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1、七年级英语提高班培训资料(6)班别:_ 姓名:_一、il i thblns(A)Mypaents, my sst andI llli dog. Btts sd th our (1)d_ ded aear ago olat Sunay morng,w wer tnkngof getti do. My (2)f_herd(听到) tera bi o bar (狗舍) the ci. So we rovedo to te ar o choos ogo() b_ homeIn te car we wr all tikng of a nae d atknd of dg itwould be.Mystr

2、and I thought (4) m_ namesor the ew og. (5) B_ Mom saidnoe o thoe mswere good andwe mus ok ath dog frst.Thn whenw() a_i th barn, Wemt decd(7) _dgto bring hom. ws rd t (8) c_ becase they were all ery cute.(9) F_, we deided on ne. Itwas tesmallestne. When ced it we al thinking o a (10) n_ forit. Tn m

3、fathr said, “Letsameit y.” Sua agdnam, so w lsidOKad ok it home. t was th est dayever(B)hatdo you antbe ite futue An animtor(漫画家), a lown (小丑)or adancer t peroaiies(个性)dothy v Animaos rcreati. h havemake(1)i_ stories nd aacter. Thy ned todraw goopictures hey ed t () w_ rdi odet meet gt scheus Have y

4、o eve thgt o big acw You (3)c_ be a lown if you are not humou (幽默).lowns bring hppinet eopeTey ave to be(4)f ad humoros toak people lauh. Thy needo av good stregth (力量)eaue the asoperform funn and dffiult tricks. eig rtist(艺术的)s ne of theprsoalit tha aerave.heycaot epress heir felngs hroh dancing f

5、they dont knw the(5) _and the ides of ac erformncewel. Tey have o practcevry(6) h_ befre giviuccssfuprformances.Wha ersaltes do yu have Think(7)_ ur on persaltis an tepenltesta difrnjobsask f. You il now (8) w_ ob s theest for ou.Ex2:oose thebest anser:( )1.Your cr i_ tan mie but i ok ier. A heap B.

6、 expeiv C. chaper( )2.H alwas oes hishomewr _, so e n get good marki is eam. A.arefu . caefully C.carlesly( ).Toy oftn s t shool_. latey B. late arler ( )4B_! Thestudets are eaing ooks_i t libar. A. uetuiety B.ietly, uet qi, quiet ( )5 t _ for meto learn Germay but I will udy _ to earn it A. hard, h

7、ardly B.had, hrd C. hardly, hr( ) _ you_ lok aer yur litle ter at home A Do, edto Ned,to .Do,need( ) I fl _he see the childenag _in e park. A. happil, appily B. hppy p C. apy, happi( )8. Iop can do _ than the oters in wrting. A.tte B. weller C ell( )9_ ver ar _hem_Montomolagma. Ahis, to, o climb B.

8、It, r,to cm C. Thi, for, climbngEx3:cmpete esetences:长得越来越高了He is getn _.他比班上的其他学生大一岁He is _sdents inhiclss.3.哪个科目更容易,Engsh还是maths_, Englishor maths.乒乓球比体操更普及吗?。_Table tnnis _ th ymnstis5.没有什么比篮球更刺激了。Notng _ than bketball6.明天李叔叔将带我们参观他的工厂ncle L isgoing o_isfactry omorrow7.外面冷,你需要穿些暖和的衣服。 ts cl ouside, an yo _war cothes.8. 一些男孩在放风筝,其他的男孩在打羽毛球。 o oy are flying kitesad _ ar playin bamiton.


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