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1、大家论坛外刊精读版 http:/ Oklahoma, not Texas, had hottest summer everOklahoma and Texas have argued for years about which has the best college football team, whose oil fields produce better crude, even where the state border should run. But in a hot, sticky dispute that no one wants to win, Oklahoma just re

2、claimed its crown.After recalculating data from last year, the nations climatologists are declaring that Oklahoma suffered through the hottest summer ever recorded in the U.S. last year - not Texas as initially announced last fall.It doesnt make me feel any better, joked Texas rancher Debbie Davis,

3、who lives northwest of San Antonio.In the new tally by the National Climatic Data Center, Oklahomas average temperature last summer was 86.9 degrees, while Texas finished with 86.7 degrees. The previous record for the hottest summer was 85.2 degrees set in 1934 - in Oklahoma.Im from Oklahoma, and wh

4、en you talk about the summer of 1934, there are a lot of connotations that go with that, said Deke Arndt, chief of the NCDCs climate monitoring branch in Asheville, N.C. That whole climate episode - the Dust Bowl - that is a point in our states history that we still look back to as transformative.Ye

5、t the summer of 2011, was warmer than all those summers that they experienced during the Dust Bowl, Arndt said.Surprisingly, average summer temperatures are usually higher in states in the Southeast and southern Plains than in states in the Desert Southwest. For example, there are no cool spots in O

6、klahoma during a typical summer, while cooler parts of northern Arizona bring that states overall average summer temperature down.Also, the Desert Southwests generally higher elevations and drier air lend themselves to lower overnight temperatures, which pulls the daily average down, Arndt said.The

7、record swap became apparent after extra data trickled in from weather stations and meteorological field reports across both states. That data also pushed up Oklahomas mark as the hottest month ever by two-tenths of a degree, to 89.3 degrees in July 2011.版友答案汇总6月8日但是在一个谁也不想赢但却热烈焦灼的争论中 俄克拉荷马市刚刚重新宣布胜出而

8、且 西南部沙漠地区一般而言较高的海拔高度和更干燥的空气使得这些地区晚上温度更低 从而降低了日平均温度 阿恩特说从两个州的气象站和气象领域陆续搜集来的额外的信息使得这次纪录交换更为明显吴亚光先占座吧-完活。第一句:但在一场激烈,僵化同时也没有人想要获胜的争论中,Oklahoma很不幸赢得殊荣。第二句:此外,西南部沙漠的海拔普遍较高,空气也更为干燥,此特点对降低夜间温度起到了作用,也使得白天的日均温度有所下降。Arndt说道。第三句:气象站与气象领域对两州的情况进行了报道,从其报道陆续所给出的补充数据中可以看出,记录交换变得明朗了起来。elf_lark今天来晚了哈1. 然而,激烈的争论中难分胜负,

9、俄克拉荷马州不过是夺回属于自己的冠军2. 阿特恩说,沙漠西南部的高海拔,和干燥的空气使得当地夜间温度更低,总而降低了日平均温度。3. 气象站和气象学报告陆续给出了两州的补充数据后,交换记录也变得明显。zhang163_rabby第一句:但是在这场炎热的,黏糊糊的,没人想赢的争论中,俄克拉荷马州却荣得桂冠。第二句:同样,西南方沙漠通常海拔更高,空气更干。这使得他们夜间温度更低,这样就拉低了日间平均气温,阿尔文特表示。第三句:当从横跨两州的气象站和气象场报告的额外数据出现后,这个记录转换变得很明显。dyd9967但是在一个谁也不想赢却又势同骑虎的争论中, 俄克拉荷马市自称占了上风阿恩特说,沙漠西南部的高海拔和干燥的空气本身使得夜间的气温更低,这也降低了日平均气温。当气象报告陆续给出了两州的补充数据后,(谁胜谁负的)记录发生转换就是显而易见的了。


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