[毕业设计] dc-dc电源变换器的设计与制作 10w音频功率放大器的设计与制作综合实训技术报告

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《[毕业设计] dc-dc电源变换器的设计与制作 10w音频功率放大器的设计与制作综合实训技术报告》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《[毕业设计] dc-dc电源变换器的设计与制作 10w音频功率放大器的设计与制作综合实训技术报告(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 项目技术报告 DC-DC电源变换器的设计与制作 10W音频功率放大器的设计与制作综合实训技术报告 姓名: 学号: 指导老师: 提交日期:2010年12月6日 项目技术报告 概要 DC-DC电源变换器将一个固定的直流电压变换为可变的直流电压,这种技术被应用于无轨电车,地铁列车,电动车的无级变速和控制,同时使上述控制获得加速平稳,快速响应的性能,并能同时收到节约电能的效果。音频功率放大器简称音频功放,他用于放大20HZ10KHZde音频信号,凡发声的各类消费电子产品中都要用到音频功放,比如免提 。 ,MP4播放器,笔记本电脑,音响等。 项目技术报告 目录前言第一章:技术要求,技术参数 1.DC-

2、DC电源变换器的技术要求,技术参数, 2.10W音频功率放大器的技术要求,技术参数第二章:原理图设制第三章:元器件选择第四章:封装,Protel图 PCB板 PCB板致谢. .参考文献.附录一.附录二. 项目技术报告 第一章 技术要求,技术参数 项目技术报告 DC-DC电源变更换器技术要求:12V/2A开关切换 开关 电源线性电源5V/1A2V/9V技术参数: 1.纹波 2.Vpp 3.电压调整率 项目技术报告 10W音频功放技术要求 放大倍数Au10 Ui50MV频率范围 300HZ3400HZ 技术参数 : 项目技术报告 第二章:原理图设制DC-DC电源变换器的原理图设制 项目技术报告 1

3、0W音频功率放大器的原理图的设计 项目技术报告 第三章:元器件选择 项目技术报告 DC-DC电源变换器的元器件的选择(DC电路) 项目技术报告 项目技术报告 项目技术报告 项目技术报告 10W音频功率放大器的元器件的选择 项目技术报告 第四章:封装,PCB板 项目技术报告 DC-DC电源变换器的封装PCB板1. 直流电源插座D2.1 2. 1N5822 3. 立式功率电阻0.5W 4. 四芯接线柱 项目技术报告 5. 船型开关1X2 6. 拨位开关2X37. 带散热器TO-220 项目技术报告 8. 功率电阻 RX27-5W 9. 保险丝5X20_3A10. 电感 项目技术报告 PCB板 项目

4、技术报告 10W音频功率放大器的封装PCB板PCB板 项目技术报告 致谢本次实训在老师的悉心指导与帮助下顺利的完成,在实训的分析与实践中老师们都给予了细心的指导,老师不紧指导我们学习专业知识,也教会了我们用科学的思维方式和方法发现问题,解决问题。对我们以后的学习和工作起到了很好的指导作用。在此,我们向老师致以最衷心的感谢,谢谢你!附录:外文翻译In Wang Zuoliangs translation practices, he translated many poems, especially the poems written by Robert Burns. His translatio

5、n of Burns “A Red, Red Rose” brought him fame as a verse translator. At the same time, he published about ten papers on the translation of poems. Some argue that poems cannot be translated. Frost stresses that poetry might get lost in translation. According to Wang, verse translation is possible and

6、 necessary, for “The poet-translator brings over some exciting work from another culture and in doing so is also writing his own best work, thereby adding something to his culture. In this transmission and exchange, a richer, more colorful world emerges. ”(Wang, 1991:112). Then how can we translate

7、poems? According to Wangs understanding, the translation of poems is related to three aspects: A poems meaning, poetic art and language. (1)A poems meaning “Socio-cultural differences are formidable enough, but the matter is made much more complex when one realizes that meaning does not consist in t

8、he meaning of words only, but also in syntactical structures, speech rhythms, levels of style.” (Wang, 1991:93).(2)Poetic art According to Wang, “Blys point about the marvelous translation being made possible in the United States only after Whitman, Pound and Williams Carlos Williams composed poetry

9、 in speech rhythms shows what may be gained when there is a genuine revolution in poetic art.” (Wang, 1991:93).(3)Language “Sometimes language stays static and sometimes language stays active. When language is active, it is beneficial to translation” “This would require this kind of intimate underst

10、anding, on the part of the translator, of its genius, its idiosyncrasies, its past and present, what it can do and what it choose not to do.” (Wang, 1991:94). Wang expresses the difficulties of verse translation. Frosts comment is sufficient to prove the difficulty a translator has to grapple with.

11、Maybe among literary translations, the translation of poems is the most difficult thing. Poems are the crystallization of wisdom. The difficulties of poetic comprehension lie not only in lines, but also in structure, such as cadence, rhyme, metre, rhythm, all these conveying information. One point m

12、erits our attention. Wang not only talks about the times poetic art, but also the impact languages activity has produced on translation. In times when the language is active, translation is prospering. The reform of poetic art has improved the translation quality of poems. For example, around May Fourth Movement, Baihua replaced classical style of writing, so the translation achieved earth-shaking success. The relation between the state of language and translation is so



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