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1、 选修7 Unit5 Travelling abroad知识点汇总I重点单词1. recommend vt.推荐,建议,劝告recommend sth to sb = recommend sb sth 向某人介绍/推荐某物recommend doing.建议做 recommend sb.to do.建议某人做recommend that clause 建议 It is recommended that.据建议(1)I _before you do anything foolish.我劝你在没做出什么蠢事之前先仔细考虑一下(2)你能推荐一些有关这个学科的新书给我吗?Can you _on thi

2、s subject?(3)Capras film is a classic and I_ .卡普拉的电影堪称经典,我极力推荐。(4)我建议你和我的律师商讨一下这个案件。I recommended that _about the case.I recommended an EnglishChinese dictionary, which I thought would be of great help to his studies.(201001辽宁大连检测)A. Buying B. bought C. to buy D. be boughtIt has been that I try thes

3、e pills for seasickness. (201001陕西师大附中检测)A. warned B. said C. recommended D. argued2. occupy vt 占用,占领;占据occupy oneself with sth./in doing sth.忙于;专心于(1)他终日从事各种研究项目。He_ various research projects.be occupied with sth/in doing sth.忙于做某事= be busy with wth/in doing sth(2)她忙于写一本小说。She _a novel.occupy ones

4、mind/thoughts/attention 占据某人的头脑/思想/注意力(3) 这个座位有人占吗? _?(4)等待的时候,她尽量让自己沉浸在对假期的美好想象之中。While she waited, she tried to_ pleasant thoughts of the vacation.occupation n.工作,职业;占据;消遣 (5)他的职业是什么?What is his occupation?3.acknowledge (1)承认= admit acknowledge sb./sth.to be/as.承认某人/某物是 acknowledge that.承认acknowle

5、dge doing sth=admit doing sth.承认做某事It is universally/widely acknowledged that.是大家公认的(1)你承认你错了吗? _youve been wrong?(2)他承认收过一些可视为贿赂的礼物。He _that could be seen as bribes.(3)普遍认为他是世界最佳球员._/_the best player in the world.(4)我承认这个故事是虚构的。 I _.(2)答谢; 对。感谢=show thanks (5)日方希望对中国政府的无偿援助表示感谢。Japan wishes to _of

6、the Chinese government.(6)The actor_ of his film fans.演员对影迷的支持表示感谢。4.substitute n.代替者,代替品;v. 替代,取代。as a substitute for sth./sb作为代替的人或物substitute A for B用A代替B substitute A with B 用B代替Abe no substitute for. 无无可取代 没有那样好;不如称心(1)There is _educated workers with good habits.有良好工作习惯又受过教育的工人是无可替代的。(可遇不可求的)(2

7、)汤姆只是把玛丽当成他前女友的替身而已。Tom treated Mary just as_ his ex-girlfriend.(3)我把名单上我的名字换成了你的。I_ your name _mine on the list。substitute, replace区别(1)这两个词的含义略有不同,substitute强调“代替,顶替”,而replace强调“替换,更换”,即把旧的或坏的东西更换成新的(通常用take the place of更通俗些)(2)在句型结构上常用:substitute A for B用A代替B (使用A)replace A with B用B替换A (使用B)She s

8、ubstituted _. 她用糖代替蜂蜜。We replaced _. 我们用新轮胎替换爆胎。即学即用用适当的介词填空 (1)Home-made parts are being substituted _ imported ones.(2)The manager was unable to attend but sent his deputy _a substitute.(3)We substituted red balls _blues ones, to see if the baby would notice.(4)Fish can be substituted _ meat in th

9、is recipe.5.requirement n.要求 meet ones requiremens 满足某人的要求require to do要求做 require sb.to do要求某人做require sth.to be done要求某事被做 =require doing/to be done要求被做require that.(should)+动词原形要求做某事 It is/was required that.(should)+动词原形有人要求做(1)The situation _ (需要他在场).(2)Everybody_(被要求) attend the meeting.(3)Thes

10、e young trees _(需要照料) carefully.6.contradict sb/sth vt.反驳,顶嘴;否认。的真实性 contradict oneself 自相矛盾这则报道与我们昨天听到的相矛盾。The report _ yesterday.这个小孩喜欢当众于大人顶嘴。 The kid likes to _in public.7.辨析board/ broad/aboard/abroad几个词 1. All the passengers have boarded _the train. A. on B. to C. of D. / With all the two hundr

11、ed passengers , the plane took off.A. on board B. on the board C. on boards D. going on board解析:选A。on board在(船,车,飞机等)上,符合句意。 2.选词填空 (1)Where do I _ the ship? (2) We travelled _the same flight. (3) He came to miss his homeland when he settled down _. (4) She has a _ knowledge of computers.II.重点短语与句型8

12、.keep it upWell done! Keep it up! 干得好!继续好好干吧! They sang songs to keep their spirits up. 他们唱歌以保持高昂的情绪。keep up维持,保持;继续下去 keep ones word/promise信守诺言keep a record保持纪录 keep fit保持健康 keep in touch with.与保持联系keep up (with sb./sth.)跟上,不落在后面 keep.out of不使入内;不惹事keep sth. in mind把记在心里 keep ones balance保持平衡keep away from避免接近,远离 keep hold of.抓住keep an eye on sth.注意看守某物;照看某物 keep to sth 坚持;信守即学即用用keep的相关短语填空(1)The rain _ all a



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