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1、学案设计 Unit 3Is this your pencil? Period 3Section B 1a1e【课型】听说课学习目标1.学生通过图片和实物学习有关物品的新单词:baseball,watch,computer game,ID card,notebook,ring,bag。2.学会用来询问或要求对方拼写单词的表达方式:“How do you spell it?”。3.通过听录音能获取对话中的关键信息,并让学生在真实语境,即失物招领和寻物启事中运用句型“Is this your.?”“Thats my.”“Here you are.”和“Heres your.”组织对话。【课前准备】1

2、.请在课前根据音标拼读下面的单词,能熟练掌握它们的读音。baseball,watch,computer game,ID card,notebook,ring,bag2.在相对应的图片下写出英语单词,并在你常丢失的物品下面画勾()。学习过程【自主学习】1.Revision:教师出示实物pencil,pen,book,eraser,ruler,pencil box,schoolbag,dictionary,与学生进行对话练习。2.Look at the screen and finish the conversations according to the pictures.(1)Whats th

3、is in English?Its a.What color is it? green.(2) Is that his ?Yes,it is.Is it black?No,it .(3)Is this her ?Yes,it is.Spell it,please.【师生互动】1.Learn and consolidate the new words:baseball,watch,computer game,ID card,notebook,ring,bag。2.Practice the conversation.Teacher:Whats this in English?Students:It

4、s a bag.Teacher:How do you spell it?Students:B-A-G.同伴之间用同样的方式用以下物品练习。3.Look at the pictures and write the English words.看图写词。新知呈现课堂探究一1.Listen again.Fill in the blanks with the sentences in the box.A.Whats your name?B.Is this your watch?C.Heres your baseball.D.Here you are.E.Thats my baseball.Conver

5、sation 1Linda:I lost my watch this morning.Man:OK.Linda:No,it isnt.Thats my watch.Man:Linda:And thats my ID card.Man:OK.Linda:Linda.Conversation 2Mike:Thats my pen.Man:This?Mike:Yes.and Man:All right.Whats your name?Mike:Mike.Man:OK.Mike:Thank you.2.听录音,在下面方框中标注升/降调符号。Man:OK.Is this your watch?Linda

6、:No, it isnt.Thats my watch.Man:Here you are.Mike:Thats my pen.Man: This?Mike: Yes.and thats my baseball.课堂探究二观察与思考在听力材料中,出现了两处“给你”的句式,分别是:和。跟踪训练根据上下文内容,完成对话。(不限词数)T:1.,Sonia,2. your ruler?S:Yes,3.4. thats my eraser.T:5. your backpack,Jane?J:No,6.Its her schoolbag.T:My name is Tim.7. your name?M:Mar

7、y.T:Nice 8. you,Mary.Is this your backpack?M:Yes,9. for your help.课堂练习一、根据句意和图片完成句子1.Is this your ?Yes, is.2.Thats his computer .3.Its my .4.This is her .5.Is that his ?No,it .6.How do you spell “” ?7.Is this red?No, isnt.二、从栏中找出与栏相匹配的答语。()1.Is this your backpack,Jim?()2.Whats this in English?()3.Wh

8、os the boy?()4.Whats your name,please?()5.Nice to meet you,Amy.()6.How are you,Jill?()7.Hello,Im Tom.()8.Heres your baseball.()9.Whats his phone number?A.Its 297-3389.B.Nice to meet you,too,Helen.C.Thank you.D.Amy.And your name?E.Hello,Im Jim.Nice to meet you.F.Tom,I think.G.Its a backpack.I.Fine,th

9、ank you.And you?J.No,its her backpack.自我反思1.我能把本单元学过的物品名词按下列形式分类:Stationery:Game things:Wearing things:Others:2.我会就“失物招领”话题和同伴开展对话活动。3.我的易错点是:参考答案跟踪训练1.Hello/Hi2.Is this3.it is4.And5.Is this6.it isnt7.Whats8.to meet9.thank you/thanks课堂练习一、1.ring;it2.game3.eraser4.watch5.baseball;isnt6.pen7.notebook;it二、15.JGFDB69.IECA


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