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1、Unit 3 My friendsPart B Lets learn & Lets talk 一、 Teaching Aims1、Knowledge Aims1) Ss can understand and say: long hair, short hair, a green bag, brown shoes, blue glasses.2) Ss can understand , say and make use of the sentence“Whats her name?Her name is ” in the actual language situation.2、Ability A

2、ims Be able to comprehend and apply “Whats her name?Her name is ” in the actual language situation.3、Emotion AimsTrains the student to love friends, love life of good feelings.二、Key Points/Difficult Points1、Key PointsBe able to comprehend and apply “Whats her name?Her name is ” in the actual languag

3、e situation.2、Difficult PointsDifficulties:To make the difference between “Whats her name?” And “Whats his name?”三、Teaching Aids PPT , tape recorder, cards.四、Teaching StepsStepsTeachers ActivityStudents ActivityPurposePre-taskWarm-upandRevision1.Greetings and free talk2.Sing “Friends”3.Lead inToday

4、well talk about our friends. Well learn Unit 3 My Friends. Part B Lets learn & Lets talkGreetingsWatch a video and sing. Learn the word “friends”“Friends”既能调动气氛,又能复习单词和句型,以旧带新,为后继学习的展开扫清语言障碍。Presentthe taskTopic: friendsTask: introduce your friends能运用今天所学的单词和句型简单介绍自己的朋友。Listen and look at the PPT.一开

5、始指出本节课任务,带学生带着任务学习,更有目的性。While-taskLets learn Lets talkPresentation:T; Now lets play a guessing game.(PPT出示被覆盖的图片)1. tall or short T: Can you guess tall or short?2. strong or thinT: This is a boy, Is he strong? Is he thin?3. boy or girlT: Is a boy or girl? (师带读boy or girl, 这是新课的小知识点)T:Yes, you are r

6、ight. Its a boy. Whats his name? Hes Wu Yifan.(PPT出示人物头像,用箭头标注出眼镜和头发)1. Teach the phrase: blue glassesT: What are they?T: What color are his glasses ?T: He has blue glasses, and we can also say his glasses are blue.3. T: Teach the phrase: short hair.T: Look at Wu Yifans hair .Is short or long?4. T:

7、Teach the phrase: green bag.T; He has a bag. What color is it?T; Wu Yifan is talking with his friend. Who is she?(由Wu Yifan引出Sarah 并出示她的头像)5. Teach the phrases: long hair and brown shoes in the same way.6. Listen and repeat.7. Quick Response Presentation:1. T: They are all Wu Yifans friends. Look ca

8、refully, they have different color shoes.T: Lets listen to the tape and guess who is he/she?T: Open your book. And lets listen to the complete tape. You can check your answer.2. Listen and repeat.3. Pair Work.Ss guess the words“short” ”tall”“boy”Learn the phrase “boy or girl”Learn the sentence “Yes,

9、 you are right.”Ss answer the questionsLearn the phrase:“blue glasses”Learn the phrase:“short hair”Learn the phrase:“green bag”Learn the phrases:long hair and brown shoesSs say the words quicklySs guessWho is he? Learn the dialog and practice in groups.由guessing game 自然引出本节课主题。以游戏方式,既复习旧词,又由Wu Yifan

10、自然引blue glasses short bag.。由Wu Yifan引出好朋友Sarah,书本上的人物,学生既熟悉又亲切。快速反应游戏不仅能巩固新学的词组又能活跃课堂气氛。学生听课文录音猜人物既直接有效的引出新课内容,又能提高学生参与的学习热情。Post-taskFinish the taskTaskDescribe your friend.1. T: Lets guess who is he?(师出示一些描述人物特征的句子让学生去猜。)He is tall and thin.He has glasses.His shoes are blue.His bag is g

11、reen.Whats his name?2. Group Work: Describe your friend.3. Makeup Game充分利用资源,让学生在小组中讨论,用所学知识介绍班级的同学。充分利用多媒体网络,在线玩一个化妆游戏,巩固新知的同时,更开拓学生的视野,调高他们的实际动手能力。Homework1. L Copy the words four times. 2. Draw a picture about your friends.Finish the homework.分层设计作业满足不同层次学生的需求。BlackboarddesignUnit 3 My friendsPart B Lets learn & Lets talk blue glasses long hairshort hair brown shoes green bag


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