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1、The Attributive Clause定语从句概念什么是主句、从句?主句(main clause; principal clause)即句子的主体,能单独使用或出现的句子。从句(Subordinate Clause)是复合句对学生来说又是一个新“名词”中不能独立成句,但具有主语部分和谓语部分,由that、who、whom,when,why,where, how,which等引导词引导的非主句部分。Theres a photo competition that I want to win. (Book5 Moudle7 Unit1) 主句 引导词 从句什么是定语从句?在复合句中,修饰某一名

2、词或代词的从句叫定语从句, 定语从句在句中做定语成分。定语从句通常置于它所修饰的名词(或代词)之后, 这种名词(或代词) 叫做先行词。通俗地说,先行词就是被定语从句所修饰的词。从句的特点:由引导词引导;从句的时态要服从于主句;从句的语序为陈述句的语序; 定语从句的结构通常为:先行词 + 引导词 + 从句先行词 引导词e.g.:Im looking for the photos that you took in Australia. (Book5 Moudle7 Unit1) 定语从句that为引导词,在从句中代替 the photos引导定语从句的关联词分为关系代词和关系副词,在从句中代替先行

3、词。关系代词(who, whom, whose, that, which等) 在定语从句中可用作主语、定语、宾语等;关系副词(when, where, why等)在定语从句中只用作状语。e.g.:The photo最好词汇丰富些,换一个词汇会更好 (which) we liked best was taken by Zhao Min. (B5M7U3) 定语从句 which 为引导词,在从句中代替 the photo,并做从句中的宾语,可以省略。 定语从句 This god which has the head of a cow was normally placed inside a mum

4、my. (Lesson77 New Concept English 2)which 为引导词,在从句中代替 this god ,并做从句中的主语。The mummy of an Egyptian woman who died in 800 B. C. has just had an operation. (Lesson77 NCE2) 定语从句 Who为引导词,在从句中代替an Egyptian woman,并做从句中的主语增加相应的练习,便于学生理解。练习方式最好不用单项选择题。E.geg. 小写.:He got into a situation where it is hard to de

5、cide what is right and wrong. 他陷入一种难以分辨是非的局面。注意: 关系词要在从句中充当一定的成分。关系代词所替代的词在从句中不能再出现。如何将两个简单句合成一个含定语从句的复合句? 步骤:找到先行词;确定主句;(翻译)在整个从句之前加上引导词,且将从句中的“先行词”去掉,然后放在主句的先行词之后。(代入)Example:小写 Mr. Smith had brought boughta car. The car was destroyed in an earthquake.分析:先行词car;主句:The car was destroyed in an earth

6、quake. Mr. Smith had brought a car. which that Mr. Smith had bought.结论: The car which / that Mr. Smith had bought was destroyed in an earthquake.将下列两个句子合并成为一个定语从句。 He was surprised at the trousers. His mother shortened it twice. _ The story was very long. The story was told by the famous writer._Eng

7、lish is a language. English is widely used in business._He gave me a book. The book is of great value._This is the car. He came here in the car._I saw the man just now. He is the man._The house is on Yanan Road. Mary has bought the house._I usually take the bus. The bus was very crowded yesterday._

8、that引导的定语从句基本用法1. 定语从句一般要放在先行词之后。因此,定语从句在句中的位置随其先行词位置的变化而变化。如:Have you seen the photos名词和动词都换一下 尽量不与前面重复,学语法的同时复习单词 that I took on my trip?The photo that I took on my trip is on the desk.2. that引导的定语从句可以修饰无生命的东西,也可以修饰有生命的动物或人。如:Whats the name of the animal that jumps about?Who is the girl that talke

9、d to you yesterday?3. that如果在从句中作宾语使用,则可以省略不用。如:He is the student (that) we often talk about.Do you see the basketball (that) we are going to use in the match?4. 如果that在从句中作主语使用,那么谓语动词的单复数则由先行词来决定它的单复数。如:Look at the children that are playing soccer there.He has some bread that costs him about two do

10、llars.Join the sentences with that.1. Uluru is the big rock. Its also known as Ayers Rock._2. Sydney Opera House was a symbol of Australia. It was used as the symbol of the 2000 Olympics._3. Australia is the country. Most British people would like to visit it._4. Some of the words are very different

11、. Australians use them._5. Mr. Li has lived in Australia for 50 years. He came to our party._高级用法一、that指代某物时1. 先行词为all, few, little, much, the one, something, anything, everything, nothing等时。如:(1)Well do all that we can to protect the endangered plants and animals. 我们将尽我们的最大努力来保护那些濒危的动 植物。(2) There

12、is much that I wan to tell you我有很多想要告诉你的话。(3) Is there anything that I can do for you?有什么我可以帮你的吗?2. 先行词被all, every, no, some, any, (a)few, (a)little, much等限定词修饰时。如:(4) You can borrow any book that you want to read in our school library. 在我们图书馆,你可以借任何你想读的书。3. 先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时。如:(5)This is the most b

13、eautiful city that Ive ever seen.这是我见过的最漂亮的城市。4. 先行词被the only, the very, the right, the last 等修饰时。如:(6)This is the very factory that they visited last summer holiday. 这恰好是他们去年参观的那个工厂。(7)This is the only painting in this style that we have.这种风格的画我们仅有一幅。5. 先行词是并列结构,既有人又有物时。如:(8)He talked happily of th


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