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1、傲慢与偏见女性意识探究奥斯丁在这部小说中通过班纳特五个女儿对待终身大事的不同处理,表现出乡镇中产阶级家庭出身的少女对婚姻爱情问题的不同态度,从而反映了作者本人的婚姻观:为了财产、金钱和地位而结婚是错误的;而结婚不考虑上述因素也是愚蠢的。因此,她既反对为金钱而结婚,也反对把婚姻当儿戏。她强调理想婚姻的重要性,并把男女双方感情作为缔结理想婚姻的基石。Elizabeth (Lizzy) 小说的女主角,Elizabeth在五姐妹中排行老二,大姐Jane是远近闻名的淑女,她虽没有简那么姣好的面容,却也出落的婷婷玉立,Elizabeth聪敏机智、有胆识、观察力很强,且具有很强的自尊心,并善于思考问题,勇敢

2、的用知识和见识充实了自己的心灵,冲破了财产与地位和世俗眼光,在一个充满了虚伪和浮华的社会,找到了自我和珍爱。 在18世纪末到19世纪初处于保守和闭塞状态下的英国的社会背景下,大多数人都陷入精神的困顿,专署女性的光辉早已被虚无的社会的现实掩盖,Elizabeth却如出污泥而不染的白荷有着丰富的内涵与个性的型内心。她伶牙俐齿却不咄咄逼人,她用心灵看世界,看到当时社会上以财产和社会地位来谈婚论嫁的风气,没有真正的爱情,这使她陷进自身的渴望与迷茫交织的矛盾之中,但她并没有被这样的矛盾压倒,而是选择继续勇敢地追寻自己的渴望,书中将这种渴望具体化为爱情。在与地位高贵的Lady Catherine谈话中,E

3、lizabeth说了许多对女性的看法,她并没有女性一定要保守、琴棋书画样样精通的传统思想,而且对无礼的长辈她并不敷衍苟同,敢于去同她争论。(But really, I think it would be very hard upon younger sisters, that they should not have their share of society and amusement because the elder may not have the means or inclination to marry early. The last born has as good a rig

4、ht to the pleasures of youth, as the first. And to be kept back on such a motive! I think it would not be very likely to promote sisterly affection or delicacy of mind.要是因为姐姐们无法早嫁,或是不想早嫁,做妹妹的就不能有社交和娱乐,那实在太苦了她们。最小的和最大的同样有消受青春的权利。怎么能为了这样的原由,就叫她们死守在家里!我以为那样做就不可能促进姐妹之间的情感,也不可能养成温柔的性格。Allow me to say, La

5、dy Catherine, that the arguments with which you have supported this extraordinary application have been as frivolous as the application was ill-judged. You have widely mistaken my character, if you think I can be worked on by such persuasions as these. How far your nephew might approve of your inter

6、ference in his affairs, I cannot tell; but you have certainly no right to concern yourself in mine. I must beg, therefore, to be importuned no farther on the subject.说句你别见怪的话,Lady Catherine,你这种异想天开的要求真是不近情理,你说的许多话又是浅薄无聊。要是你以为你这些话能够说得我屈服,那你未免太看错人啦。你侄子会让你把他的事干涉到什么地步,我不知道,可是你无论如何没有权利干涉我的事。因此我请求你不要再为这件事

7、来勉强我了。)在友情方面,她对朋友非常的重视,除了姐姐Jane,她最好的朋友便是Charlotte,然而,当她知道她的朋友要嫁给Mr. Collins时,她第一句话就是不可能,之后便克制自己,为她祝福,可她心里却是非常难受的。(And to the pang of a friend disgracing herself and sunk in her esteem, was added the distressing conviction that it was impossible for that friend to be tolerably happy in the lot she ha

8、d chosen.她不仅为这样一个朋友的自取其辱、自贬身份而感到难受,而且她还十分痛心地断定,她朋友的这一个选择,决不会给她自己带来多大的幸福。)她是个很有胆识的人,在第一次到Lady Catherine的家中时,她就敢和一个地位高人一等的女士毫无顾忌地回答问题。(In spite of having been at St. Jamess, Sir William was so completely awed by the grandeur surrounding him, that he had but just courage enough to make a very low bow,

