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1、自信走向成功英语励志演讲稿自信走向成功英语励志演讲稿Inferiority and self-confidence draw further apart. Inferior to others often see too much, too heavy, and on their own strengths understanding insufficiency, only to feel nothing, and dont want to try to catch up with, so heavy psychological pressure to make these people be

2、 a yes-man, e to a standstill. Inferior mental barriers limiting capacity development, so that they gave away a good chance of success, without a single success eventually. Out of the shadow in front of inferiority, must be a sunny day! Whether it is a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva or the Spot

3、light dancing in a miracle, the actors in the faith and fate, overe inferiority plex, their electrifying performance won the applause from the audience, loved by the people. Visible, conquer self-abased, foster self-confidence, is our inevitable choice.Conceited and confidence will be misfits. Pride

4、 and inferiority are extreme psychological, conceited in some achievements after pleased with oneself, even be overbearing supercilious. These people even previously made some achievements, but also just flower briefly as the broad-leaved epiphyllum history lesson is worth us to remember in mind. Wh

5、en war with Xiang Yu to overthrow the Qin, exposed the cruel rule of the struggle played a role should not be underestimated, but a temporary military advantage makes him blind arrogance, self-styled overlord , the Liu Bang was defeated, the former can not be considered heroes, was cut in Wujiang. W

6、hen the Three Kingdoms Cao Mengde with broken halberds defeat, overlying the army at Chibi, it is a vain cause failures. Therefore, the correct evaluation of their strengths and achievements, face their own weaknesses and shortings, to draw the boundaries of confidence and conceit, a successful pers

7、on is really important.How to treat the self-confidence, inferiority, ego, which is full of dialectics. We have to believe in yourself, but not conceited; to face the inadequacy, actually does not feel inferior. Choice of confidence, overe self-abased, away from the ego, which is the requirement of

8、the new century, is the pursuit of the perfect personality requirements. For truly great men, still see today , Mao Zedong confident saying, will always inspire us to move forward.自信是成功的第一秘诀,它不仅是对我的才能的信心,也是对他们追求的目的坚决的信念。有了它,向成功的此岸。当中国_处于低潮时,毛_“火花火,火”;当敌人的夜晚,陈怡“没有起飞”,他自信地,唱“血腥”,应该是生活的“世界各地的自己看”!陈怡的“三


10、制自卑心理,其惊人的表演赢得了观众的掌声,深受人们的喜欢。可见,克制自卑,树立自信,是我们必然的选择。自负和自信都是格格不入的。骄傲和自卑是极端的心理,在获得一些成就后满意自己的自负,甚至是专横傲慢的。这些人甚至以前获得了一些成绩,但也只是昙花一现的历史教训值得我们记取。当战争推翻向宇秦,暴露了斗争的残酷统治起到了不可低估的作用,但暂时的军事优势使他盲目自大,自封为“霸王”,刘邦战败,前者不能被视为英雄,被吴江。当三演义曹操折戟沉沙,覆军于赤壁,它是一个虚荣的原因。因此,正确评价自己的优势和成就,面对自己的弱点和缺点,画出自信和自负的界限,一个成功的人是非常重要的。如何对待自信、自卑、自我,这是充满辩证法的。我们要相信自己,但不自负;要面对缺乏,却不自卑。选择自信,克制自卑,远离自我,这是新世纪的需要,是完善人格的要求的追求。”对于真正伟大的人来说,今天仍然看到“,毛_自信的说,永远鼓励着我们前进。第 页 共 页



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