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1、八年级上册Unit1-Unit2一、 短语翻译1、 为考试而学习2、 写日记3、 相当多、不少4、 去度假/去海滩/去购物5、 另外两小时;又两个小时6、 照相7、 一周一/两次8、 熬夜9、 总是/通常/经常/有时/几乎不/从不10、 至少11、 垃圾食品12、 例如13、 多于/少于14、 好/坏习惯15、 做.的最好方法是16、 问题的答案二、 句子翻译1、 你买了特别的东西吗?2、 我为父母买了一些东西,但为自己什么也没买。3、 我的腿太累了,以至于我想停下来。4、 你多久锻炼一次?5、 Jane是一个美国的十六岁的中学生。6、 因为糟糕的天气,我们看不到下面的任何东西。7、 我感觉我

2、像一只小鸟。8、 好像还没有人感到厌烦。9、 大家都玩的开心吗?10、 它有益于身心健康。三、 单选1、 Id like_bananas and pears.Oh,I only need_orange juice.A. little;a few B.few;a little C.a few;little D.a little;a few2、 Everyone_an English book.A. has B.have C.are having D.to have3、 The cakes_delicious.Can I have some more?A. sound B. feel C.tast

3、e D.smell4、 I want to buy a computer_himA. to he B. to him C.for he D.for him5、 I dont like this pencil.Please give me_one.A.other B. another C.the other D.the others6、 Li lei decided_to Mount Emei nest holiday.A. go B. going C.went D.to go7、 Rose is_nice_we all want to help her.A. such;that B. too;

4、to C.so;that D.very;that8、 He wants to do_.A. different something B. something different C.anything different D.different anything9、 _do you hang out with your fiends?Once a week.A. How long B. How many C.How soon D.How often10、Please write clearly.We can_ see the words.A.ever B. hardly C.sometimes

5、D.often11、_he is very tired,_he still works hard.A.But;/ B. Although;but C.Although;/ D.Because;/12、Eat more fruit and vegetables to keep_.A.health B.healthy C.healthily D.unhealthy13、It is not good for your eyes_TV too much every day.A.watching B. To watching C.watch D.to watch14、Yesterday I_a litt

6、le boy_in the corner.A.find;crying B. found;crying C.find;cries D.found;to cry15、It is sunny.What_weather!A.great B.a great C.bad D.a bad四、完成对话A:Hi,Lin Yang.How was your vacation?B:It was pretty.A:_?B:I went to Dalian.A:_?B:I went there with my pen pal.A:Your pen pal?_?B:He comes from Beijing.A:_?B:

7、He is tall and thin.He is a boy with a big head.A:_?B:Because we both like the sea.A:Oh,I hope I can go there some day.五、书面表达写几条关于良好的生活方式和健康的饮食习惯的建议(some advice on keeping healthy)1、 学生们应该多做运动.2、 有足够的睡眠是很重要的.3、 不要吃太多的垃圾食品.你应该多吃水果和蔬菜.4、 学生们应该早睡早起。熬夜不好。5、 我们最好每天吃早餐。Unit1Where did you go on vacation?短语

8、累积:1) go on vacation 去度假2) stay at home 呆在家3) go to the mountains 去爬山4) go to the beach 去沙滩5) visit museums 参观博物馆6) go to summer camp 去夏令营7) quite a few 相当多,不少8) study for为而学习9) most of the time 大多数时间10) of course 当然11) in the past 在过去12) walk around.四处走走13) one bowl of 一碗.14) take photos 照相15) some

9、thing important 重要的事情16) up and down 上上下下17) come up/down 上/下来18) the next day第二天必备句式:(1)Where did you go on vacation? I went to New York City.(2)Did you go out with anyone? No, No one was here. Everyone was on vacation.(3)Did you buy anything special? Yes, I bought something for my father.(4)How wa

10、s the food? Everything tasted really good.(5)Did everyone have a good time? Oh,yes. Everything was excellent. 词组搭配:1) buy sth for sb./ buy sb. sth 给某人买.2) stop doing sth. 停止做某事 Stop to do 停下来去做其他事 Stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事3) try doing sth. 尝试做某事 try (ones best) to do sth尽某人(最大努力)做某事 try it on试穿

11、(动副结构) have a try试一试4) remember/ forget+to do要做 +doing做过5) keep (on/up)doing sth. 继续(坚持)做某事6) wait for sb. 等待某人语法知识:1、 too many“太多”修饰可数名词复数 too many potatoes太多土豆too much“太多”修饰不可数名词 too much money太多钱much too“实在太”修饰形容词或副词 much too weak太脆弱了2、 because+从句 because of +n/ V-ing /代词 eg:Because of the heavy

12、rain,we have to stay at home. (Because it is raining heavily,we have to stay at home.) 由于下大雨,我们不得不待在家。3、enough作adj足够的, 修饰n,如: enough time enough money have enoughto do sth eg:I have enough time to finish the work. enough作adv修饰adj/ adv 足够地 如: old enough fast enough enough for sb to do sth eg:The job is easy enough for me to do. notenough to do eg:The book isnt easy enough for me to read. (The book is difficult for me


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