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1、产品保修修卡Prottecttionn too Fix Carrd 非常感谢谢您使用用我们的的产品Thannk yyou verry mmuchh foor uusinng oour prooduccts.产品型号号Prooducct MModeel NNumbber产产品名称称Prooducct NNamee出厂编号号Facctorry SSeriial Numbber购买商店店Purrchaase Storre购买日期期 PPurcchasse DDatee 发发票号码码Invvoicce NNumbber用户姓名名Cusstommer Namee 用户电电话Cuustoomerr Phh

2、onee用户联 Cusstommer Couupleet本联及购购机发票票一同作作为机器器的保修修凭证,请妥善善保存。Thiss cooupllet andd thhe ppurcchassingg innvoiice aree booth connsiddereed aas tthe Prottecttionn too fixwaarraanteees, soo plleasse rreseervee thhem carrefuullyy.返回联 Feeedbaack Couupleet 产品型号号Prooducct MModeel NNumbber产产品名称称 PProdductt Naa

3、me出厂编号号Facctorry SSeriaal NNumbber购买商店店Purrchaase Storre购买日期期 PPurcchasse DDatee 发发票号码码Invvoicce NNumbber用户姓名名Cusstommer Namee 用户电电话Cuustoomerr Phhonee用户地址址Cusstommer Adddresss邮政编码码 Poost CoddesEE-maail保修说明明Prottecttionn too Fix EEluccidaatioon根据规定定本公司司点钞机机保修期期为一年年(自开开具发票票之日起起计算)。在保保修期内内,凡属属于正常常使用情情

4、况下由由于产品品本身质质量问题题引起的的故障,本公司司将负责责给予免免费维修修。Accoordiing to thee prresccripptioon, thee peeriood ffor prootecctinng tto ffix ourr coompaanys CCashh Coounttingg Maachiine is onee yeear. (FFromm thhe dday wheen yyou havve tthe invvoicce) Duurinng tthiss peeriood,aany bellonggs tto uundeer nnormmal usaage c

5、irrcummstaancee caausee beecauuse of thee prroduuct quaalittyss prrobllem of breeakddownn, oour commpanny wwilll bee reespoonsiiblee foor ggiviing freee mmainntaiin.1、 在保修期期内,凡凡属产品品本身质质量问题题引起的的故障,请用户户携带已已填好的的保修卡卡用户联联及购机机发票在在全国各各地本公公司授权权的维修修中心免免费维修修,保修修卡返回回联请在在购机后后十五天天内寄回回本公司司。In pprottectt fiix tthe

6、 perriodd, iif ttherre iis aany breeakddownn whhichh caauseed bby tthepprodductts ownn quualiity, cuustoomerrscannbriing thee puurchhasiing invvoicce aand thee cuustoomerr cooupllet thaat hhas fillledd, aand gett thhefrree reppairr frrom thee reepaiir ccentter thaat hhas autthorrizeed bby oour commp

7、anny.AAnd pleeasee seend bacck tthe retturnn cooupllet to ourr coompaany in 15 dayys aafteer bbuyiing macchinne.2、 不接收由由于擅自自改装或或加装其其他功能能后出现现故障的的机器。Thosse mmachhinees tthatt haas rrefiitteed oor aaddeed ootheer ffuncctioons by youur oown willl nnot be accceptted to reppairr.3、 保修卡及及购机发发票一经经涂改,保修即即时失效

8、效。Oncee thhe PProttectt too fiix ccardd orr puurchhasiing invvoicce hhas beeen cchanngedd, tthe prootecctioon tto ffix immmediiateely exppireed.4、 保存保修修卡及购购机发票票作为本本机的保保修凭证证,请用用户妥善善保存,遗失不不补。Thiss caard andd thhe ppurcchassingg innvoiice aree booth connsiddereed aas tthe Prottecttionn too fix wwarrran

9、tteess, sso ppleaase resservve tthemm caareffullly. Losse ddont rrepaair.以下情况况恕不免免费维修修Freee maainttainn woont bbe ggiveen uundeer tthe folllowwingg ciircuumsttancce:1、 无保修凭凭证的。Withhoutt Prottecttionn too fix wwarrrantteess2、 未按说明明书的要要求操作作机器而而引起的的故障。The breeakddownn caauseed bby tthe mannipuulattionn

10、 thhat hassntt foolloow tthe reqquessts of thee Maanuaal.3、 非本公司司持约维维修人员员拆动造造成损坏坏的。The dammagee caauseed bby tthe dissmanntlee moovemmentt offa noon-oour-commpanny aauthhoriizedd maainttainner.4、 因移动或或跌落而而造成的的故障、划伤或或破损。The breeakddownn, rrow harrm oor ddamaagedd beecauuse of theemovve oor ddropp.5、

11、用户保管管、维修修、使用用不当造造成损坏坏的。Theddamaage cauusedd byy cuustoomerr innappproppriaate preeserrvattionn, mmainntaiin, or thee ussagee. 6、 易损件及及随机配配件。Easyy daamagged pieecess annd ppressentt acccesssorriess arre nnot conncerrnedd.7、 因不可抗抗力造成成的故障障或损坏坏。The breeakddownnandd thhedaamagge ccaussed by thee Foorcee

12、maajeuure.产品说明明书Prodductt Manuual1 概述Brieef IIntrroduuctiion本公司系系专业生生产金融融机具企企业,具具有雄厚厚的技术术力量和和生产规规模,多多年来致致力于产产品的研研制与开开发,并并以品种种多样,功能齐齐全,性性能稳定定等优点点,赢得得广大用用户的信信赖与支支持,产产品畅销销全国各各地。CCX-5518系系列点钞钞机是本本公司奉奉献给广广大用户户理想的的金融机机具,为为使本机机发挥最最佳效能能,使用用前请务务必详细细阅读使使用说明明书。Our commpanny iis ssuchh a bussineess entterppriss

13、e tthatt caan pproffesssionnallly pprodducee thhosee fiinannciaal mmachhinee tooolss. WWithh thhe sstroong tecchniiquee sttrenngthh annd tthe prooducctioon sscalle, we devvoteed yyearrs tto tthe ressearrch andd thhe eexplloraatioon oof oour prooduccts thaat hhavee thhe ddiveersee sppeciies, weell-fo

14、uundeed ffuncctioon aand staablee peerfoormaancee. AAll of thee abbovee thhat havve wwon ourr cuustoomerrs ttrusst aand suppporrt mmadee ouur pprodductts wwelll soold arooundd thhe wwholle ccounntryy. TThe Serriess CXX-5118 CCashh Coounttingg Maachiine is thee iddeall fiinannciaal mmachhinee toool t

15、haat iis ooffeeredd foor oour nummeroous cusstommerss frrom ourr coompaany. Inn orrderr too haave thee beest efffectt off ouur mmachhinee, wwe hhighhly reccommmendded youu reead thee ussagee maanuaal iin ddetaail befforee ussingg.2 整机描述述Desccripptioon ffor thee whholee maachiine1 接钞导板板 Caash Recceivvingg Leead Plaank2 计数显示示器 CCounntinng ddispplayy3 启动传感感器 SStarrtinng TTrannsduucerr4 喂钞台 Caash Impuutinng SSet 5 接钞台 Caash Recceivvingg Seet6 叶轮Immpelllerr7 送钞轮 Cass


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