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1、Page 165 紫色自测 1 His problem is that he doesnt know _ (当地人说什么) 2 The teacher doesnt believe _ 他们已经做完功课) 3 She asked me _ (与她一起去购物) 4 If you keep on practicing oral English,_(你会说很 流利的英语) 5 He regretted-_ (花那么多时间玩电脑游戏) 6 Im sorry Ive_ (让|你等这么久 7 The book _ (值得一读) 8 I dont know_ (他是否会回来) 9 _ (虽然他很年轻),he

2、 has been a headmaster 10 Every student must _- (保持教室清洁卫生) 11 _ (如果我是你),I would not be so silly 12 _ (只要你勤奋努力, you will succeed in the end 13 Did he know_ (我们将在哪里见面) 14 When he arrived_ (他们在吃饭) 15 Its hard for him_(戒烟) 16 Your trouble is_ (你粗心大意) 17 _(我一到北京),1 will write to you 18.I found_ (学英语很有用)

3、19 There were more than 200 children_(学习音乐和舞蹈) 20 He told me_ (不要在此拍照】 21 I apologize for_ (没有履行我的诺言) 22 Can you lend me _ (前几天你们谈论的小说) 23 Please show me_ (你买的词典) 24 He decided to work harder_ (为了赶上别人) 25 Our country is_ (跟整个欧洲一样大) 26 The letter says that_ 下周他们要从美国拜访我们) 27 Because of the social deve

4、lopment, the city_ (变得越来越漂亮了) 28 The doctor told me _( 一天服药三次) 29 Mary feels that_(她的朋友不再喜欢她)30 Only in this way _(你才能学好英语) 31 He thought a lot_(在回家的路上) 32 _(我宁愿去购物)rather than go swimming 33 The child had gone to sleep _(他的父亲回家之前 34She considers_(在海边度暑假) 35. He_ (忙于做生意) 36 we must decide_(去还是留) 37

5、The broken door_(和他没有关系 38 Dad promised me_买一台电脑作为生日礼物 39 We know that_(有一天他会成为一位成功的科学家40Father warned him _不要与别人打架 4l She continued_(写一篇关于美国历史的论文)42. He enjoys _ (在公众面前演讲)43 Please listen carefully,_(否则你会错过某些要点)44 There is no doubt_(我们将在比赛中获得第一名)451feel like_(上床睡觉前洗个澡) 46Dont forget _- (让他来我的办公室)47

6、 Father was very pleased that_(他女儿通过考试了)48 She wondered_ (如何乘公共汽车到动物园)49 I want to know_ (你是否愿意和我一起去看电影)50 I will never forget those happy days_(我和父母在那美丽 小镇度过的)51_(无论多么困难),well never give up52 She tries very hard_(按时完成作业)53 Youd better buy a map_(以便能尽快找到博物馆)54 I believe that_(我的老师会帮我解决问题)55 There is

7、 a window_(昨天被打碎的)56 They suggest _ (我们下次再讨论这个问题)57 The rain _ (导致交通事故的)was still heavy.58 The air is fresh. Lets _ (打开门让清新空气进来)59 _ (尽管他很努力),he still couldnt catch up with me60 Hurry up,_ (你就会赶上第一辆公共汽车)61She treats me_ (好像她是我的亲姐妹一样)62 They were made_ (遵守这些交通规则)63 I dont know _ (他是否收到了我的请柬)64 She co

8、uldnt tell me _ (她家在哪)65 I apologize for_ (没有履行我的诺言)66 _ (就在今天早上)1 met your father67 When he came in,_ (我们正在吃晚饭)68 _ (当她向窗外看时),she got a good idea69 We saw _ (昨天下午她在地里干活)70 They found _ (不可能按时把一切都准备好)71 _ (我们所需要的)is more practice72 When he woke up _ (发现自己躺在医院里头)73 He is so nice _ (许多人都喜欢和他交朋友)74 Whe

9、n he heard the bad news,he _ (忍不住哭了)75 _ (听到这个消息),they all jumped with joy.76 _ (不是所有的学牛) are interested in English study77 We will go and visit the museum _ (即使明天下雨)78 How I wish _ (我能年轻十岁)79 Is it the reason _ (为什么他拒绝了我们的帮助80 The price of water is _ (比十年前要高两倍)81 It is nearly ten years _ (自从我学习英语)8

10、2 We should help the others _ (当他们有困难的时候)83 They enjoy _ (每天清晨太阳从东边升起)84 He decided to work harder_ (为了赶上别的同学)85 He is _ (是一个很好共事的人)86. Tom is an interesting man. He likes _通过讲有趣的故事 逗大家笑。87. The thief _-from the police。(毫不费力地逃掉) 88. After all the exams, he _急于知道结果 89. Plants grow well _ 在有充足阳光和水的地方)90. There is something wrong with your TV set. Youd better_ (叫人检查一下。 91The import thing is _我们下一步做什么 92. Had you followed my advice, you_能按时完成这项。 93. She is very tired. _ (让她休息十分钟吧) 94 Is this the park _(他五年前去过的95 When I entered the meeting-room, I saw them_正在与一 名外国人交谈 96.


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