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1、公主日记1(The Princess Diaries 1)1该上学了!Time for school!不要做白日梦了 你要迟到了Stop daydreaming. Youll be late for school.有时我有些梦想Sometimes l have dreams.嘿 Louie 起来Hey, Louie. Come on.我描绘自己在l picture myself flyin该去上学了Its time to go to school.云中穿梭Through the clouds搏击长空High in the sky征服世界Conquering the world带着我的魔法钢琴W

2、ith my magic piano不再害怕Never being scared然后我意识到But then I realize我有超能力Im Supergirl我要来拯救世界And Im here to save the world但是我想知道But I wanna know谁来拯救我?Whos gonna save me?感觉有信心吗?Are you feeling confident?不太有Not really.你就记住 演讲的时候.Now just remember, when you make your speech.不要看下面的人dont look at the people.盯住

3、后面墙上的某个地方.Pick a spot on the back wall.不要转移视线.dont take your eyes off of it.并且声音要放大and speak loudly.谢谢 妈妈Thanks, Mom.再见 妈妈Bye, Mom.祝你好运Good luck.早上好 ButtonsMorning, Buttons.友好点 ButtonsBe nice, Buttons.对不起 Robutusen先生Sorry, Mr. Robutusen.祝你愉快Have a nice day.才怪I doubt it.我有超能力lm Supergirl我有超能力Im Super

4、girl我想知道What I wanna know谁来拯救我?Whos gonna save me?嘿 加油 哦 加油Hey, there, ho there你们好吗?How do you do?Grove雄狮向你们问好This is Grove Lions sayin hi to you.-我是Lana. -Anna.-Im Lana. -Anna.FontanaFontana.上来 雄狮!Go Lions!Josh!Josh!我有超能力Im Supergirl-Josh! -你在干什么?-Josh! -What are you doing?哦 他真是爱出风头Oh, hes such a s

5、how-off.Jeremiah 请从墙上下来Jeremiah, off the wall, pIease.快点 你应该很清楚Come on. You know better than that.早上好 Gupta小姐Good morning, Miss Gupta.早上好 Lilly.Morning, Lilly.还有Lilly的朋友Lillys friend.我有超能力Im Supergirl谁来拯救我?Whos gonna save me?你知道 作为球队的经纪人.You know, as manager of the team.我真的认为你应该加入球队I really think yo

6、u should be a part of the team.哦 哦! 天哪Oh, oh! Oops.对不起 我没看见你Im sorry, I didnt see you.我在想.I was thinking.又有人坐在我身上了Somebody sat on me again.-真的? -真的-Really? -Yeah.我不知道怎么回事l dont know what happened.我就是坐在那儿 练习我的演讲.l was just sitting there, working on my speech.教室里鸦雀无声.Its really a dumb class.毛骨悚然的景象Jer

7、k and jerkette sighting.夏日的轻吻Soft kisses on a summers day驱走我们所有的烦恼Laughing all our cares away梦想.And dream of.-什么? -什么?-What? -What?你没见过两个傻瓜交换口水?You never saw two idiots exchange saliva before?哦 是啊Oh. Yeah.他们太粗鲁了Theyre so rude.好 你知道吗 有那么一瞬间.Good. You know, for a second there.我以为你要离开我加入那些主流人物呢I though

8、t you were going A-crowd on me.哦 才不会呢Oh, heh. Negative.准备好辩论了吗?Ready for debate?我永远不会准备好的lm never ready for debate.加油 Josh!Go, Josh!所以这不是场辩论So this is not a debate.而是控制的问题This is a control issue.Grove利用教学来控制我们的思想.Grove controls our minds with what they teach us.但是你们知道吗?but you know what?他们并没有因此而满足Th

9、eyre not satisfied with that.我认为Grove应该取消校服.I think Grove should dump the uniforms.让我们全年都穿便装!and we have casual dress all year round!好了 好了All right, all right.好 姑娘们 冷静一下 冷静一下Ok, girls, settle down. Settle down.这不过是场辩论 辩论结束后.This is a debate, and after its over.我希望你们还是穿上校服I want you back in your scho

10、ol uniform.嘿 老大 管你怎么说Hey, boss, whatever you say.Josh 坐下Josh, sit down.-他太棒了 -他是我的-Hes the man. -Hes my man.好了 Josh 等会 好吗?OK, Josh. Later, OK?坐下 坐下 小子 你已经说明了自己的观点Down, down, boy. You made your point.好 那么 我们听到了.OK, so, now weve all heard.正方辩手Josh Bryant的观点from Josh Bryant for the affirmative.我喜欢这个声音I

11、 love that sound.我的观点是什么来着?Whats my point again?你喜欢我们的校服 它们代表着平等You like our uniforms. Theyre equalizers.现在我们听听来自.Now well hear the rebuttal.Mia Thermopolis的辩驳.from Mia Thermopolis.她将代表反方.who will present the negative argument.提出反对的观点against our proposition.加油 Mia!Come on, Mia!呃.我认为.呃.Um.I th-think.

12、um.好个卷毛球What a frizz-ball.看她的头发Look at her hair.我们等着呢Were waiting.快说!Say something!你们知道 呃.我.You see, um.I.你们看 便服.便服.呃.See, casual.casual.uh.你没事吧?Are you OK?她要吐了Shes gonna barf.哦 天哪! 她要吐了!Oh, God! Shes gonna hurl!盖上喇叭!Cover the tuba!好了 好了 都安静下来OK, OK. Everybody settle down.学着去飞Learn how to fly准备前行Got

13、ta move on从心碎的地方开始.From whats breaking your heart.Mia! 帮Taubman太太攀完.Mia! Finish up with Mrs. Taubman.你就可以休息了and then you can take a break.Hersh太太又给了大笔小费Another huge tip from Mrs. Hersh.Taubman太太也给了我小费 我们今天一整天都干得不错I got one from Mrs. Taubman. Were doing all right today.Walsh先生的绳子缠起来了Mr. Walshs ropes

14、are twisted.Walsh先生 别缠了!Mr. Walsh, stop twisting!你会被勒死的!Youll strangle yourself!嗨 妈妈Hi, Mom.你吐了是吧?You threw up, huh?还跑掉了And you ran away.我正试着忘却lm trying to forget about it.我要鞋和粉笔 好吗?Can I have some shoes and chalk, please?不管怎么样 我会和你们辩论老师谈谈.Anyway, Ill go taIk to your debate teacher.-他叫什么? -OConnell先生-Whats his name? -Mr. OConnell.我会把事情解决And straighten it all out.妈 我永远不会成为一


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