内容1重点词汇:四会: fluffy, shiny, warm, hot, cold, hard, soft, parcel, feel, 三会:spaceship, mine, yours, rough, smooth, fall, cushion2. 重点句式:1)Whoseis this?Whose are these?2) This ones mine.(yours)4 语法: 1)初步理解和运用名词性物主代词。2)能够用疑问词询问物品主人。二、教学建议背诵:P11页 L

7、ook and learn P12页 Look and say熟读: P13页Read and act P14页 Point and say三、参考词汇heavy, light, wide, narrow, high, low, cool, chilly, freezing etc.Unit 4 Use your five senses一、主要内容1、 主要词汇:四会: listen, hear, smell, touch, taste, tongue, above, shout, same, different三会: super girl, adventure, lost, find, fi

8、re, save,beanstalk, giant, castle, golden, goose, geesepoor, sell, grow, rich, climb up, climb down2、 主要句式:掌握I do something with something.的句式。二、教学建议1、背诵:P15 Say and act; P17 Look and say2、熟读:P16 Look and read3、P18作为阅读材料,要求学生理解该内容。4、P19要求学生能分角色朗读。三、参考词汇:sound walk with legs ,work with hands,point wi

9、th my finger, wave with hands, stamp with feet, clap with hands, etc.More Oral practice: 听听,读读,演演。音标: 1、能判断单词中相同字母发音的差异。2、能整体认读简单的单词的音标。3、能根据简单的音标写出相应的单词。Module 2 of 5B My favourite things人文教育: 教育学生观察周围世界,以向上的精神面貌对待.热爱 一切美好的事物。 Unit 1 Animals in the zoo一、主要内容1. 重点词汇: 四会: hay; work; kilo; left; right

10、; along; parrot; branch, plant house; step; 三会: gate; moon; hotel; rainbow; holiday; pond; 2. 重点句式: (1) How much/many .do they eat?(2) What do the elephants eat?(3) When do you clean their cage?二、教学建议1 语法点: (1) 掌握一般现在时的特殊疑问句式:How much/many .do they eat?(2)复习巩固特殊疑问句式: What do the elephants eat?When d

11、o you clean their cage?(3) 复习巩固祈使句的肯定句式:Go up the steps.Walk along Yanan Road.(4) 复习巩固特殊疑问句式: Where is/are.? Its/Theyre.1. 背诵: P23 Say and act 熟读: P22 Look and read; P24 Look and read; P25 Ask and answer三、参考词汇: feeder 饲养员; corn 谷物; maize 玉米; ladybird 瓢虫; moth 飞蛾go to work 去上班; work day 工作日; work boo

12、k 工作手册;right and left 到处; hotelier 旅馆老板; hotel car 带餐室的卧车;a five-star hotel五星级饭店; Park Hotel国际饭店; step by step一步一步;Unit 2 Favourite toys一、主要内容1. 重点词汇: 四会: key; puppet; aeroplane; skateboard; computer; 三会: visit; ask; dinosaur; solider; Gameboy; 重点句式: (1) to have: Who has a.?(2) Which do you like?(3)

13、 What colour is/are.? Its/Theyre. 二. 教学建议1.语法点: (1) 掌握句式: Who has a.?及答句;(2)复习巩固特殊疑问句式:Which do you like?What colour is/are.? Its/Theyre. 2. 背诵: P28 Look and say; P29 Do a survey; P30 Look and Say; 熟读: P27 Read and answer 三、参考词汇:favor偏爱; puppet play木偶剧; answer回答; ask for请求;ask the way问路; key money 保

14、证金; a key man重要人物; a golden key金钥匙; key ring钥匙圈; a computer game 电脑游戏 Unit 3 一 主要内容1 . 重点词汇: 四会: police station, lost, market, find, shelf, rug, soft, was, mirror, between, sitting-room, move, telephone 三会: furniture, were, little, roll over , fall out, date ,2 重点句型: 1)He was here at half past ten.

15、2)The picture was beside the window. 二 教学建议:1. 语法点: 1.掌握以单数第三人称为主语的过去式的肯定形式。2.复习介词以及时间表达的用法。2. 背诵: P 31 Look and say 3. 熟读: P 32 Look and act , P 33 Make and play , P 34 Sing a song .三参考词汇:mat(垫子,门垫,杯垫), carpet(整个房间的地毯), curtain(窗帘) , air-conditioner(空调) More oral practice: 听听,说说,做做。音标: 能判断单词的发音的差异,能整体认读部分单词的音标。Module 3 Things around us人文教育: 培养学生良好的生活习惯和诚实的品质。一、主要内容1重点词汇:四会: mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours, frog三会:bench, tadpole, chick, duckling2. 重点句式:Is


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