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1、第二课时Section A(3a3c)01基础过关, .根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1.Myuncles taght for wntyyeas t a _(当地的)school.2.Jne likes the _(手提包)rymuc. Sh wa to bu 3.Ho wsyour _(日常的)life.My moergv a _(可移动的)hones my birhda gf yterday.5The gil coes rom _(法国).Shepeaks Fench veryll.单项选择。 ()6Its bad o throw bou aer everywere. We avid_ t.

2、A. do.dong d .do( )7.Iisi thre toesbefore _a-shrt. bu B bouht C.to u D. buying( )8.I found _esy to work ot te problem. an doit mslf.A.this B. tat i. hos( )9.Man tre floes _ i our city ve year.A. pnt B. are plantd C. wre and Dpats( )10.Godnew!elring cars wi com into usein on or two years.ealy?Wee pec

3、ing tse w they_A. r main B. re ma C.ke D ill mke.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。11.不管花多长时间,我们必须找到那个男孩。We have tofind the boy,_ _howlon it taes12虽然工作很辛苦,但我还是乐在其中。_ _ itshrd wok,I enoyed it.13.事实上,汤姆做任何事都比我细心。_ _,Tom doe eveyhn or reull han me14.我希望有一天在世界各地我们都能买到中国制造的产品。I hpe we an buy rodutmad in inain_ _ _ the orl

4、5.中国如此擅长制造这些日常用品是多么伟大啊。Itgret that in s _ _aking tse_ thng.02能力提升, .完形填空。A tudentha newtclog. It cn makehildren domre_16_ ad also reduc(减少)th uber of hours they spedwatchng T everyay.The technolgyis_17_ “Suareeys”.It islitt sensor(感应器)n it i t i childens_18_.tcansto(存储)the numbrof ste aenbya hild du

5、rin e day and _9_ ths informaion to he amly pte. Software(软件)hen tell th 0_ how man hrs of TVhe ose can th taeveng. e hunredstps equlto(等于)e minue f 2_ ilr up all f thei V time,they have o do mre alking.ww. The nvntor,Gilan wan,says,“This will 22_ hiden to make erciepat f theirail life fr neryg.” S

6、sai tatten yarsa,childrewr_2_ becaue hey played ousd_4_their friend,whledys chdrn _25_ too much tiein ront th TV and hardly oeecise This wy oayschldrehve wiht prolemand become at( )16. B. studis C pratice D.xerci( )17 B.named . repled D e()1. B.glasses C.ha D cos( )1. tak B. ecurage . rad D.sen( )2.

7、A. chd B.doco C. oman D.teah( )21. B.Becae C. lthough D. If( )22.A.ae .aw C. hep . e( )3.A. hapr . eae C. cear . ealther( )24.A. fo B by Cwth .on()2. pend Btke C. ost D. mk名校讲坛www. no matter的用法no matter意为“无论;不论”,常与what,who,when,where,which,how等疑问词连用,引导让步状语从句。(注意:why一般不放在no matter 后面)状语从句的位置可放在主句前或后。在这种让步状语从句中, 我们常用一般现在时代替一般将来时,用一般过去时代替过去将来时。第二课时 Secton A(3a3) .0BB.11.n mar1.ethg1.In ft14ll part of1so t;eerydy.1620 BAA 21-25 CDA


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