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1、代词1,人称代词2,物主代词3,反身代词4,指示代词5,疑问代词6,不定代词7, it的用法1,人称代词单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称 IMe weUs第二人称YouYouyouYou第三人称She HertheythemHe HimIt it-I love you more than her,child -You mean more than _love her or more than she loves_? A you;me BI;you Cyou;you DI;me A出于礼貌: you, he and I; we, you and they; 承认错误时I you and he拟人

2、: 月亮,国家,轮船,猫,鸟she; 马,大象,狗he;It is _who is singing in the room; sheIt is _ that he saw yesterday; (her)2,物主代词单数复数形容词性物主代词第一人称MyOur第二人称YourYour第三人称His her itsTheir名词性物主代词第一人称MineOurs第二人称YoursYours第三人称His hers itstheirs_Her_ bag is on the desk;My brother is a worker and hers is a soldier;This is your p

3、en. Mine is in the box. These books are ours.Of + 名词性物主代词 放在名词后面,表示强调:She is a friend of mine. That dog of theirs never bites;区别: This is a photo of mine;这是我的一张照片(为我所有) This is a photo of me.这是我本人的照片;3,反身代词单数复数第一人称MyselfOurselves第二人称YourselfYourselves第三人称Himself/ herself/itselfthemselvesPlease help

4、yourself to some tea. She only thinks of herself他自己做的作业。He himself did the homework.我想亲自看看那副图画。 I want to see the pictures myself.He is not quite himself today.不太舒服固定词组:by oneself独自的,单独的; talk to oneself自言自语;teach oneself自学 behave oneself表现得体, 有礼貌devote oneself to 致力于 make oneself at home 随便些help on

5、eself to随便来点吃点 make oneself understood 是自己让别人明白lost oneselflost ones way4,指示代词this( these) : 空间上,时间上较接近的事物;后面即将要讲到的事物that(those): 空间,时间上较远的事物; 已经说过的事物;I have to say this to you; Ive told you that!5,疑问代词共五个; who whom whose what whichWho谁,主格 whom 宾格 whose 所有格Who is that boy? It is him whom I see yeste

6、rday; whose book is it? which 提出两种或两种以上的选择 This is mine, which is yours?6,不定代词用来修饰或代替任何不定数字或不定范围的词叫做不定代词。One,both, some, every, either, neither, many, few, much,1、both,either ,neither 范围:两者both 意为两者都,either 表两者中任一个,neither表两者都不。2、any,none ,all 表三者或三者以上范围,any 表任何一个、一些(用于否定句、疑问句或条件从句中);none 表三者或三者以上中的

7、哪一个都不;表示不可数物中的一点儿也没有;all 整个的;所有的(三者或三者以上);所有的(不可数)。e.g.This book is a good seller,so you can buy it at any shop in BeijingNone of us are/is perfectAll of the village was flooded3、no one,nobody,none,nothing:no one,nobody表没有人,nothing 指没有什么事物none 兼指人和物。none 特指的人或物一个也没有,一点儿也没有。-How many people are there

8、 in the hall ?-None-who wants to go with him ?-No one(Nobody)-What can you see in the bottle ?-Nothing-Is there any water in it ?-None4、another,the other,the other+复数名词(或the others),other (other +复数名词):another 表三者或三者以上范畴中的任一;与数词连用,表再有;the other 表两者中的另外那个,特指;the other+复数名词(或the others),另外那些,表示其余所有的人或

9、物,用于特指;others (或other+复数名词)另一些,表余下人或物中的另一些,泛指。-I dont like this,show me another one(NMET 2000,16)If you want to change for a double room youll have to pay_$15Aanother Bother Cmore DEach (A)it,one,that 的区别: 高考的热点之一。-Why dont we take a little break?-Didnt we just have _?Ait BthatCone Dthis The Parkers

10、 bought a new house but_will need a lot of work before they can move inAthey Bit Cone Dwhich one 用以指代同类事物中的任一,that 特指性强,指代可数与不可数词,而it指代上文提过的同一事物。Tom has two grey shirts and three red _(one) ones7, it的用法一,作代词1, 起指示代词的作用,指一个人或事物。 Who is knocking at the door? Its me. Who is making such a noise? It must

11、 be the children.2, 指环境情况。It was very quiet (noisy) at the moment.3, 指时间,季节。 What time is it? It is eight oclock.4, 指天气或气候。It often rains in summer. Its very cold today, isnt it?5, 指距离。It is a long way to the factory.二,作引导词1. 作形式主语。It is not easy to finish the work in two days.It is not a good habit

12、 to stay up late.It is no use crying over the spilt milk.It is a pity that you didnt read the book.2. 作形式宾语。I think it no use arguing with him.I found it very interesting to study English.He made it clear that he was not interested in this subject.3. 用于强调结构。It is Prof. Lin who / that teaches us English.(强调主语)It is English that Prof. Lin teaches us.(强调宾语)It was in Shanghai that I saw the film.(强调状语)It was in 1975 that I worked in a factory.(强调状语)



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