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1、完形填空典型题精练(四)(1) Mrs Brown lives in a small town. Her _1_ died when she was fifty-eight. And five years ago her _2_ married a shopkeeper. Now the old woman stays at home _3_. “I havent seen Lily for months,” the old woman _4_ one day. “Perhaps something has happened to her.” “Hello, dear,” Mrs Brown

2、said on the _5_. “How are you getting along now?” “Its too bad, Mummy,” said a woman. “My children often _6_ their clothes dirty but I have no time to _7_ them. I have to look after them and cant tidy the room. Several guests will come to _8_ this evening, but I cant cook for them. I dont know what

3、to do!” “Dont _9_,” said Mrs Brown. “Im going to help you right now. I can do all for you.” “It s very kind of you! And hows Daddy?” “Daddy? Dont you remember your daddy _10_ for nine years?” A little silence. “What number did you dial?” “Oh, sorry,” said the old woman. “Ive dialed a wrong number!”

4、“Hold on, please,” shouted the woman. “Does it mean you wont come to help me?”( )1.A.father B.husband C.brother D.uncle( )2.A.aunt B.sister C.daughter D.friend( )3.A.alone B.quietly C.sadly D.happily ( )4.A.hoped B.spoke C.cried D.thought( )5.A.telephong B.radio C.TV D.computer( )6.A.keep B.put C.ma

5、ke D.want( )7.A.throw B.wash C.dry D.look for( )8.A.rest B.play C.work D.dinner( )9.A.cry B.laugh C.worry D.fail( )10.A.has died B.has been dead C.died D.has left(2) Mr Jackson lives in London. He likes _1_ and wants to visit all the places of interest in the world. Last month he decided to take his

6、 _2_ in America. The day before yesterday he stayed in a hotel in New York. This morning he _3_ downstairs to pay his bill. He had only fifteen _4_ to get to the station. Suddenly he _5_ he had forgotten something is his room. “Look here, boy,” he said to the bell boy. “_6_ upstairs to my room and s

7、ee if I _7_ a bag on the table there. Be quick about it!” The bellboy _8_. A few minutes passed. Mr Jackson got more and more worried. He was pacing up and down(来回走动), looking very_9_. At last the bellboy came back. “Yes, sir,” said the young man. “Your bag is right on the table in your room. _10_ I

8、 fetch(取) it for you?”( )1.A.paying B.swimming C.travelling D.working ( )2.A.weekend B.holiday C.birthday D.Sunday( )3.A.flied B.jumped C.went D.hurried( )4.A.minutes B.hours C.days D.weeks( )5.A.forgot B.remembered C.hoped D.wanted ( )6.A.Come B.Walk C.Stay D.Run( )7.A.leave B.lose C.have left D.ha

9、ve lost( )8.A.hurried off B.hurried up C.was surprisd D.turned down( )9.A.happy B.sorry C.sad D.worried( )10.A.Would B.Shall C.Do D.Ha(3) Linda is a beautiful and rich girl. She wouldnt show interest in any young man and it makes them _1_. One day Fred came to the town to see his friend Mike. “Youve

10、 _2_ a lot in the university,” said Mike. “I _3_ you can help us to punish Linda!” “Thats _4_!” said Fred. “I can make her laugh and cry in five minutes. But you must _5_ me a chance.” Three days later, while Fred was walking with his friends near the garden, they saw Linda _6_ her dog under a big t

11、ree. He came up to her and began to _7_ the dogs head and then he said to it, “Daddy!” The girl _8_ this and began to laugh. “What are you laughing for, Mummy?” Fred asked the girl. Lindas _9_ turned red at once and began to cry. “What _10_ man you are!” the young men said to Fred and began to laugh

12、 at the supercilious(高傲的) girl.( )1.A.terrible B.unhappy C.glad D.quiet( )2.A.learned B.seen C.met D.taught ( )3.A.want B.let C.ask D.hope( )4.A.busy B.hard C.easy D.free( )5.A.give B.throw C.pass D.find( )6.A.kill B.killing C.play with D.playing with( )7.A.beat B.touch C.cut D.hurt( )8.A.saw B.list

13、ened to C.heard D.felt( )9.A.nose B.eyes C.ears D.face( )10.A.a strange B.a clever C.an able D.a polite(4) Jack was a young boy. He was playing _1_ a ball in the street. He kicked it too _2_, and it broke the window of a house and fell _3_ the room. A woman came to the window with the ball and shouted _4_ Jack, so he ran away, but he still wanted his ball back. A few _5_ late


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