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1、六年级下册第二单元试题Part1听力部分一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。(5分)( )1 A. excited B scare C tired ( )2 A. quickly B quietly C queen( )3 A. caught a cold B woke up late C won the game( )4 A. bad day B great day C happy day( )5 A. milkB think C wink二、听录音,给下列图片标序号。(8分) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听问句,从A、B、C中选择合适的答语。(5分)(

2、 )1. A Because its OK. B. Because I watched TV. C. I dont know.( )2. A Yes, he was. B. Yes, she was. C. Yes, I was.( )3. A He was laughing loudly. B. She was clapping loudly. C. I was digging slowly.( )4. A. They were at the hair salon. B. I was at home. C. He was at bookstore( )5. A. She got a comp

3、uter. B. He missed the bus. C. I forgot my homework.四、听录音,判断下列图片与录音内容是否相同,用T和F表示。(8) ( ) ( )( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )五、听短文,选择与短文内容相适应的答案。(5分)( ) 1 Tom and John want to buy for their teacher. A. toy dog B. a toy bear C. a book( ) 2 They have yuan.A. fifteen B. twenty C. twelve( ) 3 They see many beautiful

4、 in the bookstore.A. books B. cards C. dogs ( ) 4 How much is the card ? Its .A. five yuan B. twelve yuan C. fifteen yuan( ) 5 They have left(剩余的)。A. five yuan B.ten yuan C.fifteen yuan 六、听录音,根据内容和图片,写出所缺字母。(6分)1. ain 2. ink 3.wi 4.a k 5.ho 6.ha 七、听录音,填写单词,补充完整句子。(6分)I was at the bus stop yesterday

5、at oclock. I was for my friend, Peter. He by bus. I was excited. Look! Were Basketball now. We all like “ “. Were .Part2笔试部分八、从方框 选择适当的动词,补充完整下列短语,注意不能重复。(共6分)woke got forgot had won missed1 the game 2 the bus 3 my homework4 some cotton candy 5 up late 6 a poor grade .九、根据句意及字母提示,在横线上填入适当的英语单词,使句子意思

6、完整并正确。(5分) 1.How much are your sunglasses ? Theyre 100 yuan. They are e 2. I was tired because I s up late.3. Why did you take so long ? I was digging s 4. I caught a cold. I had a b day.5. I was u . Because I got a poor grade.十 用所给词的适当形式填空。(7分)1. I (lose)my book yesterday. I had to (find) it.2. Wha

7、t was your uncle doing at 7:00 yesterday ? He was (dig) a hole .3. I missed the bus because I (wake) up late.4. Jenny sings (good) than Lisa .5. (be) you at the bookstore at 7:00 ? No ,I .十一、单项选择。(9分)( )1. He hurt his knee . He had to run . A. quick B. quickly C. slowly ( )2. Why was your teacher an

8、gry ? Because I my homework .A. forget B. forgot C. forgets( )3. They all at home lunchtime .A. for B. at C. to ( )4. Tony and May late ? Because they the train .A. was missed B. were missed C. are missed( )5. I was seeing the dentist . I was at the . A. teachers office B. dentists office C. station

9、 ( )6. 你今天倒霉极了,你会说: A. What a great day! B. What a bad day! C. What a happy day!( )7. 当你想知道Mrs. White 昨天下午在干什么, 你会问:A. What was Mr. White doing yesterday afternoon ?B. What was Mrs. White doing yesterday afternoon ?C. What was Mrs. White doing yesterday morning?( )8. 你想知道Gogo 接着去了哪里,你会问:A. Where did

10、 you go next ? B. Where were you yesterday ?C. First , I went to look in park . ( )9. 你想告诉朋友午餐时间你正在公园骑骆驼,你说:A. At lunchtime, we were riding a camel in the park.B. At lunchtime, we were riding a horse in the park.C. At lunchtime, we were riding bikes in the park.十二、情景反应:从II栏中选出I栏的答语。(6分)( ) 1. Did yo

11、u find your keys ? A. She got up at 6:30 this morning( ) 2. Where did you Tom go next . B. I can fold some paper.( ) 3. What happened ? C. He had a bad day( ) 4. When did your mother get up this morning ? D. Yes, I did.( ) 5. What can you do with your hands ?E. Next, he went to the zoo.十三、连词成句,注意大小写

12、。(6分)1. shop, Gogo, at, box, tissues, bought, a of, the (.) 2. at, they, subway, were, station, afternoon, the, yesterday ( ? ) 3. went, in, look, park, to, the, she, then ( .)( ,) 十四、根据图片提示完成下列句子,每空一词。(3分)图一 图二图三1. Why was he upset? Because he the .2. Where were you ?I was .3. What happened ? I lost .十五、阅读与写作。(共15分)任务一、从方框中选择合适的句子,补充完整句子。填序号。(5分)a .Its next to the shopping mall.b .Youre welcome! c .How can



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