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1、此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。202X珍惜时间英语演讲稿 演讲稿也叫演讲词,它是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场所发表的讲话文稿。演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,是对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,它体现着演讲的目的和手段,演讲的内容和形式。以下是由PQ小编为大家整理出来的珍惜时间英语演讲稿,仅供参考。 演讲稿一:珍惜时间英语演讲稿 God mrnng, everybdy! Ihi world, her is onething ht isvryfar to verybod,wheerouae a mao female,yon orold, rich or

2、poor.Dos aybdy knowhat t is alledRigh. It i imeThepic am goingo presen to you oday s caled “; Treaure Evey Minute”;. To rliz the value ofONE YAR,as astuden who fale agrad.Toealiz the valu oONEO, aska moher ho gav birt tarematue baby.To realie tevleo ONE WEEK, ask e ediorof a weekly nwspper. Trealize

3、 the vaef NEOUR, asktheloerwho ar waitingo mee. T realizehe vu of E MINUE,k a peson whoissed th ti.T ralze th valueo ONESEOD, ask a person wh jst oiean accnt. T reaizthe vale o ON MILIECOND,askthe perono won a ver ea n thOymps Treasurevermo hatou hav! And teasu moe beause yusared i withsmene ecia, p

4、ecial enugh to pd our tme with. And remembe tht me ais f n on. esterday i hstory. Torrows myster. Toda is a if. Tat' wyit'salethe prsen!! Theclck is unning.Mkehe mst f tody. oo luck,everybdy! 演讲稿二:珍惜时间英语演讲稿 mrother-i-lawopned the boto dwerf y isrs uraun lid tisuwrappedpackge. tis, hsaid,is n

5、ot asip. this s linerie. he dcarded the tissue and anded e te sp. i wasexqsite, silk, handmadeand trmd wth cobwb flac. the picg wth aastnomial figure ontwa stilatach jan bughh he fsttmewe wen o ew york,at lat8 r ers ago snv wo it. h wa saing itfraseil ccao. ell, guessthisis he oasion. h tookth lip f

6、om me ad putit onhe ed,ththe othe clthes we e tking t the mortican. his ha ligrdon the sof materfor aoent, te he sammd the raer shu and urnedome,dont ever sv anyhing for specialocsion evy ayyou r alve is a spec ccason. i reembered tosewords toughhe fueral and te dys tht folowdwhn i helped hmnd my ni

7、ee attndto al tead chs thatfollow an nexected death. i though about them on te pan etrnngt lifornia fromth midste tnwhere my sisrs family ies ihought about al e tins tat se hadnt seeor hard orone i toghtabot th thig ta sheadone wio rizingtht they wr specia. im till tinking ot hsod, andtyechang thewe

8、d inthe gardn. imein more timew myfmilyadrind anlestime in comittee meins wheev psible,lifeshou be apattern of periceovo, noendure.im tgt reogniz he oment w and cheris e imno avigaything; we use or goo ia and crysal forvr pecia vent uch aloia ound, eg te nk nstopped, h firstaellia blossm;i wea mgood

9、 blae to th maet f ieel liitmythery iif i lookprospeous, ca shel ou$28. 49 for oe malbag of grreswitout wcing.im otsavig m goodpefme fo secilparies;clerk i hrdware stores and llers in bankshvenoesthanctn as wl as myry ong friends. someayand of tese ays re igher grip on myvcuary.ifitsworth eeinor ari

10、ngor doin,i wnt to ee ndhear and do no. i not sre wha my ister oulde nehad e n tha sheouldn be her for the toorrow w altake fo ganted i thnk she wudhave called family membesand aew closfiend. h ig avecalld a few forer riens t apologze, nd mn fencsfor as sqabes i iketo thin she oud ha one out for chi

11、ee dinr,ervoitefood. im guessing. neverkw it thos lite hn lft unoe tat wul make me ngr ii k that my oursere liitd.angry becau pff seing od friends whom i wasoig ogettuch wit soeday. ngry because i hadnt ritten eran letters ta inen to wrt one of these days angryand sory that idnt tel myhuband a duhte ftn enough ho mch trly love them im ring very hrd noto put off,holdback, rsav anything ta wuld ddlaugter andlser tooulive. anery morning when i openmy eyes, tel mysef that eryday, eery inte,evey brat tru, s. gif .


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