9、and take his seat without saying a word; and his daughter, frightened almost out of her senses, sat on the edge of her chair, not knowing which way to look. Elizabeth found herself quite equal to the scene, and could observe the three ladies before her composedly.Sir William虽说当年也曾进宫觐见过国王,可是看到四周围这般的富

10、贵气派,也不禁完全给吓住了,只得弯腰一躬,一声不响,坐了下来;再说他的女儿,简直吓得丧魂失魄一般,兀自坐在椅子边上,眼睛也不知道往哪里看才好。Elizabeth倒是完全安然自若,而且从容不迫地细细瞧着那三位女主人。)Elizabeth的性格缺陷中,主要是偏见,刚开始看见Mr. Darcy对人的态度时被对他产生了反感,以至在许多事情走向了与事实相反的方向。不过值得肯定的是,在她知道真相后立即对自己反思,把性格中的“偏见”改正。(How despicably have I acted! she cried. I, who have prided myself on my discernment!

11、I, who have valued myself on my abilities! who have often disdained the generous candour of my sister, and gratified my vanity, in useless or blameable distrust. How humiliating is this discovery! Yet, how just a humiliation! Had I been in love, I could not have been more wretchedly blind. But vanit

12、y, not love, has been my folly. Pleased with the preference of one, and offended by the neglect of the other, on the very beginning of our acquaintance, I have courted prepossession and ignorance, and driven reason away, where either were concerned. Till this moment, I never knew myself.我做得多么卑鄙!我一向自

13、负有知人之明!我一向自以为有本领!一向看不起姐姐那种宽大的胸襟!为了满足我自己的虚荣心,我待人老是不着边际地猜忌多端,而且还要做得使我自己无懈可击。这是我多么可耻的地方!可是,这种耻辱又是多么活该!即使我真的爱上了人家,也不会盲目到这样该死的地步。然而我的愚蠢,并不是在恋爱方面,而是有虚荣心方面。开头刚刚认识他们两位的时候,一个喜欢我,我很高兴,一个怠慢我,我就生气,因此造成了我的偏见和无知,遇到与他们有关的事情,我就不能明辨是非。我到现在才算不了自知之明。)Jane Elizabeth的姐姐,家中最大的女儿。她是小说中最完美的形象,生性非常善良,思想丝毫不受母亲的影响,对任何事物都往好的方面

14、想,即使是自己受到伤害也要为伤害她的人找理由。然而,这样的性格也只能生存于小说中,如果她生活在这个弱肉强食的社会,势必会被淘汰。(Elizabeth said: You never see a fault in any body. All the world are good and agreeable in your eyes. I never heard you speak ill of a human being in my life. Elizabeth说:“你从来看不出人家的短处。在你眼睛里看来,天下都是好人,你都看得顺眼。我生平从来没听见你说人家的坏话。” And Jane, wh

15、o had only been with held by the fear of giving alarm or inconvenience, from expressing in her note how much she longed for such a visit.原来她为了不愿意让家里人着急和麻烦,所以信里并没有说明她极其盼望有个亲人来看看她。)虽说感情不暴露并不是一件不好的事,但Jane的这种性格却为难她了,正是因为Mr.Darcy看不出她对Mr. Bingley表现出特别的感情,才使得她和Mr. Bingley原本一路顺风的爱情遭到了不小的挫折,如果不是妹妹和Mr. Darcy的

16、和解,也许一对美满的婚姻就因结束。(Elizabeth considered with pleasure that it was not likely to be discovered by the world in general, since Jane united with great strength of feeling a composure of temper and a uniform cheerfulness of manner, which would guard her from the suspicions of the impertinent. Elizabeth高兴地想道,Jane虽说感情丰富,好在性格很镇定,外表上仍然保持着正常的和颜悦色,那就不会引起那些卤莽人的怀疑,因此她对Mr. Bingley的心意也就不会给人察觉了。As for Jane, her anxiety under this suspense was, of course, mo


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