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1、 BEC英语词汇整理(2)Work Roles Glossary accountability 问责性 aptitude 力量倾向 brainstorming 头脑风暴 career orientation 职业定位(The fairly stable pattern of preferred occupational activities, talents, values, and attitudes. ) career path 职业道路 career skills portfolio 职业技巧组合(The sum total of one”s occupational skills, a

2、bilities, and knowledge.) competency 力量素养/ 素能 ( A measurable pattern of knowledge, skills, abilities, behaviors, and other characteristics that an individual needs to perform work roles or occupational functions successfully. ) eligible adj. 合格的 (An applicant who satisfies the minimum qualifications

3、 requirements for the position, and therefore is eligible for consideration. ) employee survey 员工意见调查 (anonymous questionnaire that enables employees to state their candid opinions and attitudes about an organization and its practices. ) empowerment 授权 (giving people the authority, opportunity, and

4、motivation to take initiative and solve organizational problems. ) formalization 职能正规化 ( the extent to which work roles are highly defined by an organization. ) goal setting 目标制定 group cohesiveness 团队分散力 ( the degree to which a group is especially attractive to its members. ) interdisciplinary posit

5、ion 穿插性职位 (a position involving duties and responsibilities closely related to more than one professional occupation. As a result, you could classify the position into two or more professional occupational series. The nature of the work is such that people with education and experience in two or mor

6、e professions may be considered equally well qualified to do the work. ) inter-occupational mobility 职业间流淌 (the ability of workers to move from one job to another outside of their occupational family (e.g. English teacher to television scriptwriter or office administrator to Web site developer) Intr

7、a-occupational mobility 职业内流淌 (the ability of workers to move from one job to another within an occupational family (e.g. auto mechanic to truck mechanic or carpenter to cabinetmaker) job analysis 职务分析 (a systematic method for gathering, documenting, and analyzing information about the content, cont

8、ext and requirements of the job. It demonstrates that there is a clear relationship between the tasks performed on the job and the competencies required to perform the tasks. Job analysis information is used to develop employee selection procedures, identify training needs, define performance standa

9、rds and other uses. ) job satisfaction 工作满足度 (Job satisfaction is a term used to describe how content an individual is with their job. There are a variety of factors that can influence a person”s level of job satisfaction: the level of pay and benefits, the perceived fairness of the promotion system

10、 within a company, the quality of the working conditions, leadership, social relationships and the job itself (the variety of tasks involved, the interest and challenge the job generates, and the clarity of the job description/ requirements.) life career development 终身职业进展 ( self-development over th

11、e life span through the roles, settings, and events in a person”s life) life career planning 终身职业规划 (The decision-making process by which you identify the alternatives open to you in occupational, educational and leisure arras of your life. ) life skills 生活技能 (skills that enable a person to cope wit

12、h the stresses and challenges of life; e.g. communication skills, decision-making skills, resource and time-management skills and planning skills. ) management by objectives (MBO) 目标治理法 (an elaborate, systematic, ongoing program to facilitate goal establishment, goal accomplishment, and employee dev

13、elopment. ) mentoring 辅导 (a learning-based activity whereby an experienced and competent individual enters into a relationship of support, encouragement, information and advice for a learner who wants to acquire similar experience and competence. ) mobility 职业流淌 motivation 鼓励 non-standard work 非标准工作

14、 (part-time, contract and temporary work are common examples of non-standard employment. Other examples include home telecommuter, satellite office telecommuter and remote field worker. For teleworkers, the workplace could be at home, a satellite office, on site at a customer”s office or even in a v

15、ehicle. Non-standard employment also includes “own-account“ self-employment, which is the selling of goods or services by people who do not employ workers themselves. Non-standard work broadens the consideration of workers looking to pursue work alternatives. ) standard work 标准工作 (full-time, full-year work with a single employer. Standard work usually offers some form of benefits and some further prospects. A typical employer could be a large firm or a government department.) on-



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