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1、对食品添加剂的看法和态度近年来,国内外由于食品添加剂引发的食品安全问题层出不穷,接连不断曝光的三鹿奶粉中的三 聚氰胺、面粉中的增白剂、甲醛啤酒等事件触动了消费者敏感的神经,部分企业或个体经营者在 生产中超标使用食品添加剂,甚至违法使用有毒有害物质,使食品的安全风险大大增加,食品添 加剂便成为了人们茶前饭后的热门话题。 In recent years, domestic and foreign, as food additives food safety problems caused by endless successive exposure of melamine in Sanlu mil

2、k powder, flour brightener, formaldehyde beer events touched the sensitive nerve of consumers, some companies or individual operators in the production of excessive use of food additives, or even illegal use of toxic and hazardous substances, so that greatly increases the risk of food safety, food a

3、dditives, it has become a hot topic of tea before the meal. 不管怎样,食品添加剂已成为我们生活中不可避免的一部分,出现 在大多数的食品中 ,我们又以一种什么样的态度对待食品添加剂问题呢。 In any case, food additives has become an inevitable part of our lives, in most of the food, what kind do we have attitudes towards food additives problem then.根据我国最新的食品安全法规定,

4、食品添加剂是指用于改善食品品质、延长食品保存期、 便于食品加工和增加食品营养成分的一类化学合成或天然物质。 According to Chinas new Food Safety Law stipulates that food additives is to improve food quality, extend shelf life of food, easy food processing and food nutrients to increase a class of synthetic or natural material. 食品添加剂是为改善食品色、香、味等品质,以及为防腐和

5、 加工工艺的需要而加入食品中的化合物质或者天然物质。 Food additives is to improve food color, smell, taste and other qualities, andfor the preservation and processing needs of the compounds added to food quality or natural material.食品添加剂主要作用有 : 改善食品品质 , 提高食品质量 , 满足人们对食品风味、色泽、口感 的要求 : 提高食品的加工效率 , 使食品加工制造工艺更合理、更卫生、更便捷 ; 防止食品腐

6、败变质 , 延长食品保质期 , 减少损失 , 在极大提高食品品质和档次的同时 , 为消费者提供 各种各样价格合理、品质稳定的食物。 Major role in food additives are: to improve food quality, improve food quality, meet people for food flavor, color, taste requirements: to improve the efficiency of food processing, food processing and manufacturing technology to mak

7、e more rational, more health, more convenient; prevent food spoilage to extend food shelf life, reduce losses, improve food quality and in great grades, while providing consumers with a variety of reasonable price, stable quality of food.在很长的一段时间里,由于人们没有认识到添加剂的危害,许多国家在食品加工行业普遍使用。 In a very long peri

8、od of time, because people do not realize the dangers of additives, food processing industry in many countries, widespread use. 随着社会的发展和人们生 活水平的提高,越来越多的人对于在食品中使用添加剂会不会对人体健康造成危害提出了疑问。 With the social development and peoples living standards improve, more and more people for the use of additives in fo

9、od will not cause harm to human health into questioi最 近越来越多的媒体报道了很多关于食品添加剂的负面报道,如双汇的“瘦肉精”,台湾部分食品 的“塑化剂”等等,都使得我们惊慌不安,我们问自己到底我们吃得什么东西没有食品添加剂, 又有多少食品是安全的。 Recently more and more media coverage a lot of negative reports on food additives, such as Shuanghui, CL, Taiwan, part of the food plasticizer and s

10、o on, have made us panic anxiety, we asked ourselves in the end we What not to eat food additives, and how much food is safe. 这一系列扭曲了我们对食品添加剂的认识,很多人 都是谈食品添加剂百变色。 This series distorts our understanding of food additives, food additives, many people are talking about amazing color. 食品添加剂在人们心中的形象 一下子变成

11、了所有食品安全的罪恶根源。 Food additives in peoples minds the image of a sudden become a source of all evil food safety. 而事实上不是这样的,食品添加剂并不 等同与非法添加物,因此我们在各种各样的报道中要保持理性,正确认识食品添加剂的利与弊, 做好食品安全的防范工作的同时,提高我们的食品的美感。 In fact not the case, food additives and illegal additives is not the same, so we in a variety of repor

12、ts to maintain a rational, correct understanding of the pros and cons of food additives, food safety precautions do work, enhance the beauty of our food.合法的食品添加剂种类繁多,应该区别对待。 A wide range of legitimate food additive and should be treated differently. 有的添加剂属于营养素,例如维生素、矿物元素,适当地添 加对身体是有益无害的。 Some additi

13、ves are nutrients such as vitamins, mineral elements, appropriate to add to the body is useful. 有的添加剂虽然没有营养价值,但是也很有必 要,例如防腐剂。 Although some additives have no nutritional value, but also necessary, such as preservatives. 虽然防腐剂这个名称让某些人听了觉得很可怕,但是对于需要长久保 存的食品,使用防腐剂是有必要的。 Although the name preservatives

14、heard some people feel so terrible, but requires long-term preservation of food, the use of preservatives is necessary. 防腐剂可以抑制微生物的活动,防止食物腐败变质,延长食品的保质期。Preservatives can inhibit microbial activity, prevent food spoilage and prolong shelf life of food. 如果不使用防腐剂,食物一旦腐败变质,微生物产生的毒素反而可能对身体健 康造成更大的危害。 If

15、you do not use preservatives, food spoilage once, but the toxins produced by micro-organisms may cause more health hazards. 但是也有的添加剂并无太大 的必要,例如色素。 But there is not much need for additives such as pigments. 色素 本身并无营养价值,也不能增加食物的味道、口感,只是用以给食品染色,让它显得艳丽好看, 以吸引消费者购买。 Pigment itself has no nutritional valu

16、e, can not increase the taste of food, taste, just to give food coloring, it seems pretty bright to attract consumers. 而色素使用较多的是合成色素,大多是以煤焦油为原料制成的偶氮类染料。 The pigment is used frequently in synthetic pigment, mostly based on coal tar as the raw material of the azo dyes. 其中有的经动物实验发现可能是致癌物(包括胭脂红、苋菜红、赤藓红、诱惑红、 日落黄),有的能加重哮喘患者的病情,有的能导致过敏等。 Some of the animal experiments that may be carcinogenic (including carmine, amaranth, erythrosine, the temptation to red, sunset yellow), and so


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