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1、高二英语易错题回顾变式练习(一)M5U1 主备人: 冯青松 检查人: 金宁芳 行政审核人:一 指出下列句中的错误并改正(每题2分,共20分)1.It must have rained last night for the ground is wet, hasnt it?A B C : _错,应改成_.2.John is the only one of the boys in our class that never admit making a mistake. A B C : _错,应改成_.3.Only by focusing your attention on what you are

2、learning you can learn it well. A B C : _错,应改成_.4.While shopping, people often cant help persuading into buying what they dont really need. A B C: _错,应改成_.5. This is the only way that we can imagine reducing the overuse of water in students bathrooms. A B C: _错,应改成_.6. -:Which do you enjoy spending

3、your holiday, going picnic or going fishing? -: Neither. A B C: _错,应改成_.7. It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when questioning at the meeting by my boss. A B C: _错,应改成_.8. -Because the new policy, we are now able to lead a happy life. -I cant agree more. A B C: _错,应改成_.9. The purpose of the ne

4、w technologies is to make life easier, not making it more difficult. A B C: _错,应改成_.10.- What do you think of the new school? - It is a very good school for us to study. A B C: _错,应改成_.二 用所给词的正确形式填空(每题1分,共10分)1. There must be someone_ (spy) on us just now.2. His classmates all envy him _(admit) to T

5、singhua University.3. The girl _(gift) at singing was admitted into a famous music school.4. The local government is trying all out to find out who is _ (blame) for the forest fire?5. Workers used to get _(pay) by hours in our country?6. When it comes to _(play) chess, he is second to none in our cl

6、ass.7. There were many talented actors out there just waiting _.(discover)8. It rained heavily in the south, (cause) serious flooding in several provinces.9. Lucy didnt escape _ for their quarrel while Lily was lucky to run away. (scold)10. The way that he thought of _ the problem is practical. (sol

7、ve)三 改写句子(每题2分,共10分)1.If you work harder, you will make greater progress.= _ hard, and you will make greater progress.2.Your unrealistic desire may have a bad effect on your life and peace of mind. = Your unrealistic desire may badly _ your life and peace of mind. 3.Your requirements may be difficul

8、t to meet, but you should try your best. = _ the difficulty you may have meeting you requirements, you should try your best. 4. Some schools didnt make any changes in supply soda drink. = The supply of soda drink in some schools remained _.5. Children put on more weight at school because they can ea

9、sily get soda drinks. = Children have easy _ to soda drink so they gain more weight at school.四 单项选择(每题1分,共10分)1. He had a good disguise(伪装), but as soon as he spoke he _ himself. A. expressedB. enjoyedC. behavedD. betrayed2. - Tom graduated from college at a very young age.- Oh, he _ a very smart b

10、oy then. A. must be B. could be C. must have beenD. have been3. I would rather _ to see him yesterday, but I had an unexpected guest. A. goB. have goneC. wentD. going4. supplies to Yushu, Qinghai Province after the earthquake, Lots of rescue workers were working around the clock,高考资源网A. sendingB. to

11、 sendC. having sent D. to have sent 5. The lawyer listened with full attention, to miss any pointAnot trying Btrying not Cto try notDnot to try6. -Who do you think our mother will allow _ to see a film after supper? - I have no idea. A. leavingB. to leaveC. leftD. leave7. Dina, _ for months to find

12、a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency.A. struggling B. struggled C. having struggled D. to struggle8. -What do you suppose made her worried? -: _ a gold ring. A. LostB. Being lostC. LosingD. Because of losing9. Im sorry that I meant _ running with you this morning, but I overslept. A. to goB. to have goneC. goingD. went10. It was _ computer games that cost the boy a lot of time that he shoul


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