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1、 五年级英语上册期中检测试卷(人教版)( )1、A、Tuesday B、Thursday C、thirsty( )2、A、will B、wash C、watch( )3、A、sandwich B、salad C、sweet( )4、A、happy B、windy C、sorry( )5、A、music B、science C、maths二、听录音,依据所听对话,选择恰当的图片。(10分)( )1、A、 B、( )2、A、 B、( )3 A、 B、( )4、A、 B、( )5、A、 B、三、听录音,给句子排序。(10分)( )1、A hamburger, please.( )2、Im hungr

2、y, mum.( )3、Id like some milk.( )4、What would you like to drink?( )5、What would you like to eat?笔试局部(70分)四、写出以下字母的左邻右舍。( 10分)Gg Vv Pp五、为各单词选择恰当图片, 将其序号写在题下括号里。(15分)A B C D Eold Thursday Tuesday play football hot( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )六、为句子选择恰当的图片,将其序号写在题前括号里。(15分)( )1、Ms Huang is our music teacher.A、 B、

3、( )2、I often do my homework on the weekend.A、 B、( )3、My favourite food is ice cream. Its sweet.A、 B、( )4、We have beef noodles today.A、 B、( )5、My favourite fruit is banana.A、 B、七、选词填空。(10分)( )1、Do you know Mr. Wang? - No, I _.A、do B、dont( )2、Id like two _.A、sandwichs B、sandwiches( )3、The ice cream is

4、 _.A、sweet B、hot( )4、What do you have on _?A、Monday B、Wednesdays( )5、Whats she _? - Shes kind.A、like B、likes八、连词成句。(10分)1、often you Do books this read in park ?_2、he No isnt ._3、she Whats like ?_4、Id some like tea ._5、food favourite Whats your ?_九、阅读理解,对的写T,错的写F。(10分)Hello! Im Li Ming. Im in Class O

5、ne, Grade Five. My favourite day is Monday. We have PE on Mondays. Our PE teacher is Mr. Ma. Hes young and funny. Hes a good basketball player. After PE class, we have lunch at school. We have chicken, tomato soup and rice. I like chicken very much. Its delicious. After lunch, we go to the playground to play ping-pong.( )1、Mr. Ma is a maths teacher.( )2、Li Mings favourite food is chicken.( )3、Mr. Ma is a good football player.( )4、Mr. Ma is young and funny.( )5、Li Ming has PE on Fridays.



